Congrats to winners of @C…
Congrats to winners of @ChuckMartin1 The Third Screen Trivia Challenge : Sara @jadeonlinemedia @KellySMay @EllenBrady @BusinessNut #MMchat
read more...Congrats to winners of @ChuckMartin1 The Third Screen Trivia Challenge : Sara @jadeonlinemedia @KellySMay @EllenBrady @BusinessNut #MMchat
read more...Now every Monday at 8:00pm est we will now have on a SPECIAL guest to discuss a topic relevant to all you Social CMOs out there! #MMchat
read more...#MarketerMonday Chat allows all of us to get to know these #MM greats better & also get together to discuss cool topics! #MMchat
read more...Welcome to our 42nd #MarketerMonday Chat! #MMchat ~ I am your moderator @JeffAshcroft aka @TheSocialCMO Thanks for joining us this evening!
read more...RT @katiecouric: wow! end of an era @RT @AP Jerry Lewis to retire from Muscular Dystrophy Association telethon
read more...Marketing to Your Customers in a World Gone Mobile ~ The 3rd Screen is our #MMchat topic tonite & here’s a quick tweet Bio 4 @ ChuckMartin1
read more...Our 42nd #MMchat is going to be MOBILE! As we talk Marketing to Your Customers in a World Gone Mobile ~ with @ChuckMartin1
read more...To chat, simply use hashtag #MMchat to be included in #MMchat transcript! You can the follow chat on Twitter Search
read more...In June 2009, @KentHuffman made the first #MarketerMonday shoutout & every Monday since then there have been 100’s and now #MMchat !!
read more...RT @chuckmartin1: In serious countdown mode RT @TheSocialCMO: FINAL Five minutes B4 MOBILE #MMchat starts ~ Marketing to Your Cu… (cont) …