‘Bridging the Marketing L…
‘Bridging the Marketing Leadership Gap’ #MMchat transcript with Michael Brenner @BrennerMichael of @SAP http://t.co/mNRXYn25
read more...‘Bridging the Marketing Leadership Gap’ #MMchat transcript with Michael Brenner @BrennerMichael of @SAP http://t.co/mNRXYn25
read more...Time for Social Integration for TV and Publishing in 2012! ~ @SamDecker http://t.co/8HBtBlYw #socialTV #PR #MMchat
read more...Live tweets during the Mad Men premiere March 25th – All about the #marketing http://t.co/RhymHb8P via @JimJosephExp
read more...Why “humanizing” brands begins with a state of mind ~ Anneliza Humlen @ADHumlen http://t.co/QataNqEh #human #zen #brand
read more...Banking With Apple Could Pose Serious Challenge to High Street According to a New Research Report: PRNewswire
http://t.co/j4jfzf3Y #banking
#FollowFriday @TheSocialCMO Crew Phil Fernandez @philf1217 @b2bspecialist Alex @social2b @AnneDGallaher Rick Wion @rdublife #FF
read more...The Four Hats of The Social CMO http://t.co/8TEjV0cw #CMO #socialCMO Which ones are you wearing?
read more...Why Women Are The Most Powerful Brand Ambassadors In The World ~ @SteveOlenski http://t.co/Lnu1flUf #global #brands #women #power
read more...The Top 20 social CMO’s of the Fortune 100 http://t.co/jt425iwo via @VisualDatas [ #infographic ]
read more...‘The Impact of Analytics & Consumer Sentiment on Marketing & Branding Decisions’ Our 87th #MMchat guest @Jay_Henderson of @IBM Mon 8 pm ET!