Laura how do you build/nu…
Laura how do you build/nurture your brand’s community on Twitter? What are the new tools/trends in community. management? #MMchat
read more...Laura how do you build/nurture your brand’s community on Twitter? What are the new tools/trends in community. management? #MMchat
read more...What are the current Twitter B2C marketing trends? What are the best tools for B2C marketing? #MMchat
read more...Tweetchats are meant to be interactive, feel free to tweet on Dummies guide to Personal Branding, B2C, B2B and Community #MMchat
read more...@pistachio is credited with explaining Twitter’s business value to @GuyKawasaki “& was once called “Queen of Twitter.” #MMchat
read more...Laura graduated from Cornell. She was 1st Twitter for Business consultant and started @oneforty in 3/2009. #MMchat
read more...How can conventional and SMmarketers ‘cross-pollinate’? How can their messages build off each-other? #MMchat
read more...What are some of the current B2B Twitter trends? What Tools should B2B marketers use? #MMchat
read more...Our 1st #MMchat question How do you set up a personal brand on Twitter? What common mistakes/new trends are there in Personal Branding?
read more...Please join me in welcoming Laura Fitton @Pistachio as our #MarketerMonday Chat SPECIAL guests this evening! #MMchat
read more...Idea for @oneforty came after Laura realized there was no way to easily find or compare the thousands of Twitter tools out there. #MMchat