12 Personas to show you who’…
12 Personas to show you who’s online and how they feel about being online @TreyPennington http://bit.ly/bt3vjr #socialCMO
read more...12 Personas to show you who’s online and how they feel about being online @TreyPennington http://bit.ly/bt3vjr #socialCMO
read more...Relationship Commerce? the new definition @TedRubin http://bit.ly/b1S3hT
read more...Relationship Commerce… the new definition @TedRubin http://bit.ly/b1S3hT #socialCMO
read more...Look for a special #MARKETERMONDAY announcement from @TheSocialCMO on Monday July 19th 2010 !! #MARKETERMONDAY #MM
read more...TKS Cheryl! RT @ckburgess #MarketerMonday Best of Class: @TheSocialCMO @baldovski @CMO_com @SMMadagency @AdvertisingLaw @ahawkcollinger
read more...Building The Case For B2B Social Media ~ Humphrey Ho @AgileDudes preso from Apple Expo http://bit.ly/aX8jOK #socialCMO
read more...Thanks Cheryl!! RT @ckburgess #FollowFriday Best in Class: @KentHuffman @4As @TheSocialCMO @CMO_com @Social2B @davidselikow @BrianSlatts
read more...Relationship Commerce… the new definition @TedRubin http://bit.ly/b1S3hT
read more...12 Personas to show you who’s online and how they feel about being online @TreyPennington http://bit.ly/bt3vjr #socialCMO
read more...Thanks Amy!! RT @HowellMarketing MMXO ~> @ckburgess @b2bspecialist @alexromanovich @thesocialcmo @ericfletcher @annedgallaher @scottmonty