@prosperitygal Yes it is …
@prosperitygal Yes it is April 4th, 1928! #speakchat
read more...People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel M Angelou #speakchat
read more...@prosperitygal Hahaha you don’t need me to feel SPECIAL, you already are! =) #speakchat
read more...@karimacatherine Haha pretty soon will only be room in tweets for all the #hashstags #rsp #ungeeked #usguys #MMchat #speakchat #blogchat …
read more...Thanks Michele @prosperitygal for congrats & glad I could finally make it to #speakchat ! Cheers!
read more...The Dilemma’s Innovator: Innovation and Change as the New Pillars of Business ~ @BrianSolis http://bit.ly/dF01mm
read more...@loiscreamer Hi Lois! You bet! I have already begun my collection! Cheers! http://bit.ly/gcz0wb #speakchat
read more...When thinking about audience impact, this is the quote I always think about when delivering a speech…. #speakchat
read more...@AnneDGallaher Thanks Anne! And after you finish ringing the bell at the NYSE you can come with me! Do you speak Korean? =)