Cheers Kenna! Welcome! RT @profkrg @TheSocialCMO Raises hand. I’m joining #MMchat for the first time.
Cheers Kenna! Welcome! RT @profkrg @TheSocialCMO Raises hand. I’m joining #MMchat for the first time.
read more...Cheers Kenna! Welcome! RT @profkrg @TheSocialCMO Raises hand. I’m joining #MMchat for the first time.
read more...Q3) @DomGarrett What are the benefits of walking someone up the levels of engagement? #MMchat
read more...Q1) Welcome @DomGarrett let’s jump right into #MMchat 228! To set a baseline for tonight’s chat, how would you define engagement? #MMchat
read more...To get things rolling as always I‘ve prepared a few questions for @DomGarrett #MMchat
read more...Last but not least feel free to tweet @DomGarrett, he just loves to chat! #MMchat
read more...Q4) How do you really move people from level to level @DomGarrett? #MMchat
read more...Any new tweeps joining #MMchat for 1st time this evening feel free to give @TheSocialCMO a #SHOUTOUT & we’ll follow you back! Cheers!
read more...Q2) In your view what are the different levels of engagement @DomGarrett? #MMchat
read more...And as tweetchats are meant to be interactive, please intersperse your ideas & opinions on our topic #MMchat
read more...So please join me in welcoming @DomGarrett as our 229th #MarketerMonday Chat SPECIAL guest! Cheers! #MMchat