Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-02-21
- @HowellMarketing Just been hanging out here with the dolphins and flamingos in Florida!! =) in reply to HowellMarketing #
- Crew! #FollowFriday #FF @JeffAshcroft @ambercadabra @kenthuffman @SamDecker Ryan @sauerscomm Glen @TrendTracker @TedRubin #socialCMO #
- Crew! #FollowFriday #FF Amy @HowellMarketing Chris @b2bspecialist @treypennington Alex @social2b @AnneDGallaher @ericfletcher #socialCMO #
- Chris Herbert the @b2bspecialist suggests companies Take a breath and take it easy! #socialCMO #
- Ryan @sauerscomm asks Is it Communications… or Communication? #socialCMO #
- RT @jeffdachis Social CRM holds profound implications for the traditional enterprise some good insight from @mkrigsman #
- Thanks for all the #MarketerMonday mentions…was off the air yesterday swimming with the dolphins at Discovery Cove!! #
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