RT @Love_Scott Hey CMO’s… Worried about in…
RT @Love_Scott Hey CMO’s… Worried about integrating social media into your marketing without making it a “Distraction?” http://is.gd/52HBK
read more...RT @Love_Scott Hey CMO’s… Worried about integrating social media into your marketing without making it a “Distraction?” http://is.gd/52HBK
read more...RT @aaronstrout Looking list of top 10 social CMO’s (of Fortune 500 co’s) I know @BestBuyCMO & @JeffreyHayzlett make list. Who else? #10CMOs
read more...RT @Heather04 #womma estimating $1MM spend on WOM by brands in next year…hmm, need to talk to accounting! #socialCMO
read more...McDonald’s Social Media Marketing Strategy http://ow.ly/F5yW #socialCMO
read more...My final #MarketerMonday for Nov 23 #MM @a_odea @jeremyvictor @MarisaCorser @AlexisDias & last but certainly not least! Amy @HowellMarketing
read more...RT @JeffAshcroft @DianeBoivie: Dell Greening Its Supply Chain With Bamboo: http://bit.ly/2d3Jsl First the case, now the packing materials..
read more...RT @JohnFMoore How Dell uses #Social Conversations to Generate Revenue: http://bit.ly/7fn9uD (thx @StefanieAtDell) #cmo #socialCMO
read more...500 CMOs on @TheSocialCMO s Twitter list! Starting new one @TheSocialCMO/cmos1 Cos there’s more than 500 of u out there! @ /DM to be listed!
read more...@BrandNinja Yes looks like they’re really into social media special sauce =) ~excellent presentation by Heather Oldani @Heather04 #socialCMO
read more...RT @NatalieStahl Making Social Media a Tool, Not a Distraction http://bit.ly/8RHofx via @mashable #socialCMO