@cc_chapman Hahaha awesom…
@cc_chapman Hahaha awesome a fellow Canadian! Too bad he likes the wrong hockey team though! Cheers! #blogchat
read more...@cc_chapman Hahaha awesome a fellow Canadian! Too bad he likes the wrong hockey team though! Cheers! #blogchat
read more...@MarketingProfs @CC_Chapman Could you please each perhaps share links to your favorite posts of all time? Your own or others? #blogchat
read more...@spydergrrl Hey Tanya! Happy to see you on #blogchat ! Cheers!
read more...Going Beyond Social Media Reach ~ Amber Naslund @ambercadabra http://bit.ly/9cgCxZ
read more...@MarketingProfs @CC_Chapman Is there something in water in Boston that brings out best in bloggers? U2 , @ChrisBrogan @equalman #blogchat
read more...RT @PlacesFirst: Never be anywhere without a way to write something down. Ideas can arrive at the most inopportune moments #blogchat
read more...@ckburgess Thanks Cheryl and for tomorrow’s #MMchat the Magnificent @MarkWSchaefer blogger extraordinaire will join us! #blogchat
read more...@cc_chapman How important is storytelling to creating GREAT blogposts? #blogchat
read more...Making Social Media Happen in Your Company ~ video from @ChrisBrogan http://bit.ly/dqI0Vn