We are at center of our e…
We are at center of our experiences online. We define what information finds us based on our connections @MrSolis http://bit.ly/EngageOrDie
read more...We are at center of our experiences online. We define what information finds us based on our connections @MrSolis http://bit.ly/EngageOrDie
read more...Social media ecosystem is the EGOsystem because we need the perspective of the “me” in social media @BrianSolis http://bit.ly/EngageOrDie
read more...The social consumer is curator of their network..they represent an audience with an audience of audiences @MrSolis http://bit.ly/EngageOrDie
read more...@catharene Hey Catharene! You’re welcome! @BrianSolis is an AMAZING guy and we were lucky to have him drop by #MMchat this week! Cheers!
read more...RT @mitchjoel: Are Blog comments that important anymore? http://bit.ly/hQuJKa (cc: @markwschaefer @ginidietrich)
read more...@margiedana Hi Margie! Thanks for your interest! #MMchat is every Monday at 8:00 pm est Cheers!
read more...Old Georgian lady accidentally knocks out Armenia’s Internet http://bit.ly/el4hAt
read more...RT @ikepigott: How to sort through the Social Media firehose during a crisis | http://t.co/fD4LWQq #crisiscommunications
read more...@briansolis Thanks for joining us for #MMchat Brian! It was definitely a BLAST! Cheers!
read more...@mitchjoel After reading this thinking may just turn the comments function off! For every real comment get 20 spam even with filters!