"Products, like peop…
“Products, like people, have personalities, and they can make or break them in the market place.” David Ogilvy
read more...“Products, like people, have personalities, and they can make or break them in the market place.” David Ogilvy
read more...Type on an iPhone during a meeting and it looks like you aren’t paying attention. On an iPad it looks like you are taking notes. via @Boris
read more...How to plan, create and execute a successful #TwitterChat: Creating Communities of Interest with #Tweetchats http://t.co/mOupHcdz
read more...Connect, communicate, and collaborate! Increasing Marketing Effectiveness in Midst of Generation C ~ Yuchun Lee http://t.co/GNfrmDB1 #CMO
read more...THE @JasonFalls joins us on #MMchat Monday for ‘No Bullshit Mobile Marketing’ Next week’s 98th #MMchat Monday June 11th 8 pm ET. Be there.
read more...Prof. Ale Smidts, who coined term “neuromarketing” in 2002, presenting at Neuromarketing World Forum http://t.co/LwOVJapq @Goodbuzz #video
read more...Ten Ways Your Local Grocery Store Hijacks Your Brain ~ Melanie A. Greenberg @DrMelanieG http://t.co/7peAZsBn #neuromarketing
read more...If @KimKardashian can anyone can!! ‘100% immersion. Why CMOs (and other C’s) need to get involved in Social’ @BryonyCole http://t.co/7hLDRRj
read more...Leveraging Communities of Interest to replace demographics. Common interests are the new demographics ~ Anthony Power http://t.co/CDqtaYF6
read more...Follow @TheSocialCMO for all things #MMchat and check out our #MMchat Master Schedule for SPECIAL guests & transcripts! http://t.co/yPUjvkUE