The Social CMO


The Role of Major Influencers in Cause Marketing
Transcript from LIVE #MMchat with @ChrisBrogan November 22, 2010

November 22, 2010
1:01 am TheSocialCMO: Welcome to our seventeenth #MarketerMonday Chat! #MMchat ? I am your moderator @JeffAshcroft aka @TheSocialCMO Thank you for joining us!
1:02 am heidicohen: @chrisyates11 @ChrisBrogan's #blogchat was 1 of the biggest 2 date. #mmchat
1:02 am MargieClayman: @heidicohen well, I am certainly done with technology for tonight. Tomorrow maybe. I'll keep ya posted :) #mmchat
1:02 am johnsonwilliam: RT @TheSocialCMO: In just moments Make #MarketerMonday Marvelous by joining #MMchat with @ChrisBrogan !!! =)
1:02 am TheSocialCMO: Just over a year ago in June 2009, @KentHuffman made first #MarketerMonday shoutout & every Monday since then there have been 100's #MMchat
1:02 am MargieClayman: @prosperitygal I know. My head is a place that even the Chilean miners would find scary =/ #mmchat
1:02 am heidicohen: @ChuckJohnstone Why not join the festivities? #mmchat
1:02 am TheSocialCMO: We're pleased to now add to this mix #MarketerMonday Chat to allow all of us to get to know these #MM greats & discuss cool topics! #MMchat
1:02 am chrisyates11: Thx now some tech geek will create that! RT @heidicohen I'm kind of picturing just mouths moving in avatars. Creepy? Yes? No? :) #mmchat
1:02 am TheSocialCMO: To chat, simply use the hashtag #MMchat to be included in #MMchat transcript! You can also follow the chat at
1:03 am correlationist: Intrigued to be on #MMchat. Here to listen and absorb all the brainy goodness I can :)) Hey Jeff @thescocialcmo :))
1:03 am ChrisMLindgren: Hi from Boston; green thumb influencer nurturer #MMchat
1:03 am TheSocialCMO: So every Monday at 8:00pm est we will now have on a SPECIAL guest to discuss a topic relevant to all you Social CMOs out there! #MMchat
1:03 am jackson_lo: RT @TheSocialCMO: In just moments Make #MarketerMonday Marvelous by joining #MMchat with @ChrisBrogan !!! =) #mmchat
1:03 am TheSaaSGuy: Thankx to #MMChat moderator @JeffAshcroft aka @TheSocialCMO ... excited
1:03 am TheSocialCMO: For our 17th #MarketerMonday Chat I am very pleased to welcome @ChrisBrogan aka the Peabody Memphis Duckmaster !! #MMchat
1:03 am prosperitygal: RT @TheSocialCMO: In just moments Make #MarketerMonday Marvelous by joining #MMchat with @ChrisBrogan !!! =)
1:03 am TheSocialCMO: Topic tonight is, The Role of Major Influencers in Cause Marketing and here is a quick tweet Bio for @ChrisBrogan #MMchat
1:03 am ConsultantRC: @thesocialcmo @JeffAshcroft hello from Puerto Rico #MMchat
1:04 am halfcenturyman: Good Evening All. Kevin K from OGOLOGO here to learn. #MMchat
1:04 am WRyanKing: #mmchat. Should be a good one!
1:04 am TheSocialCMO: Chris Brogan is President of Human Business Works #MMchat
1:04 am chrisbrogan: Hahaha. I have, in fact, been Duckmaster at the Peabody Memphis. Thanks, Jeff. : ) #Mmchat
1:04 am TheSocialCMO: Chris is the NYTimes bestselling co-author of Trust Agents ( #MMchat
1:04 am MargieClayman: I am so happy there is an expert bot on Twitter, btw. That just makes me feel warm and fluffy :D #mmchat
1:04 am mikulaja: Hello @margieclayman @thesocialcmo @prosperitygal and of course @ChrisBrogan ! Glad to be here. #mmchat
1:04 am TheSocialCMO: Chris also is President of New Marketing Labs and Entrepreneur in Residence at CrossTech Ventures #MMchat
1:04 am TheSocialCMO: Chris raises money monthly for various charities, usually child-related or hunger/homeless-related #MMchat
1:04 am TheSocialCMO: Please join me in welcoming @ChrisBrogan as our #MarketerMonday Chat SPECIAL guest this evening! #MMchat
1:05 am SMSJOE: @DebWeinstein gr8t 2 cu too #mmchat
1:05 am heidicohen: RT @_breen_ RT @cdhubpgh R u driving social change? killer book #socialmedia + cause marketing via @chrisbrogan #mmchat
1:05 am ianmrountree: @MargieClayman Expert bot? How's it triggered? #mmchat
1:05 am correlationist: @halfcenturyman :)) #MMchat
1:05 am Ed: Rt @chrisbrogan: Now: #MMchat posts. <- if you want to play along
1:05 am MuhammadInc: While we are on the topic of influence, you need to watch #MMchat right now. @chrisbrogan is talking about Influencers in cause marketing
1:05 am ekarff: Hi folks, Erik Karff here. I'm a social media strategist who works often with nonprofits. Glad to join #MMchat
1:05 am amalia_PR: RT @johnsonwilliam: Man of the hour RT @chrisbrogan: Look for #mmchat drinking games. #Mmchat
1:05 am jackson_lo: Welcome @ChrisBrogan! #mmchat
1:05 am SarahLWLee: RT @TheSocialCMO: Please join me in welcoming @ChrisBrogan as our #MarketerMonday Chat SPECIAL guest this evening! #MMchat
1:05 am StevhenSays: I've never participated in a Twitter chat, so I'm giving #MMchat a try. @chrisbrogan is the special guest!
1:05 am videoBIO_TO: Welcome Chris RT @thesocialcmo: Please join me in welcoming @ChrisBrogan as our #MarketerMonday Chat SPECIAL guest this evening! #MMchat
1:05 am CarlSorvino: Had to stop by #MMchat for @ChrisBrogan...hello all
1:06 am pheffernanvt: Cause mktg, or social mktg or soc media marketing? RT @TheSocialCMO: Topic:The Role of Major Influencers in Cause Mktg @ChrisBrogan #mmchat
1:06 am TheSocialCMO: Tweetchats are meant to be interactive, feel free to tweet your ideas & opinions on Role of Major Influencers in Cause Marketing #MMchat
1:06 am prosperitygal: @MargieClayman chuckle whats in your coffee tonight #mmchat
1:06 am techniacs: On #MMchat w/@ChrisBrogan
1:06 am brandcottage: @TheSocialCMO @ChrisBrogan a very distinguished award to be Memphis Peabody Duckmaster. Welcome to #MMChat @chrisbrogan
1:06 am bsak: @TheSocialCMO Welcome @chrisbrogan and hello everyone! #mmchat
1:06 am peterfromottawa: Hi #MMChat and @ChrisBrogan - I'm Peter, Business Development and Marketing Coordinator for Marketing Breakthroughs in Ottawa, Canada
1:06 am chrisbrogan: @CarlSorvino - glad you're here. Great stache. : ) #Mmchat
1:06 am mikulaja: Oh hey @CarlSorvino, I'm here too! #mmchat
1:06 am heidicohen: RT @MuhammadInc: WOn the topic of influence, watch #MMchat now. @chrisbrogan on Influencers in cause marketing #mmchat
1:06 am ConsultantRC: @margieclayman I really enjoyed your comment on @SuzanneVara's Eminem song Remix #MMchat
1:06 am SMSJOE: howdy RT @CarlSorvino: Had to stop by #MMchat for @ChrisBrogan...hello all #mmchat
1:06 am ckburgess: RT @TheSocialCMO: Tweetchats are meant to be interactive, feel free to tweet your ideas & opinions on Role of Major Influencers in Cause Marketing #MMchat
1:06 am fearlesscomp: First time at #mmchat. @fearlesscomp and Find New Customers #mmchat
1:06 am heidicohen: @ChuckJohnstone Taking a break is good 4 recharging the batteries. #mmchat
1:06 am TheSocialCMO: Due to volume of tweets we expect during this evenings #MMchat, we would ask that you refrain from retweeting @ChrisBrogan ?s tweets
1:06 am CarlSorvino: @chrisbrogan @mukulaja @SMSJOE What up peeps! Nice to see you #Mmchat
1:07 am heidicohen: @DebWeinstein Good 2 c u 2nite. #mmchat
1:07 am smartel: RT @MuhammadInc: ... you need to watch #MMchat right now. @chrisbrogan is talking about Influencers in cause marketing
1:07 am RustiAnn: #mmchat hope to pick up some tips to pass on to Board of my local chapter of Canadian Mental Health Association from @chrisbrogan .
1:07 am prosperitygal: hoping wifi in airport can keep up with twitter chats #MMchat #Journchat
1:07 am johnsonwilliam: @StevhenSays a good one to start out with. #mmchat
1:07 am prosperitygal: @heidicohen oh I so agree with you on the break thing-whew #mmchat
1:07 am MargieClayman: Woot woot! Yayyyy!! Woooo @chrisbrogan *clap clap* :) #mmchat
1:07 am ConsultantRC: RT @thesocialcmo: Due 2 volume of tweets we expect during evenings #MMchat, we would ask that u refrain from Rt @ChrisBrogan ?s tweets
1:07 am mikulaja: @carlsorvino @chrisbrogan @smsjoe Hm @mukulaja is gonna be confused about that msg! #mmchat
1:07 am SMSJOE: @RustiAnn hey there good to see you #mmchat
1:07 am heidicohen: @StevhenSays Welcome & try using TweetGrid. Put #mmchat in 1 col; @ChrisBrogan in another
1:07 am catpoetry: Signing in to #mmchat via a slow connection #atthebrinkoffail #slowtweet
1:07 am correlationist: +1 Welcome Chris RT @thesocialcmo: Please join me in welcoming @ChrisBrogan as our #MarketerMonday Chat SPECIAL guest this evening! #MMchat
1:08 am wordsdonewrite: RT @TheSocialCMO Every Monday at 8:00pm est we will have a SPECIAL guest to discuss w/all you Social CMOs out there! #MMchat
1:08 am brandcottage: @StevhenSays welcome nice to have you here. #MMchat
1:08 am charityestrella: hola #mmchat - checking in a tad late :) Hi to @chrisbrogan @margieclayman :)
1:08 am jolewitz: joining in now - pleae advise the topic #mmchat
1:08 am heidicohen: @CarlSorvino Pull up a twitter screen & stay a while. #mmchat
1:08 am DebWeinstein: Xtra creepy! @MargieClayman @heidicohen #MMchat Watch for the Moving Avatar Mouth App coming soon! =)
1:08 am MargieClayman: @StevhenSays this chat will be crazier than most due to Mr. Brogan's presence. Hang in there :) #mmchat
1:08 am LisaPetrilli: @CarlSorvino You're getting all kinds of chat love for that stache ;) #MMchat
1:08 am CarlSorvino: @mikulaja Yes he will be confused! LOL sorry #mmchat
1:08 am ConsultantRC: @catpoetry if you need to catch up let me know #MMchat
1:08 am smartel: Hey guys, doing great? RT @mikulaja: Oh hey @CarlSorvino, I'm here too! #mmchat
1:08 am MargieClayman: @charityestrella holla! :) #mmchat
1:08 am SMSJOE: RT @MargieClayman: Woot woot! Yayyyy!! Woooo @chrisbrogan *clap clap* :) #mmchat show off ;-)
1:08 am CarlSorvino: @LisaPetrilli ;) #MMchat
1:08 am MargieClayman: @DebWeinstein yeah. I am going to totalleh have nightmares =/ cc @heidicohen #mmchat
1:09 am KyBedard: @CarlSorvino @mukulaja @SMSJOE @chuckmartin1 Hello Gents wanted to say hello. May have to leave soon. <---worst cook ever #mmchat
1:09 am heidicohen: What is a Duckmaster? RT @TheSocialCMO @ChrisBrogan very distinguished award 2 b Memphis Peabody Duckmaster. #mmchat
1:09 am SarahLWLee: @chrisbrogan good to meet you here #MMchat
1:09 am jolewitz: this is possibly the fastest moving chat ever #mmchat
1:09 am ConsultantRC: @prosperitygal I guess #MMchat keeps you busy while you wait at the Airport have a safe flight.
1:09 am wordsdonewrite: @StevhenSays Welcome to your first Twitter chat! #mmchat
1:09 am MargieClayman: @SMSJOE i'm clapping. It's not my fault I have 8 arms. :( #mmchat
1:09 am fearlesscomp: Got my ears on tonight. Looking forward to wisdom. #mmchat
1:09 am heidicohen: @KyBedard: @CarlSorvino @mukulaja @SMSJOE @chuckmartin1 Greetings! #mmchat
1:09 am johnsonwilliam: RT @jolewitz: this is possibly the fastest moving chat ever #mmchat
1:09 am MargieClayman: @ConsultantRC why thank you! #mmchat
1:09 am SMSJOE: @KyBedard hey bro you'll learn quick enough! #mmchat
1:09 am KyBedard: @heidicohen @TheSocialCMO @margieclayman and to u guys too!! #MMChat
1:09 am prosperitygal: @CarlSorvino you ought to keep the stache ;)) #MMchat
1:10 am heidicohen: Cute-That's why ur the Mad Woman =>RT @MargieClayman: @SMSJOE i'm clapping. It's not my fault I have 8 arms. #mmchat
1:10 am SMSJOE: @heidicohen hello good to see you #mmchat
1:10 am MargieClayman: @prosperitygal nuffin. Drinking my diet caffeine free pepsi, as per usual! :) cc @tommoradpour #mmchat
1:10 am mikulaja: Lots of familiar faces here tonight, glad to see everynoe. @kybedard @heidicohen @ConsultantRC @jolewitz et al #mmchat
1:10 am johnsonwilliam: #mmchat keeping up may be difficult on my iPhone...
1:10 am chrisbrogan: The benefit of asking a "larger name" is their reach. The downside is that depending on the name, they don't engage as much.(1) #Mmchat
1:10 am heidicohen: @charityestrella the more the merrier. Welcome. #mmchat
1:10 am WRyanKing: Role of influencers in (cause) marketing with @chrisbrogan on #MMChat. Marketing is influencing, so should be interesting!
1:10 am KyBedard: @SMSJOE Joe my food is drier than Mesopotamia #MMChat
1:10 am YAOtieno: RT @TheSocialCMO: Due to volume of tweets we expect during this evenings #MMchat, we would ask that you refrain from retweeting @ChrisBrogan ?s tweets
1:10 am KitchenTableMkt: Joining my first #mmchat. Hello everyone!
1:10 am mentormarketing: ? #mmchat
1:10 am BrandSprouts: Hi everyone, first time for me tonight on #mmchat
1:10 am davidmcgraw: Greeting all! RT @heidicohen: @KyBedard: @CarlSorvino @mukulaja @SMSJOE @chuckmartin1 Greetings! #mmchat
1:10 am chrisbrogan: There's a study that donorschoose did that said that ENGAGEMENT ahead of an "ask" was one of the key factors, not size of audience. #Mmchat
1:11 am AnneDGallaher: RT @chrisbrogan: The benefit of asking a "larger name" is their reach. The downside is that depending on the name, they don't engage as much.(1) #Mmchat
1:11 am OwenGreaves: RT @BrandSprouts: Hi everyone, first time for me tonight on #mmchat -- Me too!
1:11 am RustiAnn: RT @DebWeinstein: Xtra creepy! @MargieClayman @heidicohen #MMchat Watch for the Moving Avatar Mouth App coming soon! =) ohhhhh noooo
1:11 am KyBedard: @halfcenturyman Hello Kevin !!! haha. I "roger" that !! #MMchat
1:11 am KitchenTableMkt: @BrandSprouts me too! #mmchat
1:11 am prosperitygal: @BrandSprouts well welcome nice to meet cha! #mmchat
1:11 am MargieClayman: @KyBedard stalker, my stalker, wherefore art thou, stalker. Oh. Right there. #mmchat
1:11 am iluvMarthasVY: RT @DebWeinstein: Eager for #MMchat tonight at 8PM ET. Topic is Social Influencer, Social Cause starring @ChrisBrogan. Join in! #csr #pr #b2c #USguys
1:11 am SMSJOE: @davidmcgraw good to see you my friend #mmchat
1:11 am catpoetry: @ConsultantRC thanks! Switching from web to iPhone #mmchat #connectiondspeed
1:11 am zeal_doug: @KitchenTableMkt Hi there! #mmchat
1:11 am davidmcgraw: I like! RT @prosperitygal: @CarlSorvino you ought to keep the stache ;)) #mmchat
1:11 am heidicohen: @YAOtieno @TheSocialCMO Is retweets = social media noise? #mmchat
1:11 am gigigriffis: Dear followers, please excuse the excess of tweets. Planning on joining in #mmchat for a bit.
1:11 am halfcenturyman: @KyBedard Lard is the key Kyle #MMchat
1:11 am KyBedard: @MargieClayman haha Right here!! I enjoyed your mi day tweet today Margie!! #MMChat
1:12 am CarlSorvino: @davidmcgraw Thanks David! it has a way with the ladies #mmchat
1:12 am KitchenTableMkt: @zeal_doug Hi! Nice to finally jump in. #mmchat
1:12 am ConsultantRC: RT @gigigriffis: Dear followers, please excuse excess of tweets. Planning on joining in #mmchat for a bit. | Me Too Will piggyback of ur msg
1:12 am ckburgess: @chuckmartin1 Hi Chuck! Good to see you tonight too at #MMChat!
1:12 am MargieClayman: @BrandSprouts welcome! :) #mmchat
1:12 am mikulaja: @chrisbrogan If you're asking for something (esp $), it is invaluable to have a pre-existing relationship w/person. #mmchat
1:12 am heidicohen: @pamcamp Welcome 2 #MMChat. U haven't missed anything. Stay tuned. #mmchat
1:12 am CarlSorvino: RT @mikulaja: @chrisbrogan If you're asking for something (esp $), it is invaluable to have a pre-existing relationship w/person. #mmchat
1:12 am TCoughlin: I want a nickel for every Chris Brogan retweet over the next 45 minutes. #MMChat
1:12 am lizstrauss: RT @chrisbrogan: A study that donorschoose did said that ENGAGEMENT ahead of an "ask" was a key factor, not size of audience. #Mmchat
1:12 am johnsonwilliam: @KitchenTableMkt welcome! #MMchat
1:12 am susieblackmon: Hi there. I'm making it an @ChrisBrogan night for me too. #mmchat
1:12 am MargieClayman: @ConsultantRC well thanks. I try to be funny in a "hmm" kind of way :) #mmchat
1:12 am prosperitygal: @Margieclayman has there been a replacement for that cool tool @kevinlyons use to use for chats so we could follow everyone? #MMchat
1:13 am johnsonwilliam: @BrandSprouts welcome #MMchat
1:13 am cindymariej: @chrisbrogan: A study that donorschoose did said that ENGAGEMENT ahead of an "ask" was a key factor, not size of audience. #Mmchat
1:13 am MargieClayman: @KyBedard i do what I can, yo. I do what I can. #mmchat
1:13 am chrisbrogan: .@mikulaja - I quite agree. A pre-existing relationship helps. Plus some track record of trust. People like relationships. #Mmchat
1:13 am OwenGreaves: RT @TCoughlin: I want a nickel for every Chris Brogan retweet over the next 45 minutes. #MMChat -- I don't like change, but I'll take $1.00
1:13 am SMSJOE: so many causes engagement is critical especially for onoing support #mmchat
1:13 am ConsultantRC: @mikulaja @KyBedard @heidicohen @jolewitz I am glad to see you all here too . Any other folks from #usguys #MMchat
1:13 am charityestrella: size of audience doesn't matter: the number of people in that audience that care about your cause does. Find your cause's influencer #mmchat
1:13 am KitchenTableMkt: Thanks @johnsonwilliam! Trying to get the hang of the chat. #mmchat
1:13 am TheSocialCMO: And What do you see as the potential drawbacks of working with a "larger name" person for a cause? #MMchat
1:13 am ldatta: An observer here, so pls forgive me. How long do the greetings usually last and the substance begins? #MMchat
1:13 am MargieClayman: @prosperitygal I don't know what he used...@pushingsocial recommends TweetGrid. it's pretty good for chats. #mmchat
1:13 am Kathryn_Walker: RT @charityestrella: size of audience doesn't matter: the number of people in that audience that care about your cause does. Find your cause's influencer #mmchat
1:13 am YAOtieno: RT @WRyanKing: Role of influencers in (cause) marketing with @chrisbrogan on #MMChat. Marketing is influencing, so should be interesting!
1:13 am molsen417: RT @mikulaja: @chrisbrogan If you're asking for something (esp $), it is invaluable to have a pre-existing relationship w/person. #mmchat
1:13 am BrandSprouts: @MargieClayman Hi, nice to see you here. #mmchat
1:13 am jackson_lo: Is anyone using anything other than tweetchat to follow this conversation? #mmchat
1:13 am brandcottage: RT @mikulaja @chrisbrogan If you're asking for something (esp $), it is invaluable to have a pre-existing relationship w/person. #mmchat
1:13 am heidicohen: @lizstrauss @chrisbrogan Agree Engagement imp 2 build relationship. Hard 2 ask 4 $ w/o a rel or reason. #mmchat
1:13 am KyBedard: @halfcenturyman Indeed!! How many games did u wantch this weekend Kev? 5,6,7? #MMChat
1:14 am SMSJOE: @chrisbrogan more and more they also want to see results know they are helping for sure #mmchat
1:14 am DianaEJ: RT @chrisbrogan: There's a study that donorschoose did that said that ENGAGEMENT ahead of an "ask" was one of the key factors, not size of audience. #Mmchat
1:14 am johnsonwilliam: @catpoetry I'm failing keeping up on my iPhone, ha #MMchat
1:14 am correlationist: @heidicohen: only if it does not propagate value or has overtly selfish interests @YAOtieno @TheSocialCMO Is RT = sm noise? #mmchat
1:14 am chrisbrogan: One drawback of working with a larger name is that they're asked for stuff all the time. @Lizstrauss says,"Iittle bloggers grow up." #Mmchat
1:14 am SarahLWLee: @chrisbrogan that's a good point, engagement prior to "ask". I can see how that can play out #MMChat
1:14 am ckburgess: #MMChat If I get a tweet from @chrisbrogan tonight at #MMChat - doing a screen shot - Equivalent to his Autograph!
1:14 am pheffernanvt: @cindymariej @chrisbrogan Is that study available online? #mmchat
1:14 am SMDirectory: We will be taking the to Chambers of Commerce & directly to small biz. Get yourself listed. Take 2 minutes #MMchat
1:14 am jackson_lo: RT @charityestrella: size of audience doesn't matter: the number of people in that audience that care about your cause does. Find your cause's influencer #mmchat
1:14 am TCoughlin: @OwenGreaves Ouch, marketing overhead must be taking its toll! $1.00 a retweet is steep! :-) #MMChat
1:14 am fearlesscomp: But how do you develop new relationships and trust @chrisbrogan? #mmchat
1:14 am KyBedard: @ConsultantRC Me too Raul.!!! How is PR!! Shout out to #SanJuan #MMChat
1:14 am chrisbrogan: It's really important to realize that working with "up and comers" gives you much more engagement than pushing the larger names. #Mmchat
1:14 am TheSocialCMO: @LDatta Hahahaha I think the substance has already begun my friend WELCOME! #MMchat
1:14 am MargieClayman: @jackson_lo I'm using the good ole fashioned web version of Twitter. Quaint. Old fashioned. Effective. #mmchat
1:15 am catpoetry: @chrisbrogan @mikulaja all the more reason to start early - relationship & trust building take some time & are easy to lose #mmchat
1:15 am MargieClayman: @BrandSprouts ditto! :) #mmchat
1:15 am chrisbrogan: @ckburgess - aim higher. : ) #Mmchat
1:15 am sandyhubbard: I think prospective donors can be inherently skeptical, so need to be genuine and "transparent" where money is involved #mmchat @mikulaja
1:15 am heidicohen: @chrisbrogan Many NFPs worry about #s & $s that they forget why people connect w/them in the 1st place #mmchat
1:15 am OwenGreaves: @TCoughlin LOL! OK, I'll take a dime then : ) #MMChat
1:15 am Kathryn_Walker: RT @chrisbrogan: It's really important to realize that working with "up and comers" gives you much more engagement than pushing the larger names. #Mmchat
1:15 am mikulaja: @SarahLWLee Whether for charity or businesses, trust is nec. for decision making. Engagement fosters trust. #mmchat
1:15 am prosperitygal: @MargieClayman i meant he made a list after chat we could all follow without having to go to each persons page #mmchat
1:15 am chrisyates11: You are "large" but keep a humble & engaged attitude. I think it's bout character @chrisbrogan #Mmchat
1:15 am CarlSorvino: There needs to be a way for me to monitor that $$$ #mmchat
1:15 am jolewitz: how does everyone keep up with these really fast moving chats? My head's spinning #mmchat
1:15 am mikulaja: RT @catpoetry: all the more reason to start early - relationship & trust building take some time & are easy to lose #mmchat
1:15 am MitchNeff: @mikulja What is #MMChat?
1:15 am ckburgess: @chrisbrogan #MMchat lol lol lol lol
1:15 am dfbova: Tweetdeck U cn scroll the feed 2 stp it RT @jackson_lo: Is anyone using anything other than tweetchat 2 follow ths conversation? #mmchat
1:15 am chrisbrogan: For instance, I asked @charityestrella to run because she's got a lot of credibility. Big in her space. #Mmchat
1:15 am TMODOM: RT @chrisbrogan: It's really important to realize that working with "up and comers" gives you much more engagement than pushing the larger names. #Mmchat
1:15 am prosperitygal: @OwenGreaves hey HAPPY Birthday a few days early- I wanted to be first giggle #MMChat
1:15 am ldatta: Yep the delay @TheSocialCMO Hahahaha I think the substance has already begun my friend WELCOME! #MMchat
1:16 am MediaCollective: Jumping into chat The Role of Major Influencers in Cause Marketing and here is a quick tweet Bio for @ChrisBrogan #mmchat
1:16 am ChangeOrders: RT @chrisbrogan: It's really important to realize that working with "up and comers" gives you much more engagement than pushing the larger names. #Mmchat
1:16 am heidicohen: @fearlesscomp U need 2 think of why people connet w/NFP-donors often have connection such as family mbr. #mmchat
1:16 am jackson_lo: @MargieClayman i love the old fashion Twitter! :) #mmchat
1:16 am chrisbrogan: @heidicohen - true that. The money chasing makes it hard to work on the cause. #Mmchat
1:16 am SMSJOE: @jolewitz tweetchat tweetgrid dramamine in that order #mmchat
1:16 am OwenGreaves: RT @prosperitygal: @OwenGreaves hey HAPPY Birthday a few days early- I wanted to be first giggle #MMChat -- Thanks sweetie : )
1:16 am johnsonwilliam: @fearlesscomp @chrisbrogan listen and learn about prospective donors #MMchat
1:16 am Kathryn_Walker: Want to learn how to actually engage an audience via social media? Follow #mmchat.
1:16 am KatjaPresnal: @chrisbrogan I agree - larger names have so many already helping, it's the up & coming that need more help! #Mmchat
1:16 am Tunis: RT @chrisbrogan: One drawback of working with a larger name is that they're asked for stuff all the time. @Lizstrauss says,"Iittle bloggers grow up." #Mmchat
1:16 am stellamister26: For instance, I asked @charityestrella to run because she's got a lot of credibility. Big in her space. #Mmchat
1:16 am TheSocialCMO: How do you rally the troops for your promotional requests for supporting a cause? #MMchat
1:16 am MargieClayman: @catpoetry yes indeed. People should know that Social Media success done right can't be done overnight. #mmchat
1:16 am dfbova: Truth RT @mikulaja: @SarahLWLee Whether for charity or businesses, trust is nec. for decision making. Engagement fosters trust. #mmchat
1:16 am LisaPetrilli: @charityestrella @ChrisBrogan Having a spokesperson w/personal story helps tremendously as well #MMchat
1:16 am millerfinch: #mmchat Listening tonite, phone too slow. Hi all!
1:16 am btgist: ? @chrisbrogan Look for #mmchat drinking games. #Mmchat
1:16 am ckburgess: RT @TheSocialCMO: How do you rally the troops for your promotional requests for supporting a cause? #MMchat
1:16 am pheffernanvt: Agreed> RT @charityestrella: size doesnt matter: no. of pple in audience who care about ur cause does. Find causes' influencer #mmchat
1:16 am ConsultantRC: @kybedard Puerto Rico is great here in the A/C reading all the great info being shared on #mmchat
1:16 am ckburgess: RT @LisaPetrilli: @charityestrella @ChrisBrogan Having a spokesperson w/personal story helps tremendously as well #MMchat
1:16 am mikulaja: @MitchNeff #mmchat is "marketer monday" chat. Featuring @ChrisBrogan tonight. Big name! #mmchat
1:17 am NellieDay: RT @chrisbrogan: It's really important to realize that working with "up and comers" gives you much more engagement than pushing the larger names. #Mmchat
1:17 am chrisbrogan: For every @aplusk (and props to him for caring), he gets hundreds of asks. @ajleon is a MUCH better ask. @melissaleon too. #Mmchat
1:17 am davidmcgraw: RT @TheSocialCMO: How do you rally the troops for your promotional requests for supporting a cause? #mmchat
1:17 am ckburgess: RT @mikulaja: @MitchNeff #mmchat is "marketer monday" chat. Featuring @ChrisBrogan tonight. Big name! #mmchat
1:17 am MargieClayman: @prosperitygal oh, I think if you use something like twapperkeeper it lists all of the contributors. Then he probably copied/pasted. #mmchat
1:17 am LCaCera_PR: RT @TheSocialCMO: And What do you see as the potential drawbacks of working with a "larger name" person for a cause? #MMchat
1:17 am mckra1g: RT @LisaPetrilli: @charityestrella @ChrisBrogan Having a spokesperson w/personal story helps tremendously as well #MMchat
1:17 am missdestructo: Yam right it does. RT @LisaPetrilli: @ChrisBrogan Having a spokesperson w/personal story helps tremendously as well #MMchat
1:17 am prosperitygal: Great point @chrisbrogan so wonder when folks will support up and comers-like at conferences as speakers #MMchat
1:17 am KitchenTableMkt: @MargieClayman @catpoetry Like any relationship it takes time and effort and a heck of a lot of giving #mmchat
1:17 am heidicohen: @TMODOM @Chrisbrogan Issue is that NFPs only c big $; overlook possibility 4 lots of sm donations. #mmchat
1:17 am ArchipielagoPR: RT @heidicohen: @chrisbrogan Many NFPs worry about #s & $s that they forget why people connect w/them in the 1st place #mmchat
1:17 am CarlSorvino: Following @ekarff via #mmchat
1:17 am MargieClayman: @jackson_lo it works for me! #mmchat
1:17 am chrisbrogan: When rallying troops, it's important to do these three things: 1.) tell a crisp story. 2.) Connect your community to it. 3.) ask. #Mmchat
1:17 am ArchipielagoPR: @chrisbrogan Many NFPs worry about #s & $s that they forget why people connect w/them in the 1st place #mmchat /via @heidicohen i agree
1:17 am WRyanKing: @chrisbrogan do "up and comers" or "big names" actually matter? Isn't it content quality? I guess big names might have more reach #MMChat
1:17 am KatjaPresnal: @jolewitz I recommend using tweetgrid. #Mmchat
1:17 am missdestructo: Amen!! RT @prosperitygal: Great point @chrisbrogan so wonder when folks will support up and comers-like at conferences as speakers #MMchat
1:18 am mikulaja: I think creating engagement with smart, like minded ppl (like #UsGuys) is more valuable than being recognized by a 'big name'. #mmchat
1:18 am kmatthews: RT @chrisbrogan: When rallying troops, it's important to do these three things: 1.) tell a crisp story. 2.) Connect your community to it. 3.) ask. #Mmchat
1:18 am ianmrountree: @chrisbrogan Is this part of why your things are so diverse in scope? Velocity blog vs 501 Mission - scaled to the audience? #Mmchat
1:18 am TCoughlin: How do you rally the troops to support your cause in general in this economy - SM or w/o SM? #MMChat
1:18 am LexieLue76: RT @chrisbrogan: When rallying troops, it's important to do these three things: 1.) tell a crisp story. 2.) Connect your community to it. 3.) ask. #Mmchat
1:18 am jnye1: #Mmchat. First time joining. Very interesting and informative. How effective is social media in communicating #custserv issues?
1:18 am jolewitz: @SMSJOE thanks Joe, I'm on tweetdeck, took asprin & aleve, dramamine is next #mmchat
1:18 am TheSocialCMO: @MitchNeff Hi Mitch, Check for details #MMchat
1:18 am KyBedard: @jolewitz Pick 3 or 4 ppl to engage or you'll b like me chasing ur tail #MMChat
1:18 am chrisbrogan: If you haven't bought the Dragonfly Effect, you're missing the #1 resource to help you engage - #Mmchat
1:18 am johnsonwilliam: Crises. RT @TheSocialCMO: How do you rally the troops for your promotional requests for supporting a cause? #MMchat
1:18 am streetzapizza: RT @chrisbrogan: It's really important to realize that working with "up and comers" gives you much more engagement than pushing the larger names. #Mmchat
1:18 am heidicohen: #Tweetsgiving is example of how sm gifts can add up. @CarrieKerpen of Likeable Media was involved in this #mmchat
1:18 am KitchenTableMkt: Great point! RT @WRyanKing: @chrisbrogan do "up and comers" or "big names" actually matter? Isnt it content quality? #mmchat
1:18 am OptimizedMom: @chrisbrogan seeing your hashtag convo makes me curious... seems to be an interesting subject. What is #mmchat?
1:18 am SMSJOE: @chrisbrogan what about 4) show the resutls? #mmchat
1:18 am MargieClayman: @jolewitz don't try to catch everything. Look for a comment to respond to, respond. Go to your @ page. Respond. Jump back. #mmchat
1:18 am prosperitygal: @WRyanKing it would be nice, but fact is NAMES still gets attention #MMChat
1:18 am adidienne: RT @chrisbrogan: It's really important to realize that working with "up and comers" gives you much more engagement than pushing the larger names. #Mmchat
1:18 am LouImbriano: So @chrisbrogan maybe put teams of 4 or 5 folks together to equal the numbers of one big name. The right folks of course #MMChat
1:18 am CarlSorvino: Who cares how big if message is meaningless. Use folks that will champion your message and move it forward. Big or small. #mmchat
1:18 am chrisbrogan: @jnye1 - customer service lives and dies in social media. It's the BEST tool for it. #Mmchat
1:18 am correlationist: @chrisbrogan can a big name NOT be the ideal choice in Cause marketing? #mmchat
1:18 am catpoetry: @TheSocialCMO making sure both brands are represented (read Big name does not overshadow cause, get their followers 2 realy buyin) #mmchat
1:18 am DrAriafya: RT @chrisbrogan: When rallying troops, it's important to do these three things: 1.) tell a crisp story. 2.) Connect your community to it. 3.) ask. #Mmchat
1:18 am BigLeagueWIFFLE: RT @chrisbrogan: If you haven't bought the Dragonfly Effect, you're missing the #1 resource to help you engage - #Mmchat
1:18 am ckburgess: RT @chrisbrogan: For every @aplusk (and props to him for caring), he gets hundreds of asks. @ajleon is a MUCH better ask. @melissaleon too. #Mmchat
1:18 am Neoaftermath: RT @chrisbrogan: If you haven't bought the Dragonfly Effect, you're missing the #1 resource to help you engage - #Mmchat
1:18 am missdestructo: I think that people get tired of seeing the same people conference after conference, give another voice a chance. #mmchat @chrisbrogan
1:18 am SMSJOE: @jolewitz transcripts are useful too #mmchat
1:18 am MediaCollective: RT @TheSocialCMO: How do you rally the troops for your promotional requests for supporting a cause? #MMchat #mmchat
1:18 am chrisbrogan: @LouImbriano Exactly! And even better, because you get that much more engagement. #Mmchat
1:18 am buffyjhamilton: RT @chrisbrogan: When rallying troops, it's important to do these three things: 1.) tell a crisp story. 2.) Connect your community to it. 3.) ask. #Mmchat
1:18 am JadedTLC: RT @chrisbrogan: There's a study that donorschoose did that said that ENGAGEMENT ahead of an "ask" was one of the key factors, not size of audience. #Mmchat
1:19 am missdestructo: RT @chrisbrogan: @jnye1 - customer service lives and dies in social media. It's the BEST tool for it. #Mmchat
1:19 am CASUDI: @LisaPetrilli @charityestrella @ChrisBrogan BUT caveat pick your spokes person with personal story wisely ~ Just in case #MMchat
1:19 am peterfromottawa: It really is about the "crisp story" - Short and Sweet Elevator Pitch #MMChat
1:19 am brandcottage: @chrisbrogan at the end of the day, people have to care and want to help. #mmchat
1:19 am SarahLWLee: @mikulaja very true, engagement does foster trust but also the development of relationship with key investors #MMchat
1:19 am davidmcgraw: RT @chrisbrogan: rallying troops, do these 3 things: 1.) tell a crisp story. 2.) Connect your community to it. 3.) ask. <ASK is key #mmchat
1:19 am sandyhubbard: Helping up & comers meet each other gives value and brings everyone together into a community, pulling in same direction. #mmchat
1:19 am chrisbrogan: In Trust Agents, @julien and I said "give your ideas handles." We mean, "make your cause other people's cause." Feel me? #Mmchat
1:19 am MargieClayman: @KitchenTableMkt and by the way, it has to be selfless giving. Don't do it so people kiss your little toe. cc @catpoetry #mmchat
1:19 am heidicohen: RT @LisaPetrilli: @charityestrella @ChrisBrogan Agree. Spokesperson w/story like most donors they have personal reason 2 connect. #mmchat
1:19 am mikulaja: @chrisbrogan Social media is critical for cust serv, but too many companies only BROADCAST via social media. #mmchat
1:19 am ckburgess: RT @chrisbrogan: If you haven't bought the Dragonfly Effect, you're missing the #1 resource to help you engage - #Mmchat
1:19 am charityestrella: @lisapetrilli @chrisbrogan agreed...and - the people with the personal story often are the influencers in their cause space. #mmchat
1:19 am peterfromottawa: Better than all is building that relationship but first you need buy-in #MMChat
1:19 am prosperitygal: @chrisbrogan what are pieces or outline of a crisp story-learned some new stuff this week from LA movie producer #MMchat
1:19 am catpoetry: RT @chrisbrogan: When rallying troops, it's important to do these three things: 1.) tell a crisp story. 2.) Connect your community to it. 3.) ask. #Mmchat
1:19 am videoBIO_TO: @prosperitygal Nice to meet you too! Maybe we can meet next time you're in town. Would love to get to Texas one day! #MMchat
1:19 am LouImbriano: @chrisbrogan makes perfect sense #MMChat
1:19 am KitchenTableMkt: @chrisbrogan @jnye1 and customer service is the life blood of small business. Without it you have no chance to grow and succeed. #mmchat
1:19 am dfbova: Scrfoll down a couple and it will STOP the autofeed -then u can scroll RT @jolewitz: 'm on tweetdeck, took asprin & aleve,dramamine #mmchat
1:19 am Ginaschreck: RT @charityestrella: size of audience doesnt matter: # of pple in audience that care abt your cause does.Find your causes influencr #mmchat
1:19 am ArchipielagoPR: @jnye1 - customer service lives and dies in social media. It's the BEST tool for it. #Mmchat /via @chrisbrogan
1:20 am taravrussell: RT @chrisbrogan: When rallying troops, it's important to do these three things: 1.) tell a crisp story. 2.) Connect your community to it. 3.) ask. #Mmchat
1:20 am VirtuallyAmaz: RT @chrisbrogan: In Trust Agents, @julien and I said "give your ideas handles." We mean, "make your cause other people's cause." Feel me? #Mmchat
1:20 am AndrewFstewart: Can't wait to read the #MMChat with @chrisbrogan later.
1:20 am chrisbrogan: @prosperitygal - funny you ask. I spoke with Andy Smith and Jennifer Aaker (authors of Dragonfly Effect). We're going to help. #Mmchat
1:20 am mentormarketing: @jolewitz after the chat there is a transcript #mmchat
1:20 am KyBedard: @CarlSorvino compelling, game changing marketing campaigns and programs. #MMChat
1:20 am heidicohen: @CASUDI Good pt! SPokes people 4 any marketing can have issues like Tiger Woods. #mmchat
1:20 am ldatta: Extremely important to keep jargon to its minimum. Jargon tends to either intimidate or project (desired or not) superiority #MMchat
1:20 am davidmcgraw: RT @chrisbrogan: If you havent bought the Dragonfly Effect, youre missing the #1 resource to help u engage <<Best book recently read #mmchat
1:20 am johnsonwilliam: Still more to it though. @chrisbrogan: @jnye1 - customer service lives and dies in social media. It's the BEST tool for it. #Mmchat
1:20 am mikulaja: @peterfromottawa Promise I won't call you "peterfromiowa" tonight ;-) #mmchat
1:20 am WRyanKing: @prosperitygal I agree. I recommend a "buzz club" or a collection of people to help attract attention, instead of just one big name #MMChat
1:20 am KatjaPresnal: Help others without asking anything back. When U need help they will be there without you asking for it. #Mmchat
1:20 am DebWeinstein: Hi @CarlSorvino @mikulaja @chrisbrogan I've found celebrities v generous in hosting cause-rel events etc. Don't usually expect more #MMchat
1:20 am fearlesscomp: RT @chrisbrogan: In Trust Agents, @julien & I said "give your ideas handles." We mean, "make your cause other peoples cause." #mmchat
1:20 am prosperitygal: @BrandSprouts lots of way s to keep up-lets chat afterwards with more ideas for you #MMchat
1:20 am missdestructo: I am behind @brucesyams , me way out of their normal demographic. It was my personal passion and story that made the difference. #mmchat
1:20 am MediaCollective: @TheSocialCMO are you tweeting the questions? #mmchat
1:20 am mentormarketing: @jolewitz for future use try setting up Tweetgrid for chats #mmchat
1:20 am THO_R: RT @mikulaja: RT @catpoetry: all the more reason to start early - relationship & trust building take some time & are easy to lose #mmchat
1:20 am KSBM: It's moving really fast. Can't keep up. RT @andrewfstewart: Can't wait to read the #MMChat with @chrisbrogan later.
1:21 am charlieoliver: @chrisbrogan ever tried to give someone a jug of milk when you're holding the only handle? I get what you mean. #mmchat
1:21 am peterfromottawa: lol @mikulaja it's allll good! #MMChat
1:21 am johnsonwilliam: @missdestructo totally agree with you. #MMchat
1:21 am TheSocialCMO: And when you work with a major influencer Chris, What could possibly go wrong? #MMchat
1:21 am prosperitygal: @videoBIO_TO sounds great @Robcairns still owes me a drink giggle #MMchat
1:21 am chrisyates11: Is it crucial to have passion for the particular cause or just general passion for helping? @chrisbrogan #Mmchat
1:21 am KitchenTableMkt: @MargieClayman @catpoetry People can sniff out a faker pretty quick. #mmchat
1:21 am catpoetry: @KitchenTableMkt @MargieClayman Word. #giving #mmchat
1:21 am Goannatree: RT @chrisbrogan: It's really important to realize that working with "up and comers" gives you much more engagement than pushing the larger names. #Mmchat
1:21 am ckburgess: RT @TheSocialCMO: And when you work with a major influencer Chris, What could possibly go wrong? #MMchat
1:21 am wallisphoto: @chrisbrogan Chris do you think our efforts should be to get people to add themselves to our email list then? #mmchat
1:21 am ConsultantRC: RT @katjapresnal: Help others without asking anything back. When U need help they will be there without you asking for it. #Mmchat #Agree
1:21 am Tournantinc: RT @lizstrauss: RT @chrisbrogan: A study that donorschoose did said that ENGAGEMENT ahead of an "ask" was a key factor, not size of audience. #Mmchat
1:21 am heidicohen: @ArchipielagoPR @jnye1 W/ NFP customer service applies most 2 people or casue that helping. #mmchat
1:21 am hotrodrealtor: RT @chrisbrogan: When rallying troops, it's important to do these three things: 1.) tell a crisp story. 2.) Connect your community to it. 3.) ask. #Mmchat
1:21 am MargieClayman: @brandsprouts don't try to catch everything. Look for a comment, respond, see if someone responds, jump back in :) #mmchat
1:21 am mikulaja: @THO_R @catpoetry Sending a tweet or two & then asking for something isn't going to cut it. #mmchat
1:21 am treypennington: @virtuallyamaz @chrisbrogan @julien What do you get when you add Chris Brogan and Tim Sanders? #mmchat
1:21 am prosperitygal: @chrisbrogan looking forward to that (help) ;) #Mmchat
1:21 am AnneDGallaher: @chrisbrogan love "little bloggers grow up." Same for businesses who ppl think might be too small to matter. #mmchat
1:21 am davidmcgraw: RT @correlationist: @chrisbrogan can a big name NOT be the ideal choice Cause marketing? <w/o existing relationship tough to engage #mmchat
1:21 am KyBedard: @ConsultantRC I am getting dizzy. I hope someone will post transcipt tomm. #MMChat
1:21 am YAOtieno: RT @mikulaja: @chrisbrogan Social media is critical for cust serv, but too many companies only BROADCAST via social media. #mmchat
1:21 am superdumb: RT @KatjaPresnal: Help others without asking anything back. When U need help they will be there without you asking for it. #Mmchat
1:22 am chrisbrogan: @wallisphoto - lists are helpful. They give you better connectivity. @JeffPulver taught me in 2006, you live or die by your database #Mmchat
1:22 am Selsi_Ent: @LCaCera_PR @TheSocialCMO When we use a local person as a spokes person, seems to give it more of a home town feel. #mmchat
1:22 am ckburgess: RT @treypennington: @virtuallyamaz @chrisbrogan @julien What do you get when you add Chris Brogan and Tim Sanders? #mmchat
1:22 am justalaina: RT @chrisbrogan: In Trust Agents, @julien & I said "give UR ideas handles." We mean, "make UR cause other people's cause." Feel me? #Mmchat
1:22 am ZachACole: Agreed! RT @chrisbrogan: @julien and I said "give your ideas handles." We mean, "make your cause other people's cause." Feel me? #Mmchat
1:22 am jackson_lo: Looking 4ward 2 readin it RT @chrisbrogan: If you havent bought the Dragonfly Effect, youre missing the #1 resource to help u engage #mmchat
1:22 am MargieClayman: @KSBM just try to pick out comments here and there. It's not possible to catch everything even in a small chat :) #mmchat
1:22 am CarlSorvino: Hey that's a really nice shirt. Can I have 5 dollars? <--Not usually the way to go #mmchat
1:22 am zeal_doug: @KSBM try using twitgrid and following chrisbrogan as opposed to the whole of #mmchat
1:22 am catpoetry: RT @fearlesscomp: RT @chrisbrogan: In Trust Agents, @julien & I said "give your ideas handles." We mean, "make your cause other peoples cause." #mmchat
1:22 am chrisbrogan: RT @KatjaPresnal: Help others without asking anything back. When U need help they will be there without you asking for it. #Mmchat
1:22 am ConsultantRC: @kybedard I think that is a great idea. I am following @ChrisBrogan on my Ipad and using @hootsuite for the rest #MMchat
1:22 am heidicohen: @TheSocialCMO Issue w/one influencer is that their priorities may change causing followers 2 leave. #mmchat
1:22 am jolewitz: RT @chrisbrogan: If U haven't bought the Dragonfly Effect, U're missing the #1 resource 2 help U engage - #Mmchat
1:22 am megfowler: What is an #mmchat?
1:22 am mentormarketing: A special Gift will be awarded to our 1000 follower. Are you in need of a Marketing Mentor? #mmchat
1:22 am fearlesscomp: Helping without asking anything back is a good rule for life in general. #mmchat
1:22 am chrisbrogan: @davidmcgraw @correlationist - lots of times when a big name isn't the best choice. #Mmchat
1:22 am wallisphoto: RT @chrisbrogan: RT @KatjaPresnal: Help others w/out asking anything back. When U need help they will B thr w/out U asking 4 it. #Mmchat
1:22 am TCoughlin: St. Jude commercial on TV just featured Jennifer Aniston, at end they gave a website URL, but no SM hook. #MMChat
1:22 am michelemolitor: RT @chrisbrogan: RT @KatjaPresnal: Help others without asking anything back. When U need help they will be there without you asking for it. #Mmchat
1:22 am pcmguy: RT @chrisbrogan: RT @KatjaPresnal: Help others w/out asking anything back. When U need help they will B thr w/out U asking 4 it. #Mmchat
1:22 am KatjaPresnal: Social media isn't a bigger horn to toot your message. It's a two way conversation that evolves. #Mmchat
1:22 am prosperitygal: @AnneDGallaher lol picturing line of tiny bloggers walking through airport chuckle #mmchat
1:22 am CarlSorvino: RT @KyBedard: @CarlSorvino compelling, game changing marketing campaigns and programs. #MMChat <---Ha! Thanks Ky. You RAWK!
1:22 am BillChurchMedia: RT @chrisbrogan: In Trust Agents, @julien and I said "give your ideas handles." We mean, "make your cause other people's cause." Feel me? #Mmchat
1:22 am wallisphoto: log into #mmchat! Monday Marketing Chat
1:22 am MargieClayman: @KitchenTableMkt @catpoetry yep. Fakers/unauthentic folk have a distinct poopy smell to them. #mmchat
1:22 am treypennington: RT @charityestrella agreed?the people with the personal story often are the influencers in their cause space. #mmchat
1:22 am SMSJOE: RT @CarlSorvino: Hey that's a really nice shirt. Can I have 5 dollars? <--Not usually the way to go darn try again ;-) #mmchat
1:23 am chrisbrogan: Working with a major influencer, what can go wrong is: 1.) you put eggs in that basket and they drop the ball. (I've done it.) #Mmchat
1:23 am katz_kul: Lovely :) RT: @chrisbrogan: Help others without asking anything back. When U need help they will be there without you asking for it. #Mmchat
1:23 am ConsultantRC: RT @heidicohen: @TheSocialCMO Issue w/one influencer is that their priorities may change causing followers 2 leave. #mmchat
1:23 am susieblackmon: RT @chrisbrogan: If U havent bought the Dragonfly Effect, U r missing the #1 resource 2 help U engage - #mmchat
1:23 am chrisbrogan: 2.) You can hit them during a busy time and they'll undersell the cause. #Mmchat
1:23 am missdestructo: @treypennington Nice to see you in #mmchat tonight! :)
1:23 am heidicohen: @chrisbrogan NFPs r complex orgs-They have 8 audiences-clients, donors, volunteers, emp, govt, press, public, exec board. #mmchat
1:23 am fleur_de_lotus: RT @mikulaja: @chrisbrogan Social media is critical for cust serv, but too many companies only BROADCAST via social media. #mmchat
1:23 am ckburgess: RT @chrisbrogan: 2.) You can hit them during a busy time and they'll undersell the cause. #Mmchat
1:23 am sandyhubbard: One drawback to only using large name is that other people don't feel "worthy" to engage. @LCaCera_PR RT @TheSocialCMO #MMchat
1:23 am chrisbrogan: 3.) Something in their "real" life can cloud the issue. I wouldn't want to vote on a Lindsay Lohan to support my cause. #Mmchat
1:23 am catpoetry: @mikulaja @THO_R Truth. Takes sustained engagement. #mmchat
1:23 am MargieClayman: Now you tell me. RT @CarlSorvino Hey that's a really nice shirt. Can I have 5 dollars? <--Not usually the way to go #mmchat
1:23 am MitchNeff: I see several #UsGuys in #MMChat tonight. Trying to scan the stream now... this one moves fast :-)
1:23 am prosperitygal: @MargieClayman ok gonna use that term Poop\y smell #mmchat
1:23 am jackinessity: @chrisbrogan and think of more than $$, the benefit to the person you help is spreading goodwill, civility =helps all of us, world #mmchat
1:23 am heidicohen: Hi @TreyPennington How r u? #mmchat
1:23 am KatjaPresnal: When working w/ big influencers: sometimes "smaller" ones work harder = they have more time. #Mmchat
1:23 am ducinaltumus: RT @chrisbrogan: If you haven't bought the Dragonfly Effect, you're missing the #1 resource to help you engage - #Mmchat
1:23 am treypennington: RT @ChrisBrogan In Trust Agents @julien & I said "give your ideas handles." We mean "make your cause other people's cause." Feel me? #Mmchat
1:24 am KitchenTableMkt: @MargieClayman @catpoetry Yup, but somehow they carry on... #mmchat
1:24 am halfcenturyman: Big names can get in the way of message #MMchat
1:24 am chrisbrogan: 4.) You could get someone who doesn't really engage well, so you'll get a broadcast, not a conversation. #Mmchat
1:24 am fleur_de_lotus: @mikulaja totally agree that too many companies broadcast only and ignore actual Cust Service issues #mmchat @chrisbrogan
1:24 am CarlSorvino: RT @MitchNeff: I see several #UsGuys in #MMChat tonight. Trying to scan the stream now... this one moves fast :-) <---Extremely ;)
1:24 am ConsultantRC: RT @charityestrella: @lisapetrilli @chrisbrogan agreed...& - people w/ personal story often are influencers in their cause space. #mmchat
1:24 am DanielleSmithTV: Amen RT @KatjaPresnal: Help others without asking anything back. When U need help they will be there without you asking for it. #Mmchat
1:24 am brandcottage: If you havent bought the Dragonfly Effect, u r missing #1 resource to help u engage. #mmchat @davidmcgraw @chrisbrogan
1:24 am Selsi_Ent: @WRyanKing @prosperitygal A buzz club is an excellent idea! I am going to implement that immediately. #mmchat
1:24 am maltaee: RT @chrisbrogan: In Trust Agents, @julien and I said "give your ideas handles." We mean, "make your cause other people's cause." Feel me? #Mmchat
1:24 am treypennington: @heidicohen Doing great. I think this #mmchat is the most active chat I've seen yet. Way to go @TheSocialCMO & @ChrisBrogan
1:24 am chrisbrogan: Watching @theSocialCMO 's stream like a hawk for questions. : ) #Mmchat
1:24 am michelleflores: RT @KatjaPresnal: Social media isn't a bigger horn to toot your message. It's a two way conversation that evolves. #Mmchat (Absolutely!)
1:25 am MediaCollective: RT @TCoughlin: Known name can bring in the folks, but then let believers in cause tell the attendees their stories. #MMChat #mmchat
1:25 am eeUS: @chrisbrogan is doing #mmchat. I missed most of it but I'll be looking for the transcript. Can't beat his advice.
1:25 am CarlSorvino: Partners may not have the same passion as a supporter. Sometimes you have to take a chance #mmchat
1:25 am missdestructo: @CarlSorvino @MitchNeff @REALChaseAdams #usguys takes over #mmchat... hold on to your butts, it's a fast ride.
1:25 am catpoetry: @KatjaPresnal good point. And there's somthing to be said for targeting. #mmchat
1:25 am Ginaschreck: @katz_kul @chrisbrogan SO TRUE! Help others without asking for anything back! #Mmchat
1:25 am jacquichew: Wow. Busy monday night. #journchat and #mmchat going on,the same time.
1:25 am ckburgess: Agree!RT @treypennington: @heidicohen #mmchat is the most active chat I've seen yet. Way to go @TheSocialCMO & @ChrisBrogan
1:25 am chrisbrogan: @johnsonwilliam - that's a good way to look at it. Casino-like. #Mmchat
1:25 am AnneDGallaher: RT @chrisbrogan: Working with a major influencer, what can go wrong is: 1.) you put eggs in that basket and they drop the ball. (I've done it.) #Mmchat
1:25 am LouImbriano: I find I am inundated with requests for big name charities constantly. I like that social media is a resource for more direct giving #MMChat
1:25 am geekbabe: I'm new, small & eager, I work my arse off for any brand that hires me #Mmchat
1:25 am azivaziri: RT @chrisbrogan: Working with a major influencer, what can go wrong is: 1.) you put eggs in that basket and they drop the ball. (I've done it.) #Mmchat
1:25 am sandyhubbard: You've got to LOOOOVE your database (Live or die by your database) #Mmchat
1:25 am KatjaPresnal: True influence isn't abt numbers. If the cause isn't a fit - big name won't help as well as passionate small one. #Mmchat
1:25 am JoannWayman: @MargieClayman Absolutely right #Mmchat
1:25 am MargieClayman: @treypennington @charityestrella do you think people are starting to get cynical about spokespeople tho? Every cause has a tear. #mmchat
1:25 am missdestructo: RT @LouImbriano: I find I am inundated with requests for big name charities constantly. I like that social media is a resource for more direct giving #MMChat
1:25 am heidicohen: RT @fleur_de_lotus: RT @mikulaja: @chrisbrogan W/Cause marketing, customer service applies 2 clients (ie people who need help) #mmchat
1:25 am incslinger: Even w/the up & coming influencer there is no guarantee they won't just flake on you #Mmchat
1:25 am DaveLaMorte: What is #Mmchat ? Define.
1:25 am peterfromottawa: Wow - #MMChat is moving SUPER fast tonight - having trouble keeping up
1:25 am njdoc: RT @TheSocialCMO: Please join me in welcoming @ChrisBrogan as our #MarketerMonday Chat SPECIAL guest this evening! #MMchat
1:25 am WhereitBlooms: Hi all! First time here. What is #MMchat?
1:25 am Selsi_Ent: @halfcenturyman agree! Big names can take a way from what you are trying to accomplish. #mmchat
1:25 am njdoc: RT @TheSocialCMO: Chris is the NYTimes bestselling co-author of Trust Agents ( #MMchat
1:25 am Ginaschreck: RT @chrisbrogan NFPs r complex orgs-They have 8 audiences-clients, donors, volunteers, emp, govt, press, public, exec board. #mmchat
1:25 am mikulaja: @jacquichew Tell me about it - trying to do both! #mmchat
1:26 am chrisbrogan: Finding the new voices, the @suzannevara , the @margieclayman , the @jnswanson is WAY better than the "big guys." #Mmchat
1:26 am alamodestuff: RT @michelleflores: RT @KatjaPresnal: Social media isn't a bigger horn to toot your message. It's a 2way conversation that evolves. #Mmchat
1:26 am fleur_de_lotus: RT @jackinessity: @chrisbrogan and think of more than $$, the benefit to the person you help is spreading goodwill, civility =helps all of us, world #mmchat
1:26 am UtkarshGosain: RT @chrisbrogan: If you haven't bought the Dragonfly Effect, you're missing the #1 resource to help you engage - #Mmchat
1:26 am njdoc: RT @TheSocialCMO: To chat, simply use the hashtag #MMchat to be included in #MMchat transcript! You can also follow the chat at
1:26 am mentormarketing: Great ad RT @geekbabe: I'm new, small & eager, I work my arse off for any brand that hires me #mmchat
1:26 am KatjaPresnal: @geekbabe That's why brands should work w/ ppl like you :) #Mmchat
1:26 am RustiAnn: RT @CarlSorvino: RT @MitchNeff: I see several #UsGuys in #MMChat tonight.Trying 2 scan stream now this 1 moves fast :-) Lots of us here
1:26 am azivaziri: RT @chrisbrogan: 2.) You can hit them during a busy time and they'll undersell the cause. #Mmchat
1:26 am CarlSorvino: Hey CK it's a pleasure to see you! @ckburgess #mmchat
1:26 am azivaziri: RT @chrisbrogan: 3.) Something in their "real" life can cloud the issue. I wouldn't want to vote on a Lindsay Lohan to support my cause. #Mmchat
1:26 am treypennington: @chrisbrogan Awh, no one saw my quite hilarious question, "what do you get when you combine Chris Brogan and Tim Sanders?" #mmchat
1:26 am correlationist: @chrisbrogan True, but there is narcissism in altruism, no? RT @KatjaPresnal: Help others without asking anything back.... #Mmchat
1:26 am CoastalHG: RT @pcmguy: RT @chrisbrogan: RT @KatjaPresnal: Help others w/out asking anything back. When U need help they will B thr w/out U asking 4 it. #Mmchat
1:26 am megfowler: Working with an influencer can result in a one-time bump. It's not sustainable unless you continue it. #mmchat
1:26 am Ginaschreck: @sandyhubbard I like that - allow more people to get involved--it might just spread message FASTER or at least DEEPER #MMchat
1:26 am chrisbrogan: Watching what @katjapresnal says. She's got a lot of good ideas, too. #Mmchat
1:26 am bo_bryant: What is #MMchat?
1:26 am StaceyMonk: RT @chrisbrogan: Working with a major influencer, what can go wrong is: 1.) you put eggs in that basket and they drop the ball. (I've done it.) #Mmchat
1:26 am halfcenturyman: and big names want big bucks spent to promote. Sometime grassroots can be more effective and better use of promo $$. #MMchat
1:26 am KatjaPresnal: @catpoetry Absolutely! #Mmchat
1:26 am gochris: RT @chrisbrogan: For instance, I asked @charityestrella to run because she's got a lot of credibility. Big in her space. #Mmchat
1:26 am KitchenTableMkt: @peterfromottawa it's the @chrisbrogan effect #mmchat
1:26 am StaceyMonk: RT @chrisbrogan: 2.) You can hit them during a busy time and they'll undersell the cause. #Mmchat
1:26 am geekbabe: wow, lots of familiar faces, hello:) #Mmchat
1:26 am StaceyMonk: RT @chrisbrogan: 3.) Something in their "real" life can cloud the issue. I wouldn't want to vote on a Lindsay Lohan to support my cause. #Mmchat
1:26 am mikulaja: @DaveLaMorte MMChat = Marketer Monday twitter chat. Live chat based on the hash tag. #mmchat
1:26 am StaceyMonk: RT @chrisbrogan: 4.) You could get someone who doesn't really engage well, so you'll get a broadcast, not a conversation. #Mmchat
1:26 am OwenGreaves: @treypennington Here he goes! #mmchat
1:26 am missdestructo: Social Media is amazing for direct giving @LouImbriano ex: #mitchgiving we raised $1100 for @MitchNeff in under 24 hours. #mmchat
1:26 am ConsultantRC: @chrisbrogan me & @kybedard are already dizzy would not want to be you today. What tool do you use for following the chat #MMchat
1:26 am azivaziri: RT @chrisbrogan: 4.) You could get someone who doesn't really engage well, so you'll get a broadcast, not a conversation. #Mmchat
1:26 am CarlSorvino: @geekbabe 'ello #Mmchat
1:26 am MediaCollective: @TheSocialCMO can see why, easier to see 1 vs. chunks flying by #mmchat
1:26 am fearlesscomp: How do you identify "up and comers" Chris? #mmchat
1:26 am ldatta: Influencers or whatever the label may be for someone considered lofty, is not an excuse for critical thinking #MMchat
1:26 am mikulaja: @RustiAnn mmchat is moving a lot faster than normal, I blame @ChrisBrogan ;-) #mmchat
1:27 am prosperitygal: @Selsi_Ent well then lets all talk this week-group skype chat #mmchat
1:27 am luserrano: Siguiendo el #MMChat -Las cosas que pueden salir mal cuando trabajas con un influenciador mayor (via @chrisbrogan)
1:27 am heidicohen: @treypennington @chrisbrogan 4 many NFPs making ur cause someone elses is a BIG challenge w/ ltd resources. #mmchat
1:27 am chrisyates11: No one on this planet is 2 small 2 ignore RT @AnneDGallaher love-little bloggers grow up Same 4 biz who ppl think might b 2 small #mmchat
1:27 am chrisbrogan: @ConsultantRC - I'm using #Mmchat
1:27 am CarlSorvino: RT @mikulaja: @RustiAnn mmchat is moving a lot faster than normal, I blame @ChrisBrogan ;-) #mmchat
1:27 am CASUDI: Good list which @chrisbrogan is giving of things that go wrong in selecting a person to represent your cause #MMchat
1:27 am wallisphoto: @fearlesscomp sounds like 20,000 plus followers #mmchat
1:27 am MargieClayman: @chrisbrogan Thanks, sir :) #mmchat
1:27 am vergil66: RT @chrisbrogan: When rallying troops, it's important to do these three things: 1.) tell a crisp story. 2.) Connect your community to it. 3.) ask. #Mmchat
1:27 am urthots_com: RT @missdestructo: Social Media is amazing for direct giving @LouImbriano ex: #mitchgiving we raised $1100 for @MitchNeff in under 24 hours. #mmchat
1:27 am ConsultantRC: RT @chrisbrogan: Finding new voices, the @suzannevara , the @margieclayman , @jnswanson is WAY better than the "big guys." #Mmchat #WOOT
1:27 am jolewitz: @whereitblooms welcome it' monday marketers chat - and fast moving too #mmchat
1:27 am KatjaPresnal: @correlationist I agree to the point. But there has to be true interest to help people & true value for them. #Mmchat
1:27 am catpoetry: Rt @KatjaPresnal: True influence isn't abt numbers. If the cause isn't a fit - big name won't help as well as passionate small one. #Mmchat
1:27 am TheSocialCMO: And I suppose there must be limits? How much is too much to ask of your constituency? #MMchat
1:27 am ChrisMLindgren: Chis, is a quality of a good influencer 1 who tries to provide viable alternatives if it's not for them for various reasons? #MMchat
1:27 am pheffernanvt: Agree. We aim for 1 influencer for each of 8 audiences. Cap't + team approach. RT @heidicohen @chrisbrogan NFPs r complex audiences #mmchat
1:27 am mckra1g: .@LouImbriano a strength of #sm is its mass individualization capacity - thus you can give strategically, as you state #MMChat
1:27 am WRyanKing: @Selsi_Ent @prosperitygal buzz clubs allow for more reach, and to capitalize preexisting relationships #MMChat
1:27 am cbanksindy: Rt @KatjaPresnal: True influence isnt abt numbers. If the cause isnt a fit - big name wont help as well as passionate small one. #mmchat
1:27 am davidmcgraw: How do you teach someone to be a promoter when they are naturally good at it? #mmchat
1:27 am incslinger: Worst response I've received when reaching out to an influencer on behalf of a cause - "Is this a paying gig?" #MmChat
1:27 am AnneDGallaher: @treypennington Greetings Trey! Have to be on our game tonight with @chrisbrogan. #mmchat
1:27 am KyBedard: @KatjaPresnal Most ppl on twitter (besides "us, lol? update their audience not engage them...correct? #MMChat
1:27 am CASUDI: @heidicohen I was def thinking of the Tiger :-) #MMchat
1:27 am MargieClayman: @DebWeinstein that's a really good point. A lot of people banked on Tiger's pristine image. Oops. #mmchat
1:27 am megfowler: And while a bump can be useful to meet a goal or create a buzz, the "little people" require consistency to stick with you. #mmchat
1:28 am chrisbrogan: Great question, @thesocialcmo. There are cause efforts that really barrage the social sphere with too many tweets. #Mmchat
1:28 am OwenGreaves: RT @davidmcgraw: How do you teach someone to be a promoter when they are naturally good at it? #mmchat - you don't get out of the way!
1:28 am cbanksindy: Horrid RT @incslinger: Worst response Ive received when reaching out to an influencer on behalf of a cause - "Is this a paying gig?" #mmchat
1:28 am missdestructo: @incslinger Really? That's freakin awful Simon. "Is this a paying gig?" #mmchat
1:28 am MitchNeff: RT @thesocialcmo: @MitchNeff Hi Mitch, Check for details #MMchat @bo_bryant - Good to see you!
1:28 am wallisphoto: @chrisbrogan I loved the Untied Breaks Guitars example in your book! #mmchat
1:28 am KatjaPresnal: @chrisbrogan Thank you Chris, you have no idea how much that means to me today. <- Chris knows how to help small fish! #Mmchat
1:28 am SMSJOE: @chrisbrogan for the new folks u mentioned is it authenticity? that helps? #mmchat
1:28 am JoannWayman: @MediaCollective Excellent point #mmchat
1:28 am superdumb: RT @KatjaPresnal True influence isn't abt numbers. If the cause isn't a fit - big name won't help as well as passionate small one. #Mmchat
1:28 am bsak: @MargieClayman Well-deserved! cc @chrisbrogan #mmchat
1:28 am bo_bryant: @chrisbrogan What is #MMchat?
1:28 am peterfromottawa: @kitchentablemkt no kidding! this is nuts! #MMChat
1:28 am chrisbrogan: I've seen lots of cases where people push the flooding/spamming behaviors to a constituency, instead of pushing the "ask." #Mmchat
1:28 am prosperitygal: @treypennington do we want to know answer #mmchat
1:28 am OLeeMincey: RT @chrisbrogan: RT @KatjaPresnal: Help others without asking anything back. When U need help they will be there without you asking for it. #Mmchat
1:28 am SarahLWLee: To get ppl on the engagement band wagon is still an educational process for many businesses and charities. #MMChat
1:28 am jnye1: RT @fleur_de_lotus: RT @mikulaja: @chrisbrogan Social media is critical for #custserv, but 2 many companies only BROADCAST via SM. #mmchat
1:28 am TCoughlin: If stories are key to cause, does this limit effectiveness of Twitter vs. longer form SM? #MMChat
1:28 am chrisbrogan: Your goals in cause marketing: tell a good story, build an affinity bridge, make the ask, support the givers. #Mmchat
1:28 am MitchNeff: @staceymonk I didn't see you in here :-) #MMChat
1:28 am MargieClayman: @charityestrella @treypennington yeah, I think some causes overdo it though. There's a genuine story & then a sobby susan. :) #mmchat
1:28 am cherylbudge: RT @chrisbrogan: Watching what @katjapresnal says. She's got a lot of good ideas, too. #Mmchat
1:28 am heidicohen: @TheSocialCMO What is 2 much 2 ask depends on the cause, imp 2 audience & who gets helped #mmchat
1:28 am KyBedard: @chrisbrogan I agree. it's like getting a score update on a game #MMChat
1:28 am cindymariej: RT @chrisbrogan: Your goals in cause marketing: tell a good story, build an affinity bridge, make the ask, support the givers. #Mmchat
1:29 am bo_bryant: @incslinger What is #MMchat?
1:29 am LCaCera_PR: RT @sandyhubbard: One drawback to only using large name is that other people don't feel "worthy" to engage. RT @TheSocialCMO #MMchat
1:29 am CoastalHG: RT @eeUS: @chrisbrogan is doing #mmchat. I missed most of it but I'll be looking for the transcript. Can't beat his advice.
1:29 am johnsonwilliam: RT @mikulaja: @RustiAnn mmchat is moving a lot faster than normal, I blame @ChrisBrogan ;-) #mmchat
1:29 am heidicohen: @CASUDI Gr8 minds think a like! #mmchat
1:29 am MargieClayman: @bsak thank you, friend :) #mmchat
1:29 am CoachCMJ: RT @chrisbrogan: Your goals in cause marketing: tell a good story, build an affinity bridge, make the ask, support the givers. #Mmchat
1:29 am incslinger: @bo_bryant Marketing Monday Chat #MMchat
1:29 am molsen417: RT @chrisbrogan: 4.) You could get someone who doesn't really engage well, so you'll get a broadcast, not a conversation. #Mmchat
1:29 am chrisbrogan: @heidicohen - you're right. It depends on what people feel about you already. #Mmchat
1:29 am mikulaja: @TheSocialCMO I don't feel bad asking ppl to read my posts & give me feedback (ppl I know & have a relationship with) #mmchat
1:29 am KatjaPresnal: @KyBedard There R lot of ppl who use it 2 broadcast. Nothing wrong if that works, but I don't think it as social media marketing. #Mmchat
1:29 am KyBedard: @ConsultantRC @chrisbrogan Tweetchat #MMChat
1:29 am CASUDI: @megfowler Agree a long term commitment is almost always required to get a run for your $ ~ and really B effective #MMchat
1:29 am Ginaschreck: @davidmcgraw I think someone who is a natural promoter is passionate about the cause they are promoting--can you teach passion? #mmchat
1:29 am correlationist: @chrisbrogan what are 3 things the right influencer does to help a cause - wht about bridging the gap b/w activism and slacktivism #mmchat
1:29 am megfowler: @TheSocialCMO the too much to ask is when you've failed to align your ask with their values, and resort only to touting yours. #mmchat
1:29 am ckburgess: #MMChat @chrisbrogan Chris agree on database...use to track fave marketers for #MarketerMonday
1:29 am SMSJOE: @chrisbrogan do you think bigger players can endorse new ones give additional credibility? #mmchat
1:29 am wordsdonewrite: @Lizstrauss I love that you say "Iittle bloggers grow up"! That's so true & almost always forgotten! #mmchat
1:29 am sandyhubbard: Agree about help others without asking for anything back but also be clear about mission. Your passion and focus is important! #Mmchat
1:29 am treypennington: RT @chrisyates11 No one is 2 small 2 ignore @AnneDGallaher love-little bloggers grow up Same 4 biz who ppl think might b 2 small #mmchat
1:29 am pcmguy: Thx CB RT @chrisbrogan: yr goals in cause marketing: tell a gd story, build an affinity bridge, make the ask, support the givers. #Mmchat
1:29 am incslinger: @missdestructo Yep I was surprised, Esp because they had aligned themselves with the cause previously #mmchat
1:30 am chrisbrogan: (BTW, this is flying by me a mile a minute. Sorry if I miss you.) Re-ask. #Mmchat
1:30 am ChrisMarlow: RT @chrisbrogan: Your goals in cause marketing: tell a good story, build an affinity bridge, make the ask, support the givers. #Mmchat
1:30 am heidicohen: @chrisbrogan In part, cause marketing pushes out messages because what they've always done. It's how goals r set internally #mmchat
1:30 am OwenGreaves: @chrisbrogan I feel like I'm in TOMMY - FEEL ME, TOUCH ME, FEEL ME.... #Mmchat
1:30 am KyBedard: @KatjaPresnal Yes i need to kno the diff between content and engagin content ##MMChat
1:30 am chrisbrogan: @SMSJOE - definitely. Wish it weren't true, but if someone "big" taps your shoulder, you're granted more credibility. #Mmchat
1:30 am KatjaPresnal: @superdumb Thank you my dear. We have talked about this so many times :) #Mmchat
1:30 am jolewitz: @fearlesscomp "up & comer" must be a self determination (I think) #mmchat
1:30 am treypennington: @chrisyates11 @AnneDGallaher Love the title of one of Francis Schaeffer's essays, "There are no little people." #mmchat
1:30 am AnneDGallaher: @chrisyates11 Every good marketer will say Amen to that. #mmchat
1:30 am TheSocialCMO: @treypennington Hey Trey I think you're right. Looks like we broke WTHASHTAG as it's stuck now! =) #Mmchat
1:30 am SarahLWLee: RT @LouImbriano: I find I am inundated with requests for big name charities constantly. I like that social media is a resource for more direct giving #MMChat
1:30 am ckburgess: @CarlSorvino Good to see you tonight Carl! #MMChat
1:30 am alisaan: #MMchat big ppl = big return but also big risk. :)
1:30 am ottogrl: RT @chrisbrogan: Your goals in cause marketing: tell a good story, build an affinity bridge, make the ask, support the givers. #mmchat
1:30 am geekbabe: @chrisbrogan it's great to get a chance to tweet with you! #Mmchat
1:30 am johnsonwilliam: @incslinger and sometimes even when it's not, key stakeholders may think it is. Riskiness of major influencers. #MMchat
1:30 am wallisphoto: RT @chrisbrogan: @SMSJOE - def. Wish it weren't tru, but if sum1 "big" taps yr shoulder, U're granted more credibility. #Mmchat
1:30 am sandyhubbard: Hi @RustiAnn - Lots of #UsGuys here... #mmchat
1:30 am WRyanKing: @sandyhubbard I think you have to nurture your database - go beyond love - for engagement #MMChat
1:30 am KitchenTableMkt: Flood of promotion tweets technique is old-school advertising idea that the more someone sees it the more likely they are to respond #mmchat
1:30 am MargieClayman: @geekbabe heya! Getting the chat addiction, eh? :) Happens to the best of us. #mmchat
1:30 am KyBedard: @KatjaPresnal I need to provide something much more profound than a bunch of links. #MMChat
1:30 am dfbova: RT @pcmguy: Thx CB RT @chrisbrogan: yr goals in cause marketing: tell a gd story, build an affinity bridge, make the ask, support the givers. #Mmchat
1:31 am THO_R: Fundraising for the Boy Scouts, I have this ? often RT @TheSocialCMO: How much is too much to ask of your constituency? #mmchat
1:31 am JimmySW: Joining a chat for a bit. Please excuse the many tweets. #mmchat
1:31 am Goannatree: love to hear more about what #Mmchat is ....
1:31 am JoannWayman: The voices need to be real and believable The target market should be able to relate. #mmchat
1:31 am ArtseyC: RT @KatjaPresnal: Help others without asking anything back. When U need help they will be there without you asking for it. #Mmchat
1:31 am heidicohen: @chrisbrogan When most people think NFP, they think BIG org., most NFPs r very small & personal. #mmchat
1:31 am chieflemonhead: RT @wryanking: @sandyhubbard I think you have to nurture your database - go beyond love - for engagement #MMChat
1:31 am TheSocialCMO: Since here at #MMchat we?re from Missouri, can you please share with us some examples of your forays into cause marketing? #MMchat
1:31 am SusieKline: what is #mmchat?
1:31 am CharityHisle: Trying to keep up on TweetChat. #MMChat
1:31 am chrisbrogan: @geekbabe - well thanks. I've been using Twitter a bit less per month, so glad to see you. #Mmchat
1:31 am fearlesscomp: I asked "How do you identify the 'up and comers' for your cause?" #mmchat
1:31 am cindymariej: Even if I can't keep up with all of #mmchat , what I can catch is so helpful!
1:31 am megfowler: .@CASUDI Happy customers responding to you socially is more consistently powerful than a one time influencer moment. #mmchat
1:31 am catpoetry: Wow. The #mmchat community is the Fast and the Twitterious tonight. Great to see.
1:31 am MediaCollective: @correlationist thanks for the new vocab word of the day " slacktivism" #mmchat
1:31 am DebWeinstein: Hi #USguys @RustiAnn @CarlSorvino @MitchNeff glad to see you here at #MMchat my ritual Monday night MUST hosted by @TheSocialCMO
1:31 am mentormarketing: @bo_bryant This is the #MarketerMonday Chat happens every week. #mmchat
1:31 am incslinger: @johnsonwilliam Yep agreed. #MMchat
1:31 am sandyhubbard: RT @SMSJOE: @chrisbrogan do you think bigger players can endorse new ones give additional credibility? #mmchat
1:31 am Goannatree: RT @SusieKline: what is #mmchat?
1:31 am pheffernanvt: @chrisbrogan Do you think that's driven by tension between short/concentrated campaign & longer/sustained campaign effort? #mmchat
1:31 am bsak: Neat! RT @chrisbrogan: Your goals in cause marketing: tell a good story, build an affinity bridge, make the ask, support the givers. #mmchat
1:31 am ConsultantRC: @goannatree MarketerMonday Chat #MMCHAT
1:31 am KatjaPresnal: @KyBedard Yes - but links are good too - esp if someone is asking for info & U are able to provide it! #Mmchat
1:31 am LouImbriano: @mckra1g @missdestructo @MitchNeff I think folks prefer when they can make a true difference. Direct giving is made easier w/ SM #MMChat
1:32 am SMSJOE: @chrisbrogan i like the new ones u mentioned because i can relate, i trust them feel closer #mmchat
1:32 am chrisbrogan: Some of my cause marketing: I worked with @kanter to raise for sending a young Cambodian woman to college. #Mmchat
1:32 am KyBedard: @ConsultantRC @chrisbrogan Do u guys ask, Does my content strategy provoke the user to provide their own insights? ##MMChat
1:32 am smartel: Story must be good AND true RT @chrisbrogan Your goals: tell a good story, build an affinity bridge, make the ask, support the giver #Mmchat
1:32 am davidmcgraw: Help people find themselves in your story and they will find the passion to promote your cause #mmchat
1:32 am geekbabe: @lizstrauss I'm a "little blogger" with a long memory for those who've been good to me #Mmchat
1:32 am MargieClayman: @catpoetry I like that. Twitterious. haha :) #mmchat
1:32 am correlationist: @chuckmartin1 And you :)) In a #chat after nearly 6 months :)) @correlationist Hey, good to see you here #mmchat
1:32 am PatRobeck1ofHis: If your NFP doesn't align with someones beliefs, shouldn't be surprised if they don't assist. #MMChat
1:32 am _amywarren: Good evening, all #mmchat
1:32 am AnneDGallaher: RT @MediaCollective: @correlationist thanks for the new vocab word of the day " slacktivism" #mmchat
1:32 am StaceyMonk: @MitchNeff here i am #MMChat - just saw those tweets from @chrisbrogan & thought they were insightful...super busy tho on secret awesome ;)
1:32 am ckburgess: RT @TheSocialCMO: Since here at #MMchat we?re from Missouri, can you please share with us some examples of your forays into cause marketing? #MMchat
1:32 am CASUDI: @JoannWayman agree audience has to relate which means no ego trip for your influencer :-) #MMchat
1:32 am heidicohen: @dfbova Good stories always help! here's 5 pts inspired by @TreyPennington #mmchat
1:32 am catpoetry: RT @pcmguy: Thx CB RT @chrisbrogan: yr goals in cause marketing: tell a gd story, build an affinity bridge, make the ask, support the givers. #Mmchat
1:32 am MitchNeff: @debweinstein Happy to make it... is there a time warp feature in the new HootSuite? I need to slow this thing #MMChat
1:32 am sandyhubbard: RT @missdestructo: Social Media is amazing for direct giving @LouImbriano ex: #mitchgiving we raised $1100 for @MitchNeff in under 24 hours. #mmchat
1:32 am chrisbrogan: I work regularly to support @hardlynormal (, @skip1 (, and autism charities. #Mmchat
1:32 am TCoughlin: In my exp, giving is an emotional response. Appeals to multiple senses (youtube) have more impact than text-based SM? #MMChat
1:32 am peterfromottawa: Can't keep up - just Kindled Trust Agents by @chrisbrogan - gonna settle into that. Thanks #MMChat, I'll transcript
1:32 am ToDiFor: RT @chrisbrogan: Your goals in cause marketing: tell a good story, build an affinity bridge, make the ask, support the givers. #Mmchat
1:32 am CarlSorvino: This again goes back to implementing devices that allow people to see their contribution at work #mmchat
1:32 am KatjaPresnal: @MitchNeff Exactly! Those truly succeed who push boundaries & use new tools in new ways. #Mmchat
1:32 am bsak: @catpoetry Great to see you! #mmchat
1:32 am MargieClayman: @SMSJOE yeah but don't forget, you don't trust me as far as you could throw me. :D #mmchat
1:32 am geekbabe: RT @chrisbrogan Your goals: tell a good story, build an affinity bridge, make the ask, support the giver #Mmchat
1:32 am bruneiandollar: @chrisbrogan What are your thoughts on mompreneurs? #Mmchat
1:32 am superdumb: RT @treypennington: @chrisyates11 @AnneDGallaher Love the title of one of Francis Schaeffer's essays, "There are no little people." #mmchat
1:32 am ConsultantRC: @kybedard I guess you can measure that after but I think that should be one of the main goals cc: @chrisbrogan #MMchat
1:32 am CharityHisle: Me too! RT @geekbabe: @lizstrauss Im a "little blogger" with a long memory for those who've been good to me #MMChat
1:33 am TheHelpGroup: @chrisbrogan: I ... regularly support @hardlynormal (, @skip1 (, and autism charities. #Mmchat
1:33 am JoannWayman: @fearlesscomp Up and comers need to have the ability to connect with your target. #mmchat
1:33 am chrisbrogan: I do a lot of donating to homeless, hungry, kid, and autism causes. But what I love is accelerating raises. #Mmchat
1:33 am catpoetry: @MargieClayman : - D. #mmchat
1:33 am KatjaPresnal: RT @chrisbrogan Your goals: tell a good story, build an affinity bridge, make the ask, support the giver #Mmchat
1:33 am dakini_3: RT @chrisbrogan: I work regularly to support @hardlynormal (, @skip1 (, and autism charities. #Mmchat
1:33 am CarlSorvino: @DebWeinstein @RustiAnn @MitchNeff @TheSocialCMO - hello to all the #usguys out tonight #USguys #MMchat
1:33 am heidicohen: @peterfromottawa Participate and get what u can. Enjoy #mmchat
1:33 am sandyhubbard: RT @Ginaschreck: @sandyhubbard I like that - allow more people to get involved--it might just spread message FASTER or at least DEEPER #MMchat
1:33 am MargieClayman: @missdestructo #mitchgiving & #tutusfortanner both great examples of the power & importance of community. #mmchat
1:33 am SMSJOE: RT @MargieClayman: @SMSJOE yeah but don't forget, you don't trust me as far as you could throw me. :D #mmchat I was just keying TY
1:33 am KyBedard: I say model yourself after @margieclayman Be purposefully controversial in a status update or tweet!!! #MMChat
1:33 am spychresearch: It's like @simonsinek talks about - People don't buy what you do, they buy why you do it! #Mmchat
1:33 am TheSocialCMO: @DebWeinstein Hey Deb, Wondering when you are going to be our SPECIAL guest on #MMchat ? =)
1:33 am chrisbrogan: @bruneiandollar - in what way/ I think they're swell folks. I love working with moms. #Mmchat
1:33 am Brodobe: I may be late to the party but what's #mmchat?
1:33 am prosperitygal: About to board plane will miss rest of chat #MMchat & #journchat WAHHHHHH
1:33 am CoastalHG: RT @davidmcgraw: Help people find themselves in your story and they will find the passion to promote your cause #mmchat
1:33 am heidicohen: @margotfriedman It's a marketing chat on Cause Marketing #mmchat
1:33 am rcdutcher: RT @chrisbrogan: RT @KatjaPresnal: Help others without asking anything back. When U need help they will be there without you asking for it. #Mmchat
1:33 am correlationist: @chrisbrogan - what role does micro-financing have to play in Cause Marketing's future, if you think there is any #mmchat
1:33 am CarlSorvino: RT @KyBedard: I say model yourself after @margieclayman Be purposefully controversial in a status update or tweet!!! #MMChat <--uh oh
1:33 am fredmcclimans: Gr8 advice for ANY venture> RT @chrisbrogan: Tell a good story, build an affinity bridge, make the ask, support the givers. #Mmchat
1:33 am jolewitz: @pheffernanvt Interesting 1:8 formula - how did you determine that? #mmchat @heidicohen @chrisbrogan
1:33 am chrisbrogan: I second making @DebWeinstein a guest host. : ) #Mmchat
1:33 am MargieClayman: @SMSJOE hahaha :) #mmchat
1:33 am JoannWayman: @TCoughlin Excellent point. Totally agree. #mmchat
1:34 am dfbova: @chrisbrogan Celebrity endorsement can fast forward a cause. #Mmchat
1:34 am brandcottage: I agree! @DebWeinstein Hey Deb, Wondering when you are going to be our SPECIAL guest on #MMchat ? =)
1:34 am geekbabe: @gauravkumar552 yes & saw yours, I tend to respond/take action after chats so I don't miss anything #Mmchat
1:34 am treypennington: Love this! RT @heidicohen @dfbova Good stories always help! here's 5 pts inspired by @treypennington #mmchat
1:34 am MargieClayman: @CarlSorvino @KyBedard purposefully controversial? Wha? #mmchat
1:34 am CarlSorvino: RT @dfbova: @chrisbrogan Celebrity endorsement can fast forward a cause. #Mmchat <--- if it's genuine
1:34 am DebWeinstein: Yep! RT @chrisbrogan: Your goals in cause marketing: tell a good story, build an affinity bridge, make the ask, support the givers. #mmchat
1:34 am CharityHisle: Take heart @prosperitygal, You have a few minutes in the seat while the plane loads. #MMChat
1:34 am davidweiner: RT @chrisbrogan: Your goals in cause marketing: tell a good story, build an affinity bridge, make the ask, support the givers. #Mmchat
1:34 am KyBedard: @CarlSorvino @margieclayman haha #MMChat
1:34 am MitchNeff: +1 RT @louimbriano: @mckra1g @missdestructo I think folks prefer when they can make a tru difference. Direct giving is easier w/ SM #MMChat
1:34 am ckburgess: #MMChat w/ @chrisbrogan is Twitter on steriods! - Can't read fast enough - let alone tweet ;-)
1:34 am davidmcgraw: RT @correlationist: @chrisbrogan - what role does micro-financing have to play in Cause Marketings future, if you think there is any #mmchat
1:34 am TheHelpGroup: @chrisbrogan Thank you for helping autism! I'm listening in on #MMChat and finding it very helpful
1:34 am chrisbrogan: .@correlationist - GREAT question. I think microfinance is a really powerful way to help. I love things like #Mmchat
1:34 am heidicohen: @TCoughlin How u present the message & related content should depend on ur target audience. Where r they & what do u want them 2 do? #mmchat
1:34 am spychresearch: @correlationist Good question - but, aren't there a lot of issues that need to be worked out around that - social and financial #mmchat
1:34 am THO_R: RT @geekbabe: RT @chrisbrogan Your goals: tell a good story, build an affinity bridge, make the ask, support the giver #mmchat
1:34 am pheffernanvt: @JoannWayman True. Real and relevant voices esp. important in rural areas or as @HeidiCohen says, w. small NFPs. #mmchat
1:34 am JimmySW: Research is mixed on the results of cause marketing. Methods can inhibit the fundraising potential or help it soar through the roof. #mmchat
1:34 am PatRobeck1ofHis: When you are asking for help, ask yourself, what is my motivation? To really help someone, or make a name for myself? #MMChat
1:34 am AnneDGallaher: RT @chrisbrogan: I work regularly to support @hardlynormal (, @skip1 (, and autism charities. #Mmchat
1:34 am KyBedard: @MargieClayman @CarlSorvino I shoulda said effortlessly #MMChat
1:34 am chrisbrogan: @TheHelpGroup - we all have to help. It's growing too fast. #Mmchat
1:34 am heidicohen: @treypennington It was inspired by ur chat on stories #mmchat
1:34 am MargieClayman: @prosperitygal travel safe!! #mmchat
1:35 am AnneDGallaher: RT @chrisbrogan: I second making @DebWeinstein a guest host. : ) #Mmchat
1:35 am geekbabe: @MargieClayman I learn important things from every chat, wise investment of my time! #mmchat
1:35 am ConsultantRC: @ChrisBrogan I guess this week is a great opportunity to donate to @skip1 or @hardlynormal #thanksgiving #MMchat
1:35 am himanshunagpal: @lizstrauss What is #mmchat
1:35 am chrisbrogan: @PatRobeck1ofHis - I tend to think that people who are asking are asking to raise and serve. You don't? #Mmchat
1:35 am johnsonwilliam: Darn gotta run. But 30 min of #mmchat went by insanely fast anyway. Continue the tweeting everyone!
1:35 am CarlSorvino: Knowing that what I contribute (money, time, etc) is actually working for the cause is important #mmchat
1:35 am SMSJOE: RT @MargieClayman: @SMSJOE hahaha :) #mmchat< I really do like her
1:35 am mikulaja: @MargieClayman Did you get your header image to work? #mmchat
1:35 am al_argo: Currently reading some fascinating conversations from @chrisbrogan & others on #Mmchat. About to go to early lunch. Join the fun on #mmchat
1:35 am jayfhicks: The #Mmchat is going hard on this Monday night. Go @chrisbrogan and @lizstrauss, it's your birthday!
1:35 am fearlesscomp: It's been great, but got to run. Over and out. #mmchat
1:35 am CarlSorvino: RT @jayfhicks: The #Mmchat is going hard on this Monday night. Go @chrisbrogan and @lizstrauss, it's your birthday!
1:35 am MargieClayman: @chrisbrogan I'll third that. @debweinstein is awesomesauce. #mmchat
1:35 am ConsultantRC: @melodygross why you don't think I am a Twitter Fan... LOL Hey you should join #MMchat
1:35 am JoannWayman: @dfbova Michael J. Fox and Parkinsons is an excellent example of this. #mmchat
1:35 am heidicohen: @dfbova @chrisbrogan A celebrity endorsement is every NFP's dream. They can be tough 2 get w/o connections. #mmchat
1:35 am davemhuffman: Dude, the speed of the #MMChat stream blew my face clear off.
1:35 am fredmcclimans: @smartel Truth Rules! Same for running any business, hiring staff, building partnerships, etc. All GIVE you their time & commitment. #Mmchat
1:35 am jolewitz: @SMSJOE dramamine hasn't kicked in yet :-) and I gotta go. I'll def check transcript of this record speed chat. #mmchat
1:35 am ConsultantRC: RT @margieclayman: @prosperitygal travel safe!! #mmchat #SameHere
1:36 am davidmcgraw: @correlationist @Kickstarter is very effective in this arena...all be from a different angle #mmchat
1:36 am OwenGreaves: It's almost impossible to follow everyone here in this #mmchat - so many smart people to follow : )
1:36 am TheSocialCMO: OK, now we'll open up the tweetchat for your questions! @ChrisBrogan will answer as many as he can in time remaining! #MMchat
1:36 am sandyhubbard: Stories have always been terrific way to market causes & to test where people engage #mmchat @chrisbrogan good story builds affinity bridge
1:36 am _amywarren: @dfbova @chrisbrogan If the celebrity exhudes your basic relevance to consumers, they sure can. #mmchat
1:36 am MargieClayman: @mikulaja YES! lordy what a venture. Now I need to choose one for reals and try to remember how to do it :) #mmchat
1:36 am AnneDGallaher: RT @chrisbrogan: Your goals in cause marketing: tell a good story, build an affinity bridge, make the ask, support the givers. #Mmchat
1:36 am bruneiandollar: @chrisbrogan Well being that they are single moms and working at home, they got a lot of work cut out for them. #Mmchat
1:36 am ckburgess: RT @TheSocialCMO: OK, now we'll open up the tweetchat for your questions! @ChrisBrogan will answer as many as he can in time remaining! #MMchat
1:36 am KyBedard: @ConsultantRC Raul- what works for u Raul? something fun? contests? apps etc #MMChat
1:36 am megfowler: Movember works because it encourages people to tell their stories AND it lets them have fun. No scary ask, eminently social. #mmchat
1:36 am brandcottage: I agree! @DebWeinstein Wondering when you are going to be our SPECIAL guest on #MMchat ? @thesocialcmo
1:36 am MargieClayman: @SMSJOE hey, don't let your guard down, joe :) #mmchat
1:36 am dfbova: Ain't that the truth. RT @treypennington Life is grand. Social media helps connect us with totally cool and delightful people. #mmchat
1:36 am ProducerJodi: RT @davemhuffman: Dude, the speed of the #MMChat stream blew my face clear off.
1:36 am staceyresnikoff: @chrisbrogan @SMSJoe Do you think you need a shoulder-tap from an influencer? Even a "glance" can do #socialgood, no? #MMChat
1:36 am allenmireles: RT @chrisbrogan: Finding the new voices, the @suzannevara , the @margieclayman , the @jnswanson is WAY better than the "big guys." #Mmchat
1:36 am SMSJOE: @jolewitz I am off to take more! see you later! #mmchat
1:36 am KatjaPresnal: Often small gestures R more powerful than large ones (which look PR stunts) - they have more meaning & the story is more believable. #Mmchat
1:36 am missdestructo: @treypennington Good stories always do help connect rather than pitches. As I say "Don't be a pitch" #mmchat
1:36 am wallisphoto: you're too popular @chrisbrogan #mmchat is going to fast. We need a "smaller influencer!"
1:36 am MayaREGuru: @chrisbrogan and thank you for ALL you do for cause marketing and non-profits, #501mp is great! #mmchat
1:36 am JimmySW: @heidicohen @dfbova @chrisbrogan Celebrity endorsements can also present challenges when the celeb falters. #mmchat
1:36 am charityestrella: @carlsorvino there are easy ways to do that - during #100X100 we tweeted a pic of the exact child saved everytime we hit a benchmark #mmchat
1:36 am MargieClayman: @geekbabe yes indeed. #mmchat
1:36 am RustiAnn: RT @ConsultantRC: RT @margieclayman: @prosperitygal travel safe!! #mmchat #SameHere
1:36 am michaelcalienes: RT @ProducerJodi: RT @davemhuffman: Dude, the speed of the #MMChat stream blew my face clear off. #mmchat
1:36 am _amywarren: @JimmySW Could you give me an example of cause marketing for fundraising? #mmchat
1:37 am heidicohen: One of challenges of Cause Marketing is that significant % of $ go 2 overhead & repeat marketing. #mmchat
1:37 am missdestructo: RT @davidweiner: RT @chrisbrogan: Your goals in cause marketing: tell a good story, build an affinity bridge, make the ask, support the givers. #Mmchat
1:37 am correlationist: You are welcome :)) @mediacollective i think i learnt it from @conversationage or #innochat :)) #mmchat
1:37 am theroseinbloom: RT @megfowler: Movember works because it encourages people to tell their stories AND it lets them have fun. No scary ask, eminently social. #mmchat
1:37 am PatRobeck1ofHis: @chrisbrogan I am not saying anyone is one way or the other, but, if you are having bad results, you may need to look inside. #MMChat
1:37 am SarahLWLee: RT @missdestructo: @treypennington Good stories always do help connect rather than pitches. As I say "Don't be a pitch" #mmchat
1:37 am Goannatree: @ConsultantRC @wallisphoto thanks for explaining that #Mmchat is MarketerMondayChat! I appreciate it.
1:37 am bruneiandollar: @chrisbrogan You know, from regular housewife/mom duties as, cleaning, cooking, taking care of kids, etc.How'd you think they manage?#Mmchat
1:37 am tropicalimaging: RT @KatjaPresnal: Social media isn't a bigger horn to toot your message. It's a two way conversation that evolves. #Mmchat
1:37 am bsak: @TheSocialCMO @chrisbrogan How do you find influencers? #mmchat
1:37 am jonfmoss: @chrisbrogan what have you gotten me into now? ;-) #mmchat #mmchat
1:37 am ArtseyC: RT @PatRobeck1ofHis: When you are asking for help, ask yourself, what is my motivation? To really help someone, or make a name for myself? #MMChat
1:37 am smartel: Exactly. And SM helps a lot RT @fredmcclimans: Truth Rules! Same for running any business, hiring staff, building partnerships, etc.#Mmchat
1:37 am MargieClayman: @KyBedard how am I controversial? You're the one stalking me, dude! That's pretty darned edgy! :) #mmchat
1:37 am stephkornblum: RT @KatjaPresnal: Often small gestures R more powerful than large ones (which look PR stunts) - they have more meaning & the story is more believable. #Mmchat
1:37 am dfbova: Absolutley.RT @JoannWayman: @dfbova Michael J. Fox and Parkinsons is an excellent example of this. #mmchat
1:37 am JoannWayman: @pheffernanvt Yes, rural areas can be a really hard sell. Need to share a common bond #mmchat
1:37 am TheSocialCMO: Remember our topic this evening is the Role of Major Influencers in Cause Marketing so try and stay on track! =) #MMchat
1:37 am MayraMejiaHQ: RT @chrisbrogan: I do a lot of donating to homeless, hungry, kid, and autism causes. But what I love is accelerating raises. #Mmchat
1:37 am zeal_doug: LOL RT @wallisphoto: you're too popular @chrisbrogan #mmchat is going to fast. We need a "smaller influencer!"
1:37 am chrisbrogan: RT @charityestrella: there are easy ways 2 do-during #100X100 we tweeted a pic of the exact child saved everytime we hit a benchmark #Mmchat
1:37 am ottogrl: RT @chrisbrogan: Finding the new voices, the @suzannevara , the @margieclayman , the @jnswanson is WAY better than the "big guys." #mmchat
1:37 am SMSJOE: @staceyresnikoff great point the "look of help" new song? ;-) #mmchat
1:37 am TCoughlin: I gotta ask: how many here have been motivated to give via a SM campaign? I have once: Obama campaign '08. #MMChat
1:37 am wordsdonewrite: @correlationist I know a lot of people who use chipin and it has completely empowered them to do more! I highly recommend it! #mmchat
1:37 am OwenGreaves: ARRGGHH! I can't follow anymore people due to quota, sorry folks...I guess I need to wait : ) #mmchat
1:37 am VIVAssistants: RT @chrisbrogan: I do a lot of donating to homeless, hungry, kid, and autism causes. But what I love is accelerating raises. #Mmchat
1:38 am superdumb: RT @ConsultantRC: @ChrisBrogan I guess this week is a great opportunity to donate to @skip1 or @hardlynormal #thanksgiving #MMchat
1:38 am MargieClayman: @CarlSorvino yeah. I don't need to help buy anybody mansions. Use my money the way you say you are & be transparent. #mmchat
1:38 am KatjaPresnal: @the_networks When it's one way it's not social - it's just another form of media. It becomes social when it's two way. #Mmchat
1:38 am catpoetry: @bsak likewise! very busy tonight. #mmchat
1:38 am KitchenTableMkt: Benefit of social media for causes is it's a way to connect with donor without spending donor dollars on mailing/gifts/etc. #mmchat
1:38 am _amywarren: @OwenGreaves I'm trying to learn about #mmchat. Help?!
1:38 am KyBedard: @MargieClayman whats edgier is that I admit it U act like Im the 1st one lol ##MMChat
1:38 am PatRobeck1ofHis: @chrisbrogan I do feel that some celebrities do some charity events just for good press. #MMChat
1:38 am sandyhubbard: The power of microfinance is that people feel like a small effort makes a big difference >> personal reward #mmchat
1:38 am chrisbrogan: RT @TheSocialCMO: Remember our topic this evening is the Role of Major Influencers in Cause Marketing so try and stay on track! =) #MMchat
1:38 am ConsultantRC: @kybedard it all depends can give you give an example of an audience #MMchat
1:38 am geekbabe: @gauravkumar552 the feed from #mmchat is explodingly fast, I'm just trying to keep up:)
1:39 am JimmySW: @_amywarren I see cause marketing as a relationship that enables further fundraising efforts. #mmchat
1:39 am pheffernanvt: 'Support the givers" goal often forgotten > @AnneDGallaher: RT @chrisbrogan: Your goals in cause marketing are ... #mmchat
1:39 am KatjaPresnal: RT @ConsultantRC: @ChrisBrogan I guess this week is a great opportunity to donate to @skip1 or @hardlynormal #thanksgiving #MMchat
1:39 am heidicohen: Tying donation 2 something real helps donors. #Tweetsgiving painted bricks in school #mmchat
1:39 am dfbova: Local grammy gospel singer put one post on his FB wall about 1 of my org's FB pages and we ad 1000 followers in 15 min. #mmchat
1:39 am JoannWayman: @chrisbrogan Not robo call marketers Paid and not much goes to the charity. Hope more people are staying away from this concept #mmchat
1:39 am CASUDI: @heidicohen always an issue w NFP ~ $1.00 raised / 50c > cause = no go these days ~ givers want most or all to go to cause #MMchat
1:39 am catpoetry: Rt @heidicohen: One of challenges of Cause Marketing is that significant % of $ go 2 overhead & repeat marketing. #mmchat
1:39 am chrisbrogan: @PatRobeck1ofHis - I can see that, I guess. I just tend to hope they're doing it for good causes. #Mmchat
1:39 am THO_R: In IRL cause talks I've given, I've found often that gifts are given simply bcuz I wait around. How does this translate to SM? #mmchat
1:39 am ConsultantRC: @goannatree no problem.. Like we say here in Puerto Rico " Siempre a tus ordenes" #MMchat
1:39 am lizstrauss: @geekbabe I'm a little blogger who remembers folks who took care of me too! #Mmchat
1:39 am Selsi_Ent: @correlationist Seems like in this economy, microfin necessary.Having hard time reaching our UnitedWay goal. Small donations a must! #mmchat
1:39 am SMSJOE: @sandyhubbard and microfinance is 2 way it builds self esteem! #mmchat
1:39 am ConsultantRC: @rustiann hey how is everything good to catch you on #mmchat
1:39 am KatjaPresnal: @ConsultantRC Small meaningful gesture -> good story -> everyone wants to share a good story :) #MMchat
1:39 am correlationist: @chrisbrogan is there a chance then that micro-financing will finance the wrong cause, and be good at it? #mmchat cc: @davidmcgraw
1:39 am BrightEndeavors: RT @chrisbrogan: There's a study that donorschoose did that said that ENGAGEMENT ahead of an "ask" was one of the key factors, not size of audience. #Mmchat
1:39 am brownstonems: RT @missdestructo: @treypennington Good stories always do help connect rather than pitches. As I say "Don't be a pitch" #mmchat
1:39 am mikulaja: @dfbova Wow, that is an impressive pull. But what was the end result of gaining followers? #mmchat
1:39 am rickzanotti: RT @Ginaschreck: @davidmcgraw I think someone who is a natural promoter is passionate about the cause they are promoting--can you teach passion? #mmchat
1:39 am charityestrella: @heidicohen not always - depends on your program. We did a local #cm program on valentines day that raised $7k and cost $142 #mmchat
1:39 am DebWeinstein: OMG @chrisbrogan *blush* an awesome compliment coming from you & @TheSocialCMO but I don't think/type fast enough to keep up! #MMchat
1:40 am chrisbrogan: @THO_R - it's important to make it easy to give. The easier the "catch," the more it translates to that experience. #Mmchat
1:40 am UnKit: RT @davemhuffman: Dude, the speed of the #MMChat stream blew my face clear off.
1:40 am halfcenturyman: @TCoughlin I gave to Special Olympics via FB but had a personal relationship with asker, it was his child. #MMchat
1:40 am sandyhubbard: RT @CarlSorvino: Knowing that what I contribute (money, time, etc) is actually working for the cause is important #mmchat
1:40 am PatRobeck1ofHis: I also believe most are. RT @chrisbrogan: - I can see that, I guess. I just tend to hope theyre doing it for good causes. #MMChat
1:40 am wileyccoyote: RT @KitchenTableMkt: Benefit of social media for causes is it's a way to connect with donor without spending donor dollars on mailing/gifts/etc. #mmchat
1:40 am zeal_doug: @chrisbrogan do you ever try to sell cause involvement by the good publicity it will generate for the influencer? #mmchat
1:40 am TheSocialCMO: @davemhuffman Sorry Dave! Should've warned you need to wear protection or check it at the door! #MMchat =)
1:40 am wallisphoto: Wow we need to find a way to slow down the #mmchat feed...
1:40 am chrisbrogan: @correlationist - absolutely. Money isn't smart. #Mmchat
1:40 am SMDirectory: Where can we get a transcript of #MMChat tonight? Too much good stuff to be able to keep up and have any chance of think too.
1:40 am MargieClayman: @KyBedard hmm, yes...:) #mmchat
1:40 am bruneiandollar: @thesocialcmo ah right. Are CSR activities considered as Cause Marketing? #Mmchat
1:40 am THO_R: RT @KitchenTableMkt: Benefit of SM for causes: way to connect with donor without spending donor dollars on mailing/gifts/etc. #mmchat
1:40 am CASUDI: @heidicohen buying goats and chickens for a Family ~ also sending kids to school is real way to help #MMchat (giving something tangible)
1:40 am _amywarren: @JimmySW Good point: my company is aligned with a 501c to help in the community on the side. This is becoming popular. #mmchat
1:40 am BrightEndeavors: RT @chrisbrogan: It's really important to realize that working with "up and comers" gives you much more engagement than pushing the larger names. #Mmchat
1:40 am lizstrauss: RT @himanshunagpal: @lizstrauss What is #mmchat // I think it stands for Marketer Monday, but I'm not sure.
1:40 am smartel: Probably. And it usually shows RT @PatRobeck1ofHis @chrisbrogan I do feel that some celebrities do some charity just for good press. #MMChat
1:40 am heidicohen: @charityestrella Congrats! Sounds like u r doing gr8 things #mmchat
1:40 am NewMoonGirls: that's gr8! RT @chrisbrogan: Some of my cause marketing: I worked w/ @kanter to raise for sending a young Cambodian woman college. #Mmchat
1:40 am CarlSorvino: RT @lizstrauss: RT @himanshunagpal: @lizstrauss What is #mmchat // I think it stands for Marketer Monday, but I'm not sure. <-- Bingo!
1:40 am dfbova: Just happend 2 wks ago. Still reacting - loyal group RT @mikulaja: @dfbova Wow, that is an impressive pull. wht was the end result #mmchat
1:41 am chrisbrogan: @zeal_doug - I haven't, but according to others, I'm missing where people use it as publicity. #Mmchat
1:41 am AnneDGallaher: @chrisbrogan For your causes, are you featured at spec events or asked to blog re. a cause? How are u most effective as influencer? #mmchat
1:41 am geekbabe: I've been motivated to gives to causes more via twitter than from any other online outreach method #mmchat
1:41 am samfalletta: @TCoughlin Twice here. Obama '08 and #MMChat
1:41 am sandyhubbard: RT @missdestructo: @treypennington Good stories always do help connect rather than pitches. As I say "Don't be a pitch" #mmchat
1:41 am MargieClayman: @CASUDI a friend once sent me a card that they had bought a family some chickens for my birthday. Awesome gift! And hi! :) #mmchat
1:41 am UnKit: RT @chrisbrogan: It's really important to realize that working with "up and comers" gives you much more engagement than pushing the larger names. #Mmchat
1:41 am mckra1g: many thx 4 the great ideas (& my apologies 4 the flurry of tweets from #mmchat) It was a pleasant surprise popping up on tweetdeck! gnite!
1:41 am chrisbrogan: One reason I support @hardlynormal - he's putting warm Hanes socks on the homeless while others work on the LARGER fixes. #Mmchat
1:41 am sandyhubbard: RT @KatjaPresnal: Often small gestures R more powerful than large ones (which look PR stunts) - they have more meaning & the story is more believable. #Mmchat
1:41 am DaraBell: RT @chrisbrogan: RT @charityestrella: there are easy ways 2 do-during #100X100 we tweeted a pic of the exact child saved everytime we hit a benchmark #Mmchat
1:41 am KyBedard: @ConsultantRC well who are your ideal prospects? Do u normally push or pull process? #MMChat
1:41 am ckburgess: #MMChat @chrisbrogan Chris What do you think will be the major #sm trend for 2011?
1:41 am ConsultantRC: @katjapresnal I had to favorite that last tweet could not have put it in better words #MMchat :)
1:41 am bsak: @DebWeinstein Looking forward to a session w/you as guest! #mmchat
1:41 am haveuheard1: @KatjaPresnal @chrisbrogan agree. good pt. #Mmchat
1:41 am lizstrauss: RT @chrisbrogan: .@correlationist - I think microfinance is a really powerful way to help. I love things like #Mmchat
1:41 am chrisbrogan: @AnneDGallaher - when *I* do it, it's usually through a blog post, plus twitter. I've sometimes pushed FB causes (not as easy). #Mmchat
1:41 am superdumb: RT @megfowler: Movember works because it encourages people to tell their stories AND it lets them have fun. No scary ask, eminently social. #mmchat
1:42 am CASUDI: @@KitchenTableMkt ~ I like the giving aspect of a mobile phone app :-) fast #MMchat
1:42 am CharityHisle: Great Qestion! RT @ckburgess: #MMChat @chrisbrogan Chris What do you think will be the major #sm trend for 2011? #MMChat
1:42 am heidicohen: @JoannWayman Yet challenge of assessing how much goes 2 charity is there's a lot of overhead. #mmchat
1:42 am griffinGargoyle: RT @chrisbrogan: One reason I support @hardlynormal - he's putting warm Hanes socks on the homeless while others work on the LARGER fixes. #Mmchat
1:42 am SMSJOE: RT @MargieClayman: @CASUDI our family moving this direction 4 gifts we have enough stuff #mmchat
1:42 am JimmySW: @_amywarren It is popular but both entities will be wise to think critically about engaging in this relationship. #mmchat
1:42 am TheSocialCMO: @SMDirectory Transcript will be posted on @TheSocialCMO blog at assuming we didn't really break wthashtag! #MMchat
1:42 am KyBedard: @Smsjoe Joe how did Friday go? #MMChat
1:42 am treypennington: Should be a T-Shirt RT @missdestructo Good stories always help connect rather than pitches. As I say "Don't be a pitch" #mmchat
1:42 am KitchenTableMkt: @chrisbrogan So big names for big picture events and influences for the small changes that effect daily lives. #mmchat
1:42 am heidicohen: @treypennington Gr8 meeting u in person! Watch 4 my post 2 morrow. #mmchat
1:42 am JoannWayman: I'm more likely to give to causes when I'm asked by someone I know personally Someone who's running a relay to raise $ for a cause. #mmchat
1:42 am UnKit: #mmChat = #marketerMonday
1:43 am PatRobeck1ofHis: When I tell others about The Ulster Project, I tell about the direct results of involvement. If they like those results, they help. #MMChat
1:43 am ConsultantRC: @kybedard I use pull. My business is so small I get a lot of referrals Word of Mouth. Especially when everyone is doing the Push #MMchat
1:43 am smartel: RT @chrisbrogan One reason I support @hardlynormal - he's putting warm Hanes socks on the homeless while others work on LARGER fixes #Mmchat
1:43 am MargieClayman: @SMSJOE yeah, I'm all for giving kids things (not just toys), but adults - I give to charity in their name. #mmchat
1:43 am CASUDI: @MargieClayman I've had trees planted in Israel for xmas gift ~ not sure why Israel :-) #MMChat
1:43 am AmyEisenstein: RT @chrisbrogan When rallying troops, it's important to: 1) Tell a crisp story. 2) Connect your community to it. 3) Ask. #Mmchat #nonprofit
1:43 am MitchNeff: @thesocialcmo @chrisbrogan - I know this is a hated question - what tools are helping you keep with this turbo-chat tonight? Wow. #MMchat
1:43 am kr8tr: We think both Marketing and Social Media are as simple as "being helpful". "Be Helpful" is our entire Social Media Strategy. #MMChat
1:43 am CarlSorvino: RT @smartel: RT @chrisbrogan One reason I support @hardlynormal - he's putting warm Hanes socks on the homeless while others work on LARGER fixes #Mmchat
1:43 am geekbabe: you guys are laying riches out here, conferences that cost big $ don't give this much info! #mmchat
1:43 am THO_R: True for others here? RT @geekbabe: Ive been motivated to give to causes more via twitter than from any other online outreach method #mmchat
1:43 am chrisbrogan: Remember - givers give to answer something inside of themselves. The best askers are those who pull that from givers. #Mmchat
1:43 am pheffernanvt: That's been great for us too >RT @CASUDI: @@KitchenTableMkt ~ I like the giving aspect of a mobile phone app :-) fast #mmchat
1:43 am missdestructo: @treypennington I think I want a "don't be a pitch" headband.... all 80's style. #mmchat
1:43 am azivaziri: @TCoughlin I've given to @massivegood & #Movember. In both cases, I got to know the cause through SM. #MMchat
1:43 am AnneDGallaher: RT @JoannWayman: I'm more likely to give to causes when I'm asked by someone I know personally Someone who's running a relay to raise $ for a cause. #mmchat
1:43 am delwilliams: @missdestructo I agree. It is almost same conference, different banner when you have the same ppl speaking everywhere #mmchat
1:43 am _amywarren: @OwenGreaves That's what ibuprofen is for? Following #mmchat of course! (I keep having to refresh my screen. Are you using tweetdeck?)
1:43 am JoannWayman: @SMSJOE I think this is becoming a trend--hope it's not a fad #mmchat
1:43 am SMSJOE: @KyBedard man I'm gettin old don't recall ;-( #mmchat
1:43 am missdestructo: RT @chrisbrogan: One reason I support @hardlynormal - he's putting warm Hanes socks on the homeless while others work on the LARGER fixes. #Mmchat
1:43 am chrisbrogan: @KitchenTableMkt - I guess. I know that big names help. I just know it takes work to bridge that to givers. #Mmchat
1:43 am ConsultantRC: @kybedard a good book on the pull & getting referrals is "The Referral Engine" by @ducttape #MMchat
1:43 am chrisyates11: How important to have personal connection or history with cause? @chrisbrogan: #Mmchat
1:43 am brandcottage: @DebWeinstein you are the IT girl tonight. #MMChat
1:43 am geekbabe: RT @chrisbrogan One reason I support @hardlynormal - he's putting warm Hanes socks on the homeless while others work on LARGER fixes #Mmchat
1:43 am OwenGreaves: @_amywarren Yes I use tweetDeck #mmchat
1:43 am UnKit: RT @chrisbrogan: One reason I support @hardlynormal - he's putting warm Hanes socks on the homeless while others work on the LARGER fixes. #Mmchat
1:43 am MayraMejiaHQ: RT @chrisbrogan: One reason I support @hardlynormal - he's putting warm Hanes socks on the homeless while others work on the LARGER fixes. #Mmchat
1:44 am MargieClayman: @CASUDI oh, yeah...I had trees planted there in honor of my grandparents. They're trying to grow forests there for shade, resources. #mmchat
1:44 am BrandSprouts: Small things matter. It's possible to make a difference one person at a time. - missed the # #mmchat
1:44 am KatjaPresnal: My favorite charity focused campaign w/ Hershey called #BetterBasket - raised $7K in 2 wks for Children's Miracle Network #Mmchat
1:44 am LouImbriano: Nano giving is a trend with many charities and quite successful. I would imagine it would explode in social media applications. #mmchat
1:44 am TheSocialCMO: Currently planning a campaign for one of my projects to receate cargo airships for humanitarian and remote logistics! #MMchat
1:44 am _amywarren: RT @chrisbrogan: Remember - givers give to answer something inside of themselves. The best askers are those who pull that from givers. #Mmchat
1:44 am ckburgess: RT @TheSocialCMO: Currently planning a campaign for one of my projects to receate cargo airships for humanitarian and remote logistics! #MMchat
1:44 am susieblackmon: RT @missdestructo: @treypennington I think I want a "dont be a pitch" headband.... all 80s style. #mmchat
1:44 am spychresearch: @chrisbrogan heard abt "Good Returns" from founder of @soaphope? cool way to raise large $ for social good via delayed dividends #mmchat
1:44 am wallisphoto: @himanshunagpal it is the role of influencers on cause marketing... still time #mmchat
1:44 am mightymegasaur: @chrisyates11 @heidicohen @theAaronCraig @ChrisBrogan seriously, i can't follow this chat too fast ya'll #mmchat
1:44 am KatjaPresnal: RT @chrisbrogan: Remember: givers give to answer something inside of themselves. The best askers are those who pull that from givers #Mmchat
1:44 am KitchenTableMkt: @CASUDI Great use of apps! #mmchat
1:44 am SMSJOE: @MargieClayman luv paradox of choice those with 2 many give to 2 few both happier #mmchat
1:44 am JoannWayman: @chrisbrogan Students, former students, family and friends--I'm a softy. #mmchat
1:44 am superdumb: Local, immediate action helps foster awareness and support on a broader level. #mmchat
1:44 am ConsultantRC: @ChrisBrogan what is your advice on making a medium to large organization have a human side? #MMchat
1:44 am DebWeinstein: My experience with social CSR fund-raising is to make it effortless for the donor to do something good and align with the cause. #MMchat
1:44 am candice_lane: RT @ckburgess: #MMChat @chrisbrogan Chris What do you think will be the major #sm trend for 2011?
1:44 am MitchNeff: @staceymonk - I know you are busy, but #MMChat is all about your life tonight... #EpicChange #EpicThanks
1:44 am PatRobeck1ofHis: RT @ConsultantRC: @kybedard I think that word of mouth is always your best way to spread a message, it is trusted. #MMChat
1:44 am bruneiandollar: @chrisbrogan That's pretty deep for a quote. I might try something. #Mmchat
1:44 am missdestructo: Heck yes. I always said that too @chrisbrogan, @hardlynormal doesn't say he's going to cloth and feed them. He DOES it. #mmchat #heroes
1:44 am davidmcgraw: Gifts come in all shapes and sizes. I intend to give a gift (money, svc, favor, etc.) a day in Dec. Join me. #30gifts Post tomorrow. #mmchat
1:45 am heidicohen: @chrisyates11 Most est NFPs find this imp. Sick family or friend=> donation or volunteer. #mmchat
1:45 am KatjaPresnal: @ConsultantRC Thank you :) Nice to be connected - looking forward connecting with you even after #Mmchat
1:45 am ConsultantRC: @rustiann I guess we all area ask @KyBedard I would not want to be @ChrisBrogan right now. :) #MMchat
1:45 am thatwoman_is: RT @missdestructo: @treypennington Good stories always do help connect rather than pitches. As I say "Don't be a pitch" #mmchat
1:45 am chrisbrogan: @ConsultantRC - that's bigger than 140. One thing? Tie it to people's bonuses. #Mmchat
1:45 am smartel: Transaction trus is mot there yet though RT @CASUDI: @@KitchenTableMkt ~ I like the giving aspect of a mobile phone app :-) fast #MMchat
1:45 am danperezfilms: @treypennington @missdestructo You've probably never heard a great pitch ;) #mmchat
1:45 am kr8tr: Companies that give, receive. We've proved that model with engagement with local schools, Food Bank, etc. Everyone wins #MMChat
1:45 am MargieClayman: @SMSJOE yep. Kind of what holidays & birthdays are all about. Realize whatchoo got. Realize what others don't. #mmchat
1:45 am Veebeep: RT @chrisbrogan: One reason I support @hardlynormal - he's putting warm Hanes socks on the homeless while others work on the LARGER fixes. #Mmchat
1:45 am heidicohen: @mightymegasaur Just read one person's tweets. It takes time 2 get the hang of. #mmchat
1:45 am SMSJOE: agree>RT @JoannWayman: @SMSJOE I think this is becoming a trend--hope it's not a fad #mmchat
1:45 am chrisbrogan: RT @superdumb: Local, immediate action helps foster awareness and support on a broader level. #Mmchat
1:45 am CarlSorvino: Budweiser's Movember was a cause that automatically donated $1 & all I had to do was have fun #mmchat (would like to see the $$ working tho)
1:45 am yarby: RT @chrisbrogan: Your goals in cause marketing: tell a good story, build an affinity bridge, make the ask, support the givers. #Mmchat
1:45 am charityestrella: .@heidicohen thank you :) everything my org has achieved in #cm is through the people that are already in my cause community. #mmchat
1:45 am staceyresnikoff: @SMSJoe Yes - but it's genuine. When @ev or @biz talk #socialgood in a biz presentation, for instance. #MMChat cc @chrisbrogan
1:45 am emidaASIA: RT@CASUDI @KitchenTableMkt ~ I like the giving aspect of a mobile phone app :-) fast #MMchat
1:45 am TCoughlin: replace "givers" with "buyers" and effective strat from there isn't that much different. #MMChat
1:45 am rynda: @chrisbrogan > Influencers & Cause marketing> why I am starting @CauseWeRockOrg Musicians & Philanthropy first event sxsw2011!:) #Mmchat
1:45 am heidicohen: When think about cause marketing, don't overlook volunteers. Can be critical component of offering. #mmchat
1:46 am KatjaPresnal: @catpoetry Exactly. Even if U provide good info, listeners value if their opinion is asked sometimes too! #Mmchat
1:46 am geekbabe: when people like @chrisbrogan or @unmarketing issue a call to action for charity, I always at least look! #Mmchat
1:46 am smartel: +1 RT @JoannWayman: I'm more likely to give causes when asked by someone I know personally #mmchat
1:46 am chrisbrogan: RT @kr8tr: Companies that give, receive. Weve proved that model with engagement with local schools, Food Bank, etc. Everyone wins #Mmchat
1:46 am davidmcgraw: RT @BrandSprouts: Small things matter. Its possible to make a difference one person at a time.<<-One action at a time. Amen! #mmchat
1:46 am jolewitz: RT @CASUDI: @@KitchenTableMkt ~ I like the giving aspect of a mobile phone app :-) fast #MMchat
1:46 am missdestructo: @delwilliams Exactly, I know people would pay to see you, @MitchNeff and I on a panel. That would certainly NOT be the same ole. #mmchat
1:46 am startupbiztalk: RT @chrisbrogan: I do a lot of donating to homeless, hungry, kid, and autism causes. But what I love is accelerating raises. #Mmchat
1:46 am cvallejo64: RT @chrisbrogan: RT @kr8tr: Companies that give, receive. Weve proved that model with engagement with local schools, Food Bank, etc. Everyone wins #Mmchat
1:46 am THO_R: RT @kr8tr: Companies that give, receive. Weve proved that model with engagement with local schools, Food Bank, etc. Everyone wins #mmchat
1:46 am michaelcalienes: A gr8 pitch doesn't feel like a pitch. RT @danperezfilms: @treypennington @missdestructo Youve probably never heard a great pitch #mmchat
1:46 am dfbova: RT @DebWeinstein: My experience with social CSR fund-raising is to make it effortless for the donor to do something good and align with the cause. #MMchat
1:46 am JoannWayman: @LouImbriano Agree. Politicians have even found it worthwhile #mmchat
1:46 am BrandSprouts: Has anyone tried twitpay for charity donations? #mmchat
1:46 am KatjaPresnal: RT @chrisbrogan: RT @superdumb: Local, immediate action helps foster awareness and support on a broader level. #Mmchat
1:46 am chrisbrogan: The easier you make it to give, the better. Now, you want big corporations to give? Give THEM something for it. (1 of 2) #Mmchat
1:46 am pheffernanvt: Anyone tried 2-tiered campaign? Big name + sm & many small, younger givers; then major donors not on sm, but like that grandkids are #mmchat
1:46 am CarlSorvino: Hmmm comment by @charityestrella made me think. Can you tap into folks that already have a charitable netwrok for your cause? #mmchat
1:46 am MichellePippin: RT @chrisbrogan: RT @kr8tr: Companies that give, receive. Weve proved that model with engagement with local schools, Food Bank, etc. Everyone wins #Mmchat
1:46 am chrisyates11: What has bigger impact giving Time or Money? @chrisbrogan: @zeal_doug #Mmchat
1:46 am chrisbrogan: Hanes did a Buy One Get One with socks for homeless. Totally got money for Hanes and money FROM Hanes (2 of 2) #Mmchat
1:46 am heidicohen: @kr8tr Best ex of company giving is Chase on FB.Also Oreo has something on now. #mmchat
1:47 am jolewitz: @_amywarren Transcript will be posted on @TheSocialCMO blog at assuming we didn't really break wthashtag! #MMchat
1:47 am liveteachcreate: RT @chrisbrogan: It's really important to realize that working with "up and comers" gives you much more engagement than pushing the larger names. #Mmchat
1:47 am geekbabe: RT @chrisbrogan: Remember: givers give to answer something inside of themselves. The best askers are those who pull that from givers #Mmchat
1:47 am sandyhubbard: Mobile giving engages a generation of people who want to do the right thing to make the world better @KitchenTableMkt app = fast #MMchat
1:47 am mightymegasaur: RT @yarby: RT @chrisbrogan: Your goals in cause marketing: tell a good story, build an affinity bridge, make the ask, support the givers. #Mmchat
1:47 am SMSJOE: @staceyresnikoff agree and that is why it works! #mmchat
1:47 am techniacs: @ChrisBrogan We should shift to focusing more on the long tail then (up & comers, new voices, microfinance)?#MMchat
1:47 am rynda: RT @chrisbrogan: Remember - givers give to answer something inside of themselves. The best askers are those who pull that from givers. #Mmchat
1:47 am chrisbrogan: @chrisyates11 - ask for both. Ask for time from those without money. Ask for money from those who don't have time. #Mmchat
1:47 am yarby: @chrisbrogan are you familiar with @HalogenTV ? I love what they're doing to raise awareness of social causes. #Mmchat
1:47 am heidicohen: W/Cause marketing, imp not 2 overlook other constituencies like the public, govt & press. Bloggers can b very helpful #mmchat
1:47 am mposchange: RT @chrisbrogan: givers give to answer something inside of themselves. The best askers are those who pull that from givers. #Mmchat
1:47 am MitchNeff: @margieclayman @Tweetdiner <- Where it all happened (he yells loudly) going to fast... #MMChat
1:47 am JoannWayman: @PatRobeck1ofHis Even more so when it involves a close, personal relationship #mmchat
1:47 am davidmcgraw: RT @chrisbrogan: Remember, givers give to answer something inside of themselves. The best askers are those who pull that from givers #mmchat
1:47 am tedcoine: RT @jnye1: RT @fleur_de_lotus: RT @mikulaja: Social media is critical for #custserv, but 2 many companies only BROADCAST via SM. #mmchat
1:47 am chrisbrogan: Locally, I donate to hunger causes, because it scares me that there are homeless in my tiny town. #Mmchat
1:47 am danperezfilms: We should often blush at our noblest deeds if the world were to see all their underlying motives. ~La Rochefoucauld #mmchat
1:47 am michaelcalienes: RT @chrisbrogan: @chrisyates11 - ask for both. Ask for time from those without money. Ask for money from those who dont have time. #mmchat
1:47 am catpoetry: @KatjaPresnal: absolutely! Some Customers want to collaborate with brands. want some ownership. #mmchat
1:47 am thatwoman_is: RT @chrisbrogan: Hanes did a Buy One Get One with socks for homeless. Totally got money for Hanes and money FROM Hanes (2 of 2) #Mmchat
1:47 am KitchenTableMkt: Love the use of SMS donations. Quick, easy and effective RT @chrisbrogan: The easier you make it to give, the better. #mmchat
1:47 am SMSJOE: +2 RT @smartel: +1 RT @JoannWayman: I'm more likely to give causes when asked by someone I know personally #mmchat
1:47 am chrisbrogan: @yarby - not at all, but I'll look them up. #Mmchat
1:48 am TheSocialCMO: Following the chat this evening we will be submitting the transcript to the Guiness Book of World Records for largest tweetchat! #MMchat =)
1:48 am azivaziri: Ditti @michaelcalienes: "A gr8 pitch doesn't feel like a pitch" #mmchat
1:48 am ConsultantRC: @patrobeck1ofhis I do agree. most successful businesses now & before have had good WOM at one point @KyBedard #MMchat
1:48 am kr8tr: @chrisyates11 I think time is more valuable to most needful organizations than money. Based on experience dating back to Katrina. #MMChat.
1:48 am spychresearch: A lot of folks forget abt the need to make the cause "shareable" gr8 effort but if I cant easily tell my friends, its a lost cause! #MMchat
1:48 am JoannWayman: @emidaASIA Exactly--fast, easy, and effective. #mmchat
1:48 am AnushkaSpa: RT @TheSocialCMO: Following the chat this evening we will be submitting the transcript to the Guiness Book of World Records for largest tweetchat! #MMchat =)
1:48 am correlationist: Should distance be a constraint in reaching out for the ""cause" in this connected world? #mmchat cc: @chrisbrogan
1:48 am cbanksindy: @TheSocialCMO for real? #mmchat
1:48 am WRyanKing: @chrisbrogan does name(big/small) + relationship established = degree of influence? If big name has no connection then no influence? #MMChat
1:48 am geekbabe: RT @kr8tr: Companies that give, receive. Weve proved that model with engagement with local schools, Food Bank, etc. Everyone wins #Mmchat
1:48 am beckyblanton: RT @chrisbrogan: Locally, I donate to hunger causes, because it scares me that there are homeless in my tiny town. #Mmchat
1:48 am luserrano: RT @chrisbrogan: RT @kr8tr: Companies that give, receive. Weve proved that model with engagement with local schools, Food Bank, etc. Everyone wins #Mmchat
1:48 am chrisbrogan: For instance, I like using . It's SO easy to give, easier to get copy/paste of the widget. Pow! #Mmchat
1:48 am chrisbrogan: RT @azivaziri: Ditti @michaelcalienes: "A gr8 pitch doesnt feel like a pitch" #Mmchat
1:48 am superdumb: Start small and *then* ask big. #mmchat
1:48 am heidicohen: @geekbabe One of most under utilized facets of #socialmedia is Call-2-Action. Big est name helps like @Chrisbrogan #mmchat
1:48 am AnneDGallaher: RT @chrisbrogan: The easier you make it to give, the better. Now, you want big corporations to give? Give THEM something for it. (1 of 2) #Mmchat
1:48 am ginaruiz: RT @chrisbrogan: Locally, I donate to hunger causes, because it scares me that there are homeless in my tiny town. #Mmchat
1:48 am cbanksindy: RT @superdumb: Start small and *then* ask big. #mmchat
1:48 am michaelcalienes: I think the transcript for this chat will stretch from here to facebook and back. #mmchat
1:48 am chrisbechtel: RT @chrisbrogan: RT @kr8tr: Companies that give, receive. Weve proved that model with engagement with local schools, Food Bank, etc. Everyone wins #Mmchat
1:48 am startupbiztalk: @chrisbrogan Chris, can you expand on the 'accelerating raises' part that you love? #Mmchat
1:49 am candice_lane: RT @chrisbrogan:Remember - givers give to answer something inside of themselves.the best askers are those who pull that from givers.#Mmchat
1:49 am BCRE8TV: RT @chrisbrogan: Your goals in cause marketing: tell a good story, build an affinity bridge, make the ask, support the givers. #Mmchat
1:49 am ConsultantRC: @chrisbrogan ok... That makes perfect sense how about none economic motivation what do you recommend? #MMchat
1:49 am THO_R: RT @SMSJOE: +2 RT @smartel: +1 RT @JoannWayman: Im more likely to give causes when asked by someone I know personally #mmchat
1:49 am KitchenTableMkt: @sandyhubbard Exactly. Quick and easy. And leaves people feeling like they've made a difference. #mmchat
1:49 am YES_carolina: #mmchat Great info.
1:49 am TCoughlin: @danperezfilms Nice - no mmchat is complete w/o a quote from La Rochefoucauld. #MMChat
1:49 am OwenGreaves: There 40 Billionaires giving away half of their estates and yet we still have hunger....Now that's what scares me #mmchat
1:49 am BrandSprouts: @chrisbrogan Which came first, a few socks or Hanes involvement? I'll bet it started with a simple idea. #mmchat
1:49 am WRyanKing: Agree RT @geekbabe when people like @chrisbrogan or @unmarketing issue a call to action for charity, I always at least look! #Mmchat
1:49 am PatRobeck1ofHis: @chrisyates11 If you can get time from someone, that is more valuable, whether they have money or not. #MMChat
1:49 am DebWeinstein: Like GR8 PR! @chrisbrogan: The easier you make it to give, the better. You want big corporations to give? Give THEM something for it #Mmchat
1:49 am lizstrauss: Ask by showing how helping will benefit the giver. #mmchat
1:49 am heidicohen: @chrisyates11 Depends on NFP, what they r doing & where they r located. #mmchat
1:49 am padschicago: RT @chrisbrogan: Locally, I donate to hunger causes, because it scares me that there are homeless in my tiny town. #Mmchat
1:49 am CASUDI: @chrisbrogan Starting local is good focus ~ I mentor entrepreneurs to have sustainable biz (not go on the dole) #MMchat
1:49 am thatwoman_is: RT @TheSocialCMO: Following the chat this evening we will be submitting the transcript to the Guiness Book of World Records for largest tweetchat! #MMchat =)
1:49 am chrisbrogan: @ConsultantRC - that's trickier. Has to be unique. #Mmchat
1:49 am ConsultantRC: @katjapresnal me too ... I look forward to sharing great info.. That is why I love these chats I get to meet great people like u #MMchat
1:49 am heidicohen: RT @chrisbrogan: For instance, I like using . It's SO easy 2 give, easier 2 get copy/paste of the widget #mmchat
1:49 am azivaziri: Tonight's #MMchat is FAST!!! Great stuff :)
1:49 am MargieClayman: @CarlSorvino @charityestrella it'd be like The Referral Engine. Get together to co-sponsor a training session or webinar. #mmchat
1:49 am chrisbrogan: @BrandSprouts = you'd have to ask @hardlynormal. #Mmchat
1:49 am SMSJOE: @KyBedard Not that i know of and i stopped for all red lights! LOL #mmchat
1:49 am YES_carolina: @chrisbrogan #mmchat love socks for homeless. Great cause. Kudos to Hanes
1:49 am girlisageek: @TheSocialCMO I thought there was tweetchat going on, but all I saw was a blur of updates on my screen #mmchat
1:50 am chrisbrogan: @CASUDI - agreed. I love that you said "on the dole." I love that phrase. #Mmchat
1:50 am YES_carolina: RT @chrisbrogan: It's really important to realize that working with "up and comers" gives you much more engagement than pushing the larger names. #Mmchat
1:50 am 4SqCHAT: Everyone at #mmchat should join #4SqCHAT to 9pm EST:
1:50 am KitchenTableMkt: @lizstrauss benefit the giver or those receiving? #mmchat
1:50 am charityestrella: RT @lizstrauss: Ask by showing how helping will benefit the giver. #mmchat
1:50 am bruneiandollar: @chrisbrogan you mean #Mmchat
1:50 am tribal_gothic: RT @chrisbrogan: One reason I support @hardlynormal - he's putting warm Hanes socks on the homeless while others work on the LARGER fixes. #Mmchat
1:50 am pheffernanvt: @danperezfilms Great quote. Often the reason some shirk from getting big cos. involved in cause mktg. #mmchat
1:50 am cbanksindy: good for them RT @YES_carolina: @chrisbrogan #mmchat love socks for homeless. Great cause. Kudos to Hanes #mmchat
1:50 am catpoetry: Rt @chrisbrogan: For instance, I like using . It's SO easy to give, easier to get copy/paste of the widget. Pow! #Mmchat
1:50 am al_argo: this is the week most in the US celebrate Thanksgiving .. I'll celebrate early and say thanks for the #mmchat - go make a "Positive Impact!"
1:50 am jolewitz: RT @SpychResearch: @chrisbrogan hrd abt "Good Returns" frm foundr @soaphope? cool way 2 raise large $ 4 social gd v. delayed divdnds #mmchat
1:50 am heidicohen: @techniacs @chrisbrogan W/NFPs think in terms of 2nd tier, not top donors, but ppl who can become top donors. #mmchat
1:50 am PatRobeck1ofHis: Make it simple, give them a multiple choice, but, only a few. Too many choices leads to indecision. #MMChat
1:50 am THO_R: RT @correlationist: Should distance be a constraint in reaching out for the ""cause" in this connected world? cc: @chrisbrogan #mmchat
1:50 am SMSJOE: RT @lizstrauss: Ask by showing how helping will benefit the giver. #mmchat
1:50 am correlationist: RT @CarlSorvino: Hmmm comment by @charityestrella made me think. Can you tap into folks that already have a charitable netwrok for your cause? #mmchat
1:50 am superdumb: RT @KatjaPresnal: @catpoetry Exactly. Even if U provide good info, listeners value if their opinion is asked sometimes too! #Mmchat
1:50 am chrisbrogan: Here's a crazy thing I've noticed. You? When I'm mid-way through pushing a cause, another cause will ask me to help THEM. DURING. #Mmchat
1:51 am delwilliams: @missdestructo @MitchNeff My favorite is peeps on panels talking about Twitter who don't even have a twitter account. #mmchat
1:51 am BrightEndeavors: RT @LisaPetrilli: @charityestrella @ChrisBrogan Having a spokesperson w/personal story helps tremendously as well #MMchat
1:51 am catpoetry: RT @candice_lane: RT @chrisbrogan:Remember - givers give to answer something inside of themselves.the best askers are those who pull that from givers.#Mmchat
1:51 am chrisbrogan: Right. Sorry. #Mmchat
1:51 am YES_carolina: #mmchat We're a statewide initiative helping Youth. Should we contact local "personalities" or focus on testimonials?
1:51 am Jordan_Keats: RT @chrisbrogan: Remember - givers give to answer something inside of themselves. The best askers are those who pull that from givers. #Mmchat
1:51 am SMSJOE: @thatwoman_is after it cools from it's molten state! ;-) #mmchat
1:51 am danperezfilms: @missdestructo @eRaj a great pitch usually doesn't sound like a pitch... #mmchat
1:51 am sandyhubbard: I like it when young people make a decision about where to work based on that company's giving practices #mmchat
1:51 am BrightEndeavors: RT @chrisbrogan: When rallying troops, it's important to do these three things: 1.) tell a crisp story. 2.) Connect your community to it. 3.) ask. #Mmchat
1:51 am ConsultantRC: @chrisbrogan I agree ... I guess for the organization it is unique of them not to go online LOL a bigger issue #MMchat
1:51 am spychresearch: RT @sandyhubbard: I like it when young people make a decision about where to work based on that company's giving practices #mmchat
1:51 am chrisbrogan: @YES_carolina Both. Locals move the ball. Bigger names get the ball some light. #Mmchat
1:51 am staceyresnikoff: What @ asking for behavior? RT @michaelcalienes RT @chrisbrogan: Ask 4 time from those w/out $. Ask 4 $ from those (with no) time #mmchat
1:51 am KyBedard: @ConsultantRC @patrobeck1 Im looking for ways by askn questions by crowd sourcing or find ways to tap into their passions #MMChat
1:51 am Jordan_Keats: RT @missdestructo: @treypennington I think I want a "don't be a pitch" headband.... all 80's style. #mmchat
1:51 am PatRobeck1ofHis: RT @al_argo: the week the US celebrate Thanksgiving .. Ill celebrate early and say thanks for the #mmchat make a "Positive Impact!" #MMChat
1:51 am lizstrauss: @KitchenTableMkt Show the giver how it's to his benefit and he'll give more. Make him a hero etc! #mmchat
1:51 am samfalletta: RT @OwenGreaves: There 40 Billionaires giving away half of their estates and yet we still have hunger....Now that's what scares me #mmchat
1:51 am AnneDGallaher: @chrisbrogan To make big corporations give, go to the top and tell why it matters to them in their backyard. Put a face to cause. #mmchat
1:52 am ldatta: Distance is the constraint of imagination RT @correlationist Should distance be a constraint in reaching out ...? #mmchat cc: @chrisbrogan
1:52 am chrisbrogan: @sandyhubbard - I totally agree. I forget who shared that story with me lately. I think it was @KeithFerrazzi , about a nephew. #Mmchat
1:52 am KyBedard: @SMSJOE HaHa. Always good to run into u Joe lol #MMChat
1:52 am TrishaCarter: An issue to be wary of is volunteers / followers distorting the message - critical in awareness raising issues need sensitivity #mmchat
1:52 am heidicohen: @THO_R @correlationist It's not about physical distance, it's about emotional distance. #mmchat
1:52 am lizstrauss: RT @PatRobeck1ofHis: Make it simple, give them a multiple choice, but, only a few. Too many choices leads to indecision. #MMChat
1:52 am AnneDGallaher: RT @heidicohen: W/Cause marketing, imp not 2 overlook other constituencies like the public, govt & press. Bloggers can b very helpful #mmchat
1:52 am cbanksindy: Gr8 chat that's where I'm headed @4SqCHAT Everyone at #mmchat should join #4SqCHAT to 9pm EST:
1:52 am fleur_de_lotus: RT @ldatta: Distance is the constraint of imagination RT @correlationist Should distance be a constraint in reaching out ...? #mmchat cc: @chrisbrogan
1:52 am RyanCritchett: RT @chrisbrogan: Remember - givers give to answer something inside of themselves. The best askers are those who pull that from givers. #Mmchat
1:52 am missdestructo: RT @delwilliams: My favorite is peeps on panels talking about Twitter who don't even have a twitter account. #mmchat
1:52 am CASUDI: @halfcenturyman That personal relationship, experience often inspires giving~ so how to evoke this in your donor audience? #MMchat
1:52 am lkilpatrick: RT @kr8tr: We think both Marketing and Social Media are as simple as "being helpful". "Be Helpful" is our entire Social Media Strategy. #MMChat
1:52 am pcmguy: very cool, thx again CB gr8 stuff RT @chrisbrogan: Right. Sorry. #Mmchat
1:52 am cindymariej: RT @TrishaCarter: An issue to be wary of is volunteers / followers distorting the message - critical in awareness..... sensitivity #mmchat
1:52 am pheffernanvt: @chrisbrogan Yes. It's same as 'if you want to get something done, ask the busiest person in the room' syndrome. #mmchat
1:52 am chrisbrogan: @AnneDGallaher - not a bad way to do it. Pepsico did great with their Refresh project, I'd say. (cc @boughb). : ) #Mmchat
1:52 am prosperitygal: RT @sandyhubbard: I like it when young people make a decision about where to work based on that company's giving practices #mmchat
1:52 am bruneiandollar: my country cant use chipin, due to Paypal restrictions. As much as crowd-funding compliments cause marketing, we're kinda limited. #Mmchat
1:52 am _amywarren: RT @OwenGreaves: There 40 Billionaires giving away half of their estates and yet we still have hunger....Now that's what scares me #mmchat
1:52 am KitchenTableMkt: @lizstrauss Appeal to the knight in shining armor within. #mmchat
1:52 am PatRobeck1ofHis: @KyBedard @ConsultantRC good plan. #MMChat
1:52 am CarlSorvino: @missdestructo - OMG I hate those people. Really. I hate them. #mmchat
1:53 am spychresearch: Good point! That's why it is key to have a simple and shareable message :) @TrishaCarter #mmchat
1:53 am YES_carolina: RT @AnneDGallaher: @chrisbrogan To make big corporations give, go to the top and tell why it matters to them in their backyard. Put a face to cause. #mmchat
1:53 am dfbova: Cuz UR good at what U do RT @chrisbrogan: When I'm mid-way through pushing a cause, another cause will ask me to help THEM. DURING. #Mmchat
1:53 am chrisyates11: I call it big 3-Time, Talent & Treasure RT @PatRobeck1ofHis If u can get time from someone, that is more valuable #MMChat
1:53 am VIVAssistants: RT @chrisbrogan: "The best askers are those who pull that from givers." #Mmchat Agree! Those who know, understand, have passion ask best.
1:53 am chrisbrogan: What goes wrong with franchises self-marketing goes wrong with causes self-marketing, don't forget. (from @TrishaCarter 's idea) #Mmchat
1:53 am YES_carolina: RT @chrisbrogan: @YES_carolina Both. Locals move the ball. Bigger names get the ball some light. #Mmchat
1:53 am missdestructo: @chrisbrogan is what I usually use, it's simple. #mmchat #mitchgiving
1:53 am YES_carolina: @chrisbrogan Thanks so much! #mmchat
1:53 am heidicohen: Challenge 4 NFPs is WIIFM (What's in it 4 me) need 2 get donors involved because they want 2 help. #mmchat
1:53 am isgd: Is Good Good point! That's why it is key to have a simple and shareable message :) @TrishaCarter #mmchat: Good ...
1:53 am meglersweeney: RT @kr8tr: Companies that give, receive. We've proved that model with engagement with local schools, Food Bank, etc. Everyone wins #MMChat
1:53 am PatRobeck1ofHis: Right! RT @joannwayman: Even more so when it involves a close, personal relationship #mmchat
1:53 am catpoetry: @ldatta: i like that :) -> rt @ldatta: Distance is the constraint of imagination... #mmchat
1:54 am fredmcclimans: @chrisbrogan You are working on 1 cause, another asks 4 help. What 2 do? Help both. That is what "cause" is about - doing. #Mmchat
1:54 am danperezfilms: You don't need a stitch of "influence" to make a huge impact for a local charity...just a desire to help. #mmchat
1:54 am sandyhubbard: I try to find people who R influencers & make-things-happeners. They usually have a cause already RT @CarlSorvino @charityestrella #mmchat
1:54 am chrisbrogan: BTW, working with other nonprofits helps spread expenses. I learned that from @charityestrella . #Mmchat
1:54 am Surrey_Mission: RT @padschicago: RT @chrisbrogan: Locally, I donate to hunger causes, because it scares me that there are homeless in my tiny town #Mmchat
1:54 am KitchenTableMkt: RT @danperezfilms: You dont need a stitch of "influence" to make a huge impact for a local charity...just a desire to help. #mmchat
1:54 am MayraMejiaHQ: RT @sandyhubbard: I like it when young people make a decision about where to work based on that company's giving practices #mmchat
1:54 am bsak: @SMSJOE @smartel @JoannWayman Also to make sure the donations actually go to the cause/people /right destination. #mmchat
1:54 am lizstrauss: @KitchenTableMkt Or show how the gift will make the giver's world better. #mmchat
1:54 am chrisbrogan: @fredmcclimans - it's okay to help more than 1. Just wait til I'm done with my project. #Mmchat
1:54 am BrandSprouts: RT @pheffernanvt: @chrisbrogan Yes. It's same as 'if you want to get something done, ask the busiest person in the room' - so true! #mmchat
1:54 am supernovia: RT @danperezfilms: You don't need a stitch of "influence" to make a huge impact for a local charity...just a desire to help. #mmchat
1:54 am mightymegasaur: for me personally, giving money is not as rewarding as giving time or skill to a cause - there needs to be options for the giver imo #mmchat
1:54 am KyBedard: @PatRobeck1ofHis @ConsultantRC Now on how to actually act on it #MMChat
1:54 am heidicohen: @YES_carolina @AnneDGallaher@ChrisBrogan U r correct it gets down 2 who u know. Back 2 the social graph! #mmchat
1:54 am chrisbrogan: I love what @orenjacob did with ReadySetBag, too. (I think it's .com) #Mmchat
1:54 am KatjaPresnal: @danperezfilms I agree. It all starts from the passion. Passion brings others to join. #Mmchat
1:55 am chrisbrogan: Check out SelfishGiving, by the way. Lots of resources (local Boston guy) - #Mmchat
1:55 am danperezfilms: @annedgallaher @chrisbrogan Should be easy enough to get an appointment with the CEO, yes? #mmchat
1:55 am KatjaPresnal: @MyGOMOM I am like a tornado, no? #Mmchat
1:55 am KitchenTableMkt: I love that! RT @lizstrauss: Or show how the gift will make the givers world better. #mmchat
1:55 am SMSJOE: RT @bsak: @SMSJOE @smartel @JoannWayman Also to make sure the donations actually go to the cause/people /right destination. #mmchat
1:55 am CarlSorvino: Here is something that a friend sent me that I donated to immediately - #mmchat #usguys
1:55 am KyBedard: @PatRobeck1ofHis @ConsultantRC What has worked for u Pat? #MMChat
1:55 am sandyhubbard: RT @TrishaCarter: An issue to be wary of is volunteers / followers distorting the message - critical in awareness raising issues need sensitivity #mmchat
1:55 am thatwoman_is: Such gr8 replies and engagement. RT @SMSJOE: @thatwoman_is after it cools from it's molten state! ;-) #mmchat
1:55 am OwenGreaves: Three Things Technology has yet to solve 1.) Human evil 2.) Human suffering (Hunger) 3.) Death #mmchat -
1:55 am correlationist: @chrisbrogan Lol!! irony is it does NOT work :)) When I'm mid-way through pushing a cause, another cause will ask me to help THEM. #mmchat
1:55 am missdestructo: RT @BrandSprouts: RT @pheffernanvt: @chrisbrogan "if you want to get something done, ask the busiest person in the room' - so true! #mmchat
1:55 am heidicohen: @meglersweeney @kr8ter It's about co that give & publicize the fact that they do. Many firms give 4 tax reasons. #mmchat
1:55 am MyGOMOM: @KatjaPresnal The best kind of amazing natural wonder? Yep...that descirbes you to a tee =) #Mmchat
1:55 am PatRobeck1ofHis: Therein lies the crux of the matter! RT @KyBedard: @ConsultantRC Now on how to actually act on it #MMChat
1:55 am MitchNeff: @delwilliams @missdestructo Thats only bested by cause marketing that is using the same Twitter account for conflicting causes... #MMChat
1:55 am beckyburd: RT @chrisbrogan: RT @azivaziri: Ditti @michaelcalienes: "A gr8 pitch doesnt feel like a pitch" #Mmchat
1:55 am SarahLWLee: RT @chrisbrogan: Check out SelfishGiving, by the way. Lots of resources (local Boston guy) - #Mmchat
1:55 am chrisbrogan: Another favorite site of mine: #Mmchat
1:55 am correlationist: RT @danperezfilms: You don't need a stitch of "influence" to make a huge impact for a local charity...just a desire to help. #mmchat
1:55 am DebWeinstein: Here's my minor celeb example: Social cause leads to social good with Vote Couture for the Cure [VID & PIX] » #MMchat
1:55 am YES_carolina: @treypennington We're in SC too! #mmchat
1:55 am LeesChicken: RT @chrisbrogan: RT @kr8tr: Companies that give, receive. Weve proved that model with engagement with local schools, Food Bank, etc. Everyone wins #Mmchat
1:56 am ekarff: Following @CarlSorvino on #mmchat
1:56 am rjleaman: RT @chrisbrogan: BTW, working with other nonprofits helps spread expenses. I learned that from @charityestrella . #Mmchat
1:56 am KatjaPresnal: One tweet, one dollar, one kind word can make a different. Use your influence for good. #Mmchat
1:56 am samfalletta: RT @danperezfilms: You don't need a stitch of "influence" to make a huge impact for a local charity...just a desire to help. #mmchat
1:56 am sandyhubbard: RT @lizstrauss: @KitchenTableMkt Show the giver how it's to his benefit and he'll give more. Make him a hero etc! #mmchat
1:56 am thatwoman_is: RT @chrisbrogan: Check out SelfishGiving, by the way. Lots of resources (local Boston guy) - #Mmchat
1:56 am Vida_Jay: RT @Surrey_Mission: RT @padschicago: RT @chrisbrogan: Locally, I donate to hunger causes, because it scares me that there are homeless in my tiny town #Mmchat
1:56 am ken_rosen: RT @KitchenTableMkt: I love that! RT @lizstrauss: Or show how the gift will make the givers world better. #mmchat
1:56 am hughcmcbride: Love this. "Small" gestures can ripple exponentially. / MT @chrisbrogan: @hardlynormal putting warm Hanes socks on the homeless. #Mmchat
1:56 am catpoetry: #mmchat another key: make it easy not only to give but for them to then share (meaningfully) their advocacy. #viral
1:56 am geekbabe: RT @danperezfilms: You dont need a stitch of "influence" to make a huge impact for a local charity...just a desire to help. #mmchat
1:56 am jayfhicks: Sports + tech. Tweeting Baylor men's game from press section and following #MMchat.
1:56 am KatjaPresnal: @MyGOMOM So funny :) Tornado in snow LOL #Mmchat
1:56 am KitchenTableMkt: RT @KatjaPresnal: One tweet, one dollar, one kind word can make a different. Use your influence for good. #mmchat
1:56 am MyGOMOM: RT @KatjaPresnal: One tweet, one dollar, one kind word can make a different. Use your influence for good. #Mmchat Little things DO matter!
1:56 am smartel: RT @KitchenTableMkt: I love that! RT @lizstrauss: Or show how the gift will make the givers world better. #mmchat
1:56 am spychresearch: RT @geekbabe: RT @danperezfilms: You dont need a stitch of "influence" to make a huge impact for a local charity...just a desire to help. #mmchat
1:56 am PatRobeck1ofHis: What others have said, tell your story, find a bridge to them, ask for the help. RT @KyBedard @ConsultantRC What has worked for u ? #MMChat
1:56 am correlationist: @danperezfilms so how do you ignite that desire to help, how do you make them activists at the local level?? #mmchat
1:56 am kr8tr: Getting employees involved in social good is a key part to doing good. Encourage, Empower, and Employ those that are helpful #MMChat
1:56 am ginaruiz: RT @katjapresnal: One tweet, one dollar, one kind word can make a different. Use your influence for good. #Mmchat
1:56 am THO_R: Im doin it! RT @sandyhubbard: I like it when young people make decision about where to work based on that companys giving practices #mmchat
1:57 am stephkornblum: Check out RT @KatjaPresnal One tweet, one dollar, one kind word can make a different. Use your influence for good. #Mmchat
1:57 am cbanksindy: Getting stoked for twitter to crash with #LBSchat joining #4SqCHAT tonight! Will any @UsGuys or anyone form the #MMchat going to show up?
1:57 am brickdoc: RT @chrisbrogan: I love what @orenjacob did with ReadySetBag, too. (I think it's .com) #Mmchat//// cc @pscrosby
1:57 am fredmcclimans: @danperezfilms You can't "Influence" somebody to help a charity, but you can educate/empower them. #mmchat
1:57 am mikulaja: Alright Monday marketers, I'm going to make dinner now. Thanks to @TheSocialCMO & @ChrisBrogan for making it happen! cc: #UsGuys #mmchat
1:57 am superdumb: RT @mightymegasaur: for me personally, giving money is not as rewarding as giving time or skill to a cause - there needs to be options for the giver imo #mmchat
1:57 am YES_carolina: #mmchat check out 501 Mission Place for Non Profits
1:57 am AnneDGallaher: RT @danperezfilms: You don't need a stitch of "influence" to make a huge impact for a local charity...just a desire to help. #mmchat
1:57 am ekarff: RT @stephkornblum: Check out RT @KatjaPresnal One tweet, one dollar, one kind word can make a different. Use your influence for good. #Mmchat
1:57 am CoachCMJ: RT @fredmcclimans: @danperezfilms You can't "Influence" somebody to help a charity, but you can educate/empower them. #mmchat
1:57 am heidicohen: RT @rjleaman: RT @chrisbrogan: BTW, working w/ other NFP helps spread expenses. I learned that from @charityestrella . #mmchat
1:57 am TMODOM: RT @chrisbrogan: Check out SelfishGiving, by the way. Lots of resources (local Boston guy) - #Mmchat
1:57 am MayaREGuru: RT @chrisbrogan: Another favorite site of mine: #Mmchat
1:57 am Karinabell: RT @KatjaPresnal: One tweet, one dollar, one kind word can make a different. Use your influence for good. #Mmchat
1:57 am TCoughlin: Getting people to give time exponentially harder than getting them to give $. #MMChat
1:57 am THO_R: RT @rjleaman: RT @chrisbrogan: BTW, working with other nonprofits helps spread expenses. I learned that from @charityestrella . #mmchat
1:58 am BrandSprouts: People who benefited from a cause can be the best ambassadors - get them to tell their stories. #mmchat
1:58 am PatRobeck1ofHis: Locally, if you make a giving event fun, it doesn't feel so much like giving to them, and they will invite others next time. #MMChat
1:58 am SoFlaPhotog: RT @danperezfilms: You don't need a stitch of "influence" to make a huge impact for a local charity...just a desire to help. #mmchat
1:58 am chrisbrogan: Causes need money, time, passion, press, expertise, sustainable futures, and much more. #Mmchat
1:58 am heidicohen: @danperezfilms Back 2 question of who u know? It's all about contacts & their needs. #mmchat
1:58 am KyBedard: @PatRobeck1ofHis ANother problem I have is that my content is not exclusive #MMChat
1:58 am dfbova: Good one. RT @mayaREguru: RT @chrisbrogan: Another favorite site of mine: #Mmchat
1:58 am MayaREGuru: RT @chrisbrogan: BTW, working with other nonprofits helps spread expenses. I learned that from @charityestrella . #Mmchat
1:58 am KitchenTableMkt: @cbanksindy What's #LBSchat? #mmchat
1:58 am sandyhubbard: Agree. That's why we need donors, thinkers & workers @mightymegasaur giving money not as rewarding as giving time/ skill #mmchat
1:58 am danperezfilms: @katjapresnal Can't we get thru a twitter chat without the word "passion" popping up? ;) #mmchat
1:58 am thatwoman_is: Nice.RT @fredmcclimans: @danperezfilms You can't "Influence" somebody to help a charity, but you can educate/empower them. #mmchat
1:58 am missdestructo: @CarlSorvino It's worse when dealing with companies that their SM director. Doesn't have a twitter or use facebook personally. #mmchat
1:58 am YES_carolina: RT @chrisbrogan: Check out SelfishGiving, by the way. Lots of resources (local Boston guy) - #Mmchat
1:58 am DebWeinstein: Click! RT @katjapresnal: One tweet, one dollar, one kind word can make a different. Use your influence for good. #Mmchat #socialgood
1:58 am UWOrat: Educate yourself! RT @bsak: @SMSJOE @smartel @JoannWayman Make sure the donations actually go to the cause/people /right destination #mmchat
1:58 am amvandenhurk: Esp on admin costs. @chrisbrogan: BTW, working with other nonprofits helps spread expenses. I learned that from @charityestrella . #Mmchat
1:58 am ken_rosen: Do wonder if this &green orientation will matter more RT @THO_R: @sandyhubbard:people decide where to work based on giving #mmchat
1:58 am charityestrella: #mmchat folks - listen to everything @lizstrauss has to say. Every part of my orgs newest & biggest project is informed by her wisdom :)
1:58 am KatjaPresnal: @superdumb @mightymegasaur I agree - and those who don't have $$ to give still can & want to help, they should be offered options. #Mmchat
1:58 am ArtseyC: RT @chrisbrogan: Causes need money, time, passion, press, expertise, sustainable futures, and much more. #Mmchat
1:58 am JimmySW: RT @chrisbrogan: Causes need money, time, passion, press, expertise, sustainable futures, and much more. #mmchat
1:58 am MargieClayman: Thank you for a wonderful chat @TheSocialCMO @chrisbrogan @charityestrella @SMSJoe, @debweinstein, @kybedard!! #mmchat
1:59 am CarlSorvino: I think it's actually easier to get $$ then time from folks. A lot of times that's what they need, someone's time #mmchat
1:59 am reylaygo: "@chrisbrogan: Causes need money, time, passion, press, expertise, sustainable futures, and much more. #Mmchat"
1:59 am AnneDGallaher: So true @danperezfilms. Passion trumps figurehead fundraiser. #mmchat
1:59 am goaliemom31: Would anyone like to help some Detroit area special needs kids play hockey? #Mmchat #MMDM
1:59 am correlationist: @ldatta yeah, but do local causes think about potential appeal abroad, for eg. #mmchat
1:59 am brandcanada: @TrishaCarter Key Messages are critical to keep everyone on the same page but also to attract new people. #mmchat
1:59 am chrisbrogan: The more time you spend on feeding a network of warm contacts, the more that your network will help you later. #Mmchat
1:59 am superdumb: agreed; she's a force of nature! RT @MyGOMOM @KatjaPresnal The best kind of amazing natural wonder? Yep? descirbes you to a tee =) #Mmchat
1:59 am heidicohen: @MyGOMOM: @KatjaPresnal Still need 2 position ur request so that it answers WIIFM 4 donor.It can be a mention or a gift. #mmchat
1:59 am OurTownMagazine: Capture the heart of *giver* & show back story, like @HardlyNormal then you can make a bigger impact, show the difference & ask! #mmchat
1:59 am KatjaPresnal: @danperezfilms Not if you chat w/ me. I'm a passionate gal :) #Mmchat
1:59 am chrisrbrown: RT @goaliemom31: Would anyone like to help some Detroit area special needs kids play hockey? #Mmchat #MMDM
1:59 am danperezfilms: @sabinemcelrath Did I just put foot in mouth? ;) #mmchat
1:59 am lettergirl: RT @kr8tr: Getting employees inv. in social good is a key part to doing good. Encourage, Empower & Employ those that are helpful #MMChat
1:59 am johnserpa: RT @missdestructo: RT @BrandSprouts: RT @pheffernanvt: @chrisbrogan "if you want to get something done, ask the busiest person in the room' - so true! #mmchat
1:59 am KyBedard: @PatRobeck1ofHis 80% of the garbage I tweet can be found anywhere. #MMChat
1:59 am T1theinfamous: RT @goaliemom31: Would anyone like to help some Detroit area special needs kids play hockey? #Mmchat #MMDM
1:59 am chrisbrogan: RT @goaliemom31: Would anyone like to help some Detroit area special needs kids play hockey? #Mmchat #MMDM #Mmchat
1:59 am benjaminbach: RT @chrisbrogan: The more time you spend on feeding a network of warm contacts, the more that your network will help you later. #Mmchat
1:59 am Cole_Watts: RT @chrisbrogan: The more time you spend on feeding a network of warm contacts, the more that your network will help you later. #Mmchat
1:59 am PatRobeck1ofHis: RT @CarlSorvino: I think its actually easier to get $$ then time from folks. A lot of times thats what they need, someones time #MMChat
1:59 am JimmySW: This chat seems like it could also use and inform #npchat #mmchat
1:59 am MyGOMOM: RT @chrisbrogan: Causes need money, time, passion, press, expertise, sustainable futures, much more. #Mmchat >>>sounds like small business
1:59 am geekbabe: RT @KatjaPresnal One tweet, one dollar, one kind word can make a different. Use your influence for good. #Mmchat
1:59 am JoannWayman: @mightymegasaur Agree The hardest step is first step in getting someone to give time.You create a believer and easier next time #mmchat
1:59 am chrisyates11: Treat Homeless like people. My brother was Homeless & bipolar that doesnt make him a bum just mentally ill. Still Love him #mmchat
2:00 am kimtracyprince: @KatjaPresnal what does the hashtag #mmchat stand for ?
2:00 am correlationist: Very good point @heidicohen RT @THO_R @correlationist It's not about physical distance, it's about emotional distance. #mmchat
2:00 am superdumb: RT @KatjaPresnal: One tweet, one dollar, one kind word can make a different. Use your influence for good. #Mmchat
2:00 am benjaminbach: BTW @chrisbrogan is dropping knowledge over on the #mmchat stream tonight
2:00 am sandyhubbard: True! The price of visibility & success :) (mid-way through pushing cause, another will ask 4 help) @correlationist @chrisbrogan #mmchat
2:00 am KyBedard: @MargieClayman Bye Margie I promise no more sarcasm or stalking !!! #zippingit #MMChat
2:00 am charityestrella: RT @brandsprouts: People who benefited from a cause can be the best ambassadors - get them to tell their stories. #mmchat
2:00 am MyGOMOM: RT @chrisbrogan: The more time you spend on feeding a network of warm contacts, the more that your network will help you later. #Mmchat
2:00 am SMSJOE: thanks @chrisbrogan @thesocialcmo @ckburgess for a great #mmchat
2:00 am PatRobeck1ofHis: @KyBedard Are you tweeting for a cause? #MMChat
2:00 am heidicohen: @chrisbrogan Agree. if u want 2 help an org, need 2 think broadly across ur skills & org needs 2 be willing 2 accept ur help. #mmchat
2:00 am danlopez2012: RT @chrisbrogan: The more time you spend on feeding a network of warm contacts, the more that your network will help you later. #Mmchat
2:00 am MayaREGuru: RT @chrisbrogan: The more time you spend on feeding a network of warm contacts, the more that your network will help you later. #Mmchat
2:00 am bsak: True. RT @heidicohen: @THO_R @correlationist It's not about physical distance, it's about emotional distance. #mmchat
2:00 am bruneiandollar: And thoughts on philanthropy as well as corporate social responsibility? Are they considered as well? #Mmchat
2:00 am staceyresnikoff: Yes. Creatively good, too RT @catpoetry #mmchat another key: make it easy not only to give then share (meaningfully) their advocacy
2:00 am ArtseyC: RT @danperezfilms: You don't need a stitch of "influence" to make a huge impact for a local charity...just a desire to help. #mmchat
2:00 am smartel: Count me in RT @cbanksindy: ... #LBSchat joining #4SqCHAT tonight! Will any @UsGuys or anyone form the #MMchat going to show up?
2:00 am VIVAssistants: @chrisbrogan Thank you for these links, passing them on to several NPO friends #mmchat
2:00 am pheffernanvt: Our summary transcript? > RT @AnneDGallaher: So true @danperezfilms. Passion trumps figurehead fundraiser. #mmchat
2:00 am UWOrat: RT @chrisbrogan: The more time you spend on feeding a network of warm contacts, the more that your network will help you later. #Mmchat
2:00 am WMiBlogs: RT @chrisbrogan: The more time you spend on feeding a network of warm contacts, the more that your network will help you later. #Mmchat
2:00 am correlationist: @heidicohen maybe you find an emotionally closer entity far far away?? #mmchat
2:00 am QuCard: RT @KitchenTableMkt: RT @KatjaPresnal: One tweet, one dollar, one kind word can make a different. Use your influence for good. #mmchat
2:00 am _amywarren: @mightymegasaur I completely agree with Megan. This generation wants to participate and offer change in the form of participation. #mmchat
2:00 am stephkornblum: This holiday season, see how you can give back to your community! Visit for more info. #TweetDrive2010 #Mmchat
2:00 am ken_rosen: RT @chrisbrogan: The more time you spend on feeding a network of warm contacts, the more that your network will help you later. #mmchat
2:00 am YES_carolina: RT @BrandSprouts: People who benefited from a cause can be the best ambassadors - get them to tell their stories. #mmchat
2:00 am ConsultantRC: RT @kitchentablemkt: RT @KatjaPresnal: One tweet, one dollar, one kind word can make a different. Use your influence for good. #mmchat
2:00 am CarlSorvino: Thanks everyone at #mmchat, especially @TheSocialCMO and @ChrisBrogan
2:00 am charityestrella: RT @chrisbrogan: The more time you spend on feeding a network of warm contacts, the more that your network will help you later. #Mmchat
2:00 am cbanksindy: @cbanksindy What's #LBSchat? #mmchat /via @KitchenTableMkt Talking about location based services it's on #4SqCHAT
2:00 am OwenGreaves: This chat should have been raising money at the same time - solve hunger and see the world get stronger - #mmchat @chrisbrogan
2:00 am ActiveIngreds: RT @MyGOMOM @chrisbrogan: The more time you spend on feeding network of warm contacts,the more that your network will help you later #mmchat
2:01 am JimmySW: Research has shown that as people give time they are more likely to also donate money. #mmchat
2:01 am missdestructo: Yes! RT @chrisbrogan: The more time you spend on feeding a network of warm contacts, the more that your network will help you later. #Mmchat
2:01 am danperezfilms: @correlationist What does "they" have to do with anything? Just get involved then start telling *your* story... #mmchat
2:01 am BrandSprouts: RT @CarlSorvino: I think it's actually easier to get $$ then time from folks - Amen. B'cuz u can make more $ not more time #mmchat
2:01 am JoannWayman: @chrisyates11 Exactly #mmchat
2:01 am SMSJOE: U2>RT @margieclayman: Thank you for a wonderful chat @TheSocialCMO @chrisbrogan @charityestrella @DebWeinstein, @KyBedard!! #mmchat
2:01 am MargieClayman: @KyBedard well that's not very fun :) #mmchat
2:01 am AnneDGallaher: @TheSocialCMO You get the Guiness Book of World Records for best ideas and execution!! #mmchat
2:01 am aaronsu: RT @chrisbrogan: When rallying troops, it's important to do these three things: 1.) tell a crisp story. 2.) Connect your community to it. 3.) ask. #Mmchat
2:01 am sandyhubbard: Those are the phrases that paint mental picture for prospective donors: RT @hughcmcbride "Small" gestures can ripple exponentially. #mmchat
2:01 am ConsultantRC: The more time you spend on feeding a network of warm contacts, the more that your network will help you later. #Mmchat /via @chrisbrogan
2:01 am chrisbrogan: @goaliemom31 - you said special and detroit. Done. : ) #Mmchat
2:01 am iangertler: @chrisbrogan re: Causes need $, time, passion, press, expertise, sustainable futures, etc #Mmchat > Create for a Cause:
2:01 am OurTownMagazine: RT @charityestrella: RT @brandsprouts: People who benefited from a cause can be the best ambassadors - get them to tell their stories. #mmchat
2:01 am ActiveIngreds: so sorry I'm joining later so much later! looks like it's been a good one #mmchat
2:01 am KitchenTableMkt: @cbanksindy Awesome. Thank you! #mmchat
2:01 am TheSocialCMO: Thanks for joining us ALL!?Your participation & feedback has been amazing? And an extra SPECIAL thanks to Mr. @ChrisBrogan !! #MMchat
2:01 am Vilma_Bonilla: Causes need money, time, passion, press, expertise, sustainable futures, and much more via @chrisbrogan #Mmchat
2:01 am sbeasla: #MMchat is popping up in my timeline tonight. Trying to follow the conversation and see what they're talking about..
2:01 am FansofSOArea11: RT @katjapresnal: One tweet, one dollar, one kind word can make a different. Use your influence for good. #Mmchat
2:01 am charityestrella: .@chrisbrogan true that :) build your community before you need them. #mmchat
2:01 am KyBedard: @MargieClayman I cant win!! lol #MMChat
2:01 am AnnaPThatIsMe: RT @goaliemom31: Would anyone like to help some Detroit area special needs kids play hockey? #Mmchat #MMDM
2:01 am kwnewton: RT @chrisbrogan: RT @goaliemom31: Would anyone like to help some Detroit area special needs kids play hockey? #Mmchat #MMDM #Mmchat
2:01 am PatRobeck1ofHis: We bring teens from N. Ireland to spend a month w/ teens locally, donors much rather listen to the teens then a mid-age bald guy. #MMChat
2:01 am davidmcgraw: RT @correlationist: Very good point @heidicohen RT @THO_R Its not about physical distance, its about emotional distance <-Exactly! #mmchat
2:01 am TheSocialCMO: Join next week for our 18th #MMchat when @BernierJohn Empowerment Ninja at Bestbuy?s Twelpforce checks in for some #MMchat madness
2:01 am heidicohen: @AnneDGallaher Here's good ex: Can You Spare $300,000? Stephen Colbert?s Olympic Sponsorship #mmchat
2:01 am correlationist: RT @DebWeinstein: Here's my minor celeb example: Social cause leads to social good with Vote Couture for the Cure [VID & PIX] » #MMchat
2:02 am AnneDGallaher: RT @chrisbrogan: For instance, I like using . It's SO easy to give, easier to get copy/paste of the widget. Pow! #Mmchat
2:02 am ken_rosen: +1 :-( RT @ActiveIngreds: so sorry Im joining later so much later! looks like its been a good one #mmchat
2:02 am BillBoorman: Im less interested in raising cash and more in raising commitment from people #MMChat
2:02 am techniacs: RT @chrisbrogan: Causes need money, time, passion, press, expertise, sustainable futures, and much more. #Mmchat
2:02 am MyGOMOM: Gut check ~ what do you do away from here giving, supporting, volunteering? Recently realized how short that list is ~ change 2011 #Mmchat
2:02 am azivaziri: Hi @kimtracyprince! It stands for Marketing Monday... Tonight's topic: the effect if SM influencers in cause marketing. #MMchat
2:02 am dfbova: RT @TheSocialCMO: Thanks for joining us ALL!?Your participation & feedback has been amazing? And an extra SPECIAL thanks to Mr. @ChrisBrogan !! #MMchat
2:02 am ekarff: @kr8tr a struggle is getting a tech-unsavy staff comfortable. Clear and decisive Training is super imprtnt #MMchat
2:02 am chrisbrogan: @charityestrella - precisely that. #Mmchat
2:02 am pheffernanvt: Very true. 1st small step > RT @JimmySW: Research has shown that as people give time they are more likely to also donate money. #mmchat
2:02 am smartel: Yep thanx all! RT @CarlSorvino: Thanks everyone at #mmchat, especially @TheSocialCMO and @ChrisBrogan
2:02 am thatwoman_is: RT @TheSocialCMO: Thanks for joining us ALL!?Your participation & feedback has been amazing? And an extra SPECIAL thanks to Mr. @ChrisBrogan !! #MMchat
2:02 am TheSocialCMO: Our #Mmchat topic with Bestbuy?s John Bernier will be surprise! Proactive Customer Service in a Social Media World
2:02 am notixtech: @sbeasla It's going too fast, I can't keep up with #mmchat, hah
2:02 am ckburgess: RT @TheSocialCMO: Following the chat this evening we will be submitting the transcript to the Guiness Book of World Records for largest tweetchat! #MMchat =)
2:02 am MargieClayman: @KyBedard that's because you ARE win, silly head! #mmchat
2:02 am CASUDI: I am looking 4 passion for NFP I founded ~ just approved @BANKONRAIN ~ Clean drinking water focus for remote regions of planet #MMchat
2:02 am chrisbrogan: Just gave to @goaliemom31 's cause because it was special kids plus Detroit. See? Giver-driven. #Mmchat
2:02 am zeal_doug: Thanks everyone for a great chat - it's 2AM here in #edinburgh so I have to get to bed. Until next time! #mmchat
2:02 am lovewinebird: RT @chrisbrogan: In Trust Agents, @julien & I said "give your ideas handles." i.e "make your cause other people's cause." Feel me? #Mmchat
2:02 am tatitosi: RT @SpychResearch: Good point! That's why it is key to have a simple and shareable message :) @TrishaCarter #mmchat
2:02 am AnneDGallaher: RT @DebWeinstein: My experience with social CSR fund-raising is to make it effortless for the donor to do something good and align with the cause. #MMchat
2:02 am TheSocialCMO: Oh and feel free to make suggestions on future SPECIAL guests and topics, just @ msg or DM me @TheSocialCMO #MMchat
2:02 am YES_carolina: RT @danperezfilms: You don't need a stitch of "influence" to make a huge impact for a local charity...just a desire to help. #mmchat
2:02 am SMSJOE: RT @BillBoorman: Im less interested in raising cash and more in raising commitment from people #MMChat<later leads 2 former ;-) #mmchat
2:03 am TheSocialCMO: The transcript for tonight?s #MMchat will be posted shortly on @TheSocialCMO blog #MMchat
2:03 am BrandSprouts: @CASUDI great cause! #mmchat
2:03 am geekbabe: RT @chrisbrogan: In Trust Agents, @julien & I said "give your ideas handles." i.e "make your cause other people's cause." Feel me? #Mmchat
2:03 am sbeasla: @notixtech Haha, I know. It looks like it's a conversation about giving and charity? Am I right or wrong? #MMchat
2:03 am KitchenTableMkt: Great example! RT @PatRobeck1ofHis: donors much rather listen to the teens then a mid-age bald guy. #mmchat
2:03 am TheFireTracker2: RT @chrisbrogan: The more time you spend on feeding a network of warm contacts, the more that your network will help you later. #Mmchat
2:03 am ckburgess: RT @TheSocialCMO: Oh and feel free to make suggestions on future SPECIAL guests and topics, just @ msg or DM me @TheSocialCMO #MMchat
2:03 am Jordan_Keats: @chrisbrogan & haven't integrated twitter or facebook. Afraid of donation saturation? #MMChat
2:03 am SixDegreesPGH: .@chrisbrogan seems to be taking over my Twitter stream with some #Mmchat tag.
2:03 am cloudspark: missed #mmchat tonight. pits.
2:03 am missdestructo: @TheSocialCMO Great time tonight in #mmchat! Thank you! :)
2:03 am heidicohen: @OurTownMagazine @charityestrella @brandsprouts: People's real life stories is good idea. Not always possible. #mmchat
2:03 am JimmySW: RT @TheSocialCMO: The transcript for tonight?s #MMchat will be posted shortly on @TheSocialCMO blog #mmchat
2:03 am marketingfltr: RT @chrisbrogan Check out SelfishGiving, by the way. Lots of resources (local Boston guy) - #Mmchat
2:03 am bchesnutt: RT @chrisbrogan: Just gave to @goaliemom31 's cause because it was special kids plus Detroit. See? Giver-driven. #Mmchat
2:03 am KyBedard: @PatRobeck1ofHis Yes 1) to help and have conversations 2) and provoke others to provide their own insights #MMchat
2:03 am TheSocialCMO: @ChrisBrogan has agreed to hang on a few minutes longer to catch up on some of your questions! #MMchat
2:03 am dfbova: It's a good thing. RT @SixDegreesPGH: .@chrisbrogan seems to be taking over my Twitter stream with some #Mmchat tag.
2:03 am WRyanKing: Cause Marketing: tell compelling story, relate it to audience, employ volunteer story tellers to do the ask #MMChat
2:04 am DavidBurch: RT @chrisbrogan Another favorite site of mine: #Mmchat cc @erinnburch
2:04 am chrisbrogan: My 1 plug to people into causes. is where @charityestrella and others help nonprofits grow. #Mmchat
2:04 am SavvyChicSaving: RT @danperezfilms: You don't need a stitch of "influence" to make a huge impact for a local charity...just a desire to help. #mmchat
2:04 am heidicohen: @correlationist My guess is that there r enough NFPs that need help that u don't need 2 look very far. #mmchat
2:04 am AlphaBrandz: a lot of interesting thoughts coming out of tonight's #mmchat
2:04 am BillBoorman: The best example I can think of is no Kid Hungry I love @sexythinker outlook on life #MMChat
2:04 am KyBedard: @MargieClayman haha. Am i in ur blog yet? lol :::plz say yes,plz say yes::: #MMChat
2:04 am heidicohen: @zeal_doug Glad u could join us. #mmchat
2:04 am missdestructo: Nice to see #sobcon peeps @lizstrauss @incslinger and @chrisbrogan chatting it up in #mmchat tonight.
2:04 am BrandSprouts: @hardlynormal bowling alleys - cool idea. Hanes came later, I guess? #mmchat
2:04 am southernfilly: RT @chrisbrogan: My 1 plug to people into causes. is where @charityestrella and others help nonprofits grow. #Mmchat
2:04 am iangertler: RT @chrisbrogan: My 1 plug to people into causes. is where @charityestrella and others help nonprofits grow. #Mmchat
2:04 am janleymd: RT @chrisbrogan: RT @goaliemom31: Would anyone like to help some Detroit area special needs kids play hockey? #Mmchat #MMDM #Mmchat
2:04 am correlationist: @danperezfilms "they"are the ones who cannot translate or get over their lethargy to do something altruistic (for a change) #mmchat
2:04 am sandyhubbard: And vision. And ability to stretch people out of their comfort zones. @chrisbrogan Money, time, passion, press, expertise.... #Mmchat
2:04 am danperezfilms: ?Only those who themselves go into action now can make appeals for action.? ~Lenin #mmchat
2:04 am ekarff: RT @chrisbrogan: Check out SelfishGiving, by the way. Lots of resources (local Boston guy) - #Mmchat
2:04 am rubymarcom: Hello everyone? What does #Mmchat stand for?
2:04 am CASUDI: @heidicohen @megfowler @MargieClayman @pheffernanvt @SMSJOE @KitchenTableMkt @JoannWayman @chrisbrogan @emidaASIA #MMchat ~ cheers to all
2:04 am azivaziri: Thank you all at #Mmchat tonight!
2:04 am BigGirlBranding: RT @KitchenTableMkt: RT @KatjaPresnal: One tweet, one dollar, one kind word can make a different. Use your influence for good. #mmchat
2:04 am TheSocialCMO: And all of us here in @TheSocialCMO Crew are also VERY pleased that Chris has agreed to write the Foreword for our upcoming book! #MMchat
2:04 am catpoetry: RT @chrisbrogan: My 1 plug to people into causes. is where @charityestrella and others help nonprofits grow. #Mmchat
2:04 am ConsultantRC: Good night to everyone that chatted on #MMchat
2:04 am janleymd: RT @chrisbrogan: The more time you spend on feeding a network of warm contacts, the more that your network will help you later. #Mmchat
2:04 am KitchenTableMkt: Great conversation on my first #mmchat! Thank you everyone!
2:05 am ActiveIngreds: Im not a believer in blanket charity, but I AM a huge believer in helping ppl help themselves to build their lives. #mmchat
2:05 am dfbova: Monday Marketing RT @rubymarcom: Hello everyone? What does #Mmchat stand for?
2:05 am inowgb: TopTag(3hrs) 1:#Mmchat 2:#ZodiacFacts 3:#quote 4:#News 5:#ihatequotes 6:#MusicMonday 7:#bigfollow 8:#Photography ..
2:05 am TheSocialCMO: Thanks everyone! Have a GREAT night and hope to see you all next week on #MMchat ! =)
2:05 am BillBoorman: the simplest thing you can do is share #MMChat
2:05 am UnKit: RT @chrisbrogan: My 1 plug to people into causes. is where @charityestrella and others help nonprofits grow. #Mmchat
2:05 am geekbabe: RT @chrisbrogan Check out SelfishGiving, by the way. Lots of resources (local Boston guy) - #Mmchat
2:05 am chrisbrogan: @KitchenTableMkt - glad you were here. #Mmchat
2:05 am dproud: RT @chrisbrogan: Just gave to @goaliemom31 's cause because it was special kids plus Detroit. See? Giver-driven. #Mmchat
2:05 am DebWeinstein: SO True! @catpoetry: #mmchat another key: make it easy not only to give but for them to then share (meaningfully) their advocacy. #viral
2:05 am SuzanneVara: RT @chrisbrogan:My 1 plug to people into causes. is where @charityestrella n others help nonprofits grow. #Mmchat
2:05 am PatRobeck1ofHis: Ur desire is Ur influence! @danperezfilms: You dont need a stitch of "influence" to make a huge impact ...just a desire to help. #MMChat
2:05 am TheSocialCMO: And it?s ALL of you the #MMchat tweeps that make #MMchat the special time it is !!
2:05 am darylhunter: RT @chrisbrogan: When rallying troops, it's important to do these three things: 1.) tell a crisp story. 2.) Connect your community to it. 3.) ask. #Mmchat
2:05 am danperezfilms: @correlationist So move on to those who want to, yes? You're not gonna convince everyone... #mmchat
2:05 am fredmcclimans: @chrisbrogan I hear you Chris - "Cause" is a commitment not to be taken lightly. Only commit if you really can! #Mmchat
2:05 am chrisbrogan: Thanks to the non #mmchat people who had to endure a few hundred tweets from me. Sorry about that. #Mmchat
2:05 am KatjaPresnal: RT @TheSocialCMO: The transcript for tonight?s #MMchat will be posted shortly on @TheSocialCMO blog #mmchat
2:05 am heidicohen: @WRyanKing Cause marketing shouldn't overlook clients (people who need the service), press, public, govt, or board. #mmchat
2:05 am BrandSprouts: @heidicohen True, but the orgs I work with have lots of stories to tell. When u have them, share 'em #mmchat
2:05 am TheSocialCMO: Last but not least, please remember that #MMchat makes Monday?s MARVELOUS!! Nite all!!
2:05 am HRMargo: Me too I love her & the cause RT @BillBoorman: The best example I can think of is no Kid Hungry I love @sexythinker outlook on life #MMChat
2:06 am charityestrella: @heidicohen @OurTownMagazine @Brandsprouts - true, but if you can find a volunteer to share their connection, cld be powerful too #mmchat
2:06 am ActiveIngreds: well said @KatjaPresnal One tweet, one dollar, one kind word can make a different. Use your influence for good. #MMchat
2:06 am supernovia: @chrisbrogan Even those of us not on #mmchat enjoyed them. :) Have a good evening
2:06 am KyBedard: @KatjaPresnal @margieclayman @TheSocialCMO @chrisbrogan @charityestrella @DebWeinstein Thanks guys. Had fun #MMChat
2:06 am BillBoorman: @chrisbrogan Im late in, just back from social media listening and london bloggers #MMChat
2:06 am JimmySW: RT @heidicohen: @WRyanKing Cause marketing shouldnt overlook clients (people who need the service), press, public, govt, or board. #mmchat
2:06 am chrisbrogan: Ciao, people of earth. #Mmchat
2:06 am superdumb: Probably a no-brainer but it's nice to support causes that funnel $ directly to mission in lieu of fancy-schmancy dress balls. #mmchat
2:06 am KitchenTableMkt: @chrisbrogan :) #mmchat
2:06 am davidmcgraw: @TheSocialCMO @ChrisBrogan Thanks for a stimulating chat and raising the conversation. #mmchat
2:06 am StellarFutures: YES rt @chrisbrogan my 1 plug to people into causes. is where @charityestrella & others help nonprofits grow. #Mmchat"
2:06 am sandyhubbard: Thanks, everybody, for a quick-fire, smart #MMchat
2:06 am HRMargo: RT @chrisbrogan: Ciao, people of earth. #Mmchat
2:06 am catpoetry: #mmchat what a chat! Thanks everyone = ).
2:06 am geekbabe: I'm small but happy to lend my voice to your charities plz let me know if I can help in some way #Mmchat
2:06 am MyGOMOM: @chrisbrogan I'm glad I hopped on for a few to see you sharing this ~ focusing outside our immediate gain is the real gift #MmChat
2:06 am correlationist: @heidicohen but every cause could do with a little more help, no? Why limit yourself?? #mmchat
2:06 am ActiveIngreds: Leafs are winning 3-1 #mmchat
2:07 am KevinFawley: RT @chrisbrogan: My 1 plug to people into causes. is where @charityestrella and others help nonprofits grow. #Mmchat
2:07 am superdumb: RT @ActiveIngreds: Im not a believer in blanket charity, but I AM a huge believer in helping ppl help themselves to build their lives. #mmchat
2:07 am ActiveIngreds: RT @chrisbrogan: Hanes did a Buy One Get One with socks for homeless. Totally got money for Hanes and money FROM Hanes (2 of 2) #Mmchat
2:07 am TrendsBoston: #mmchat is now trending in #Boston
2:07 am OurTownMagazine: Agree. RT @danperezfilms You don't need a stitch of "influence" to make a huge impact for a local charity...just a desire to help. #mmchat
2:07 am pheffernanvt: @jolewitz Old activist here, and it's a tried and true ratio that can scale nationally down to the local neighborhood level. #mmchat
2:07 am MichaelWillett: RT @chrisbrogan In Trust Agents, @julien & I said "give your ideas handles." i.e "make your cause other people's cause." Feel me? #Mmchat
2:07 am KitchenTableMkt: @CASUDI Thank you. Great meeting you. Even if it was a giant #mmchat blur.
2:07 am heidicohen: @correlationist When it comes 2 NFPs people always have a connection. Not everything appelas #mmchat
2:07 am BillBoorman: Good causes are easy to support. the best strategy is to stop talking and start doing #MMChat
2:07 am genuinechris: @chrisbrogan the thing that's bummed me out about causes is that my friends that work with them only talk to me when pitching #Mmchat
2:07 am brandcanada: @chrisbrogan thanks for turning me onto thr #mmchat. Great to see so many involved with such great causes!
2:07 am geekbabe: oh & Boston Bloggers totally rock:) #MMChat
2:07 am PatRobeck1ofHis: If you are interested in assisting peace in N. Ireland, check out, thank you. #MMChat
2:07 am StellarFutures: @chrisbrogan all is fine, Chris. #mmchat is interesting and resourceful. Nice to eavesdrop. :-)
2:07 am becksdavis: RT @goaliemom31: Would anyone like to help some Detroit area special needs kids play hockey? #Mmchat #MMDM
2:08 am HRMargo: Good to see so many friends on #MMChat @chrisbrogan @charityestrella #compassionatehr where's @ItStartswithus & @luckypenny ?
2:08 am geekbabe: RT @TheSocialCMO: The transcript for tonight?s #MMchat will be posted shortly on @TheSocialCMO blog #mmchat
2:08 am danperezfilms: @fredmcclimans "fantastic"? I prefer "distinctive" ;) Evening, Fred... #mmchat
2:08 am heidicohen: @fredmcclimans @chrisbrogan Disagree. No NFP is going 2 turn down ur $$$ #mmchat
2:08 am WRyanKing: @heidicohen agreed, clients are part of the solution - they help create the compelling story #mmchat
2:08 am heidicohen: @chrisbrogan Happy thanksgiving! #mmchat
2:08 am superdumb: RT @TheSocialCMO: Last but not least, please remember that #MMchat makes Monday?s MARVELOUS!! Nite all!!
2:08 am mightymegasaur: great intro to #mmchat, altho a bit hard to follow tonight. will definitely tune in again!
2:08 am BrandSprouts: Thanks @chrisbrogan and gang, loved the chat 2nite! #mmchat
2:08 am staceyresnikoff: @billboorman yes, i.e., @seeclickfix RT @billboorman I'm less interested in raising cash; more in raising commitment from people #MMChat
2:08 am ekarff: @ActiveIngreds I agree that transformative programs like Frisco's Delancey Street r very important but some r just not there yet #MMchat
2:09 am DanGordon: what is #mmchat ?
2:09 am hardlynormal: @BrandSprouts @hanescomfort did come later. I just focus on helping ppl. Then @ford @sprint @hiltononline @virginmobileus happened #mmchat
2:09 am danperezfilms: @annedgallaher @chrisbrogan @ScottMonty Not gonna argue with that... #mmchat
2:09 am FeliciaChapman: What's #MMChat? The posts sound interesting and very engaging.
2:09 am heidicohen: @WRyanKing Clients r raison d'etre 4 most NFPs, they need the services! That's what the org should be doing #mmchat
2:09 am TCoughlin: Happy Thanksgiving to everyone that celebrates it. G'night. #MMChat
2:09 am JimmySW: @heidicohen @chrisbrogan Actually many NFP's may turn down $ if it has 2 many strings attached or doesn't align with their mission. #mmchat
2:09 am correlationist: @danperezfilms could the first point of contact be the bottleneck ie are ppl who can be nudged along not being actively solicited #mmchat
2:09 am ItStartsWithUs: @HRMargo @chrisbrogan @charityestrella @luckypenny Um, @ItStartsWithUs is working on @LoveDropTeam :) #MMChat #compassionatehr
2:09 am AnneDGallaher: @heidicohen Thanks for the post Heidi. Crazy fast #mmchat tonight.
2:09 am hardlynormal: RT @chrisbrogan My 1 plug to ppl into causes. is where @charityestrella and others help nonprofits grow. #Mmchat
2:09 am BillBoorman: @DanGordon a chat for jewellers that like to complain a lot #MMChat
2:09 am HRMargo: Thanks to @chrisbrogan for all his help evangelizing #HireFriday on our Communities behalf #HirFriday #MMChat
2:10 am THO_R: Thanks to all, esp. @chrisbrogan for a great #mmchat. Any NFPs looking to hire a community manager/evangelist/fundraiser, @ me! #mmchat
2:10 am MyGOMOM: @chrisbrogan Definitely lots of good people and purpose ~ so rewarding when focus is outside our selves ~ that's zen at its finest #Mmchat
2:10 am BrandSprouts: @hardlynormal I want to learn more... #mmchat
2:10 am ActiveIngreds: @correlationist good to see you! its been a long time! #mmchat
2:10 am GilmerDEV: @sandyhubbard What is #MMChat? Thanks, Kim
2:10 am heidicohen: TY!RT @dfbova: #MM @TheSocialCMO @ChrisBrogan @Heidicohen @mikulaja @JimmySW @_amywarren @JoannWayman @CarlSorvino @TreyPennington #mmchat
2:10 am danperezfilms: @superdumb "fancy-schmancy dress balls" sometimes raise money in the millions... #mmchat
2:10 am thatwoman_is: Great chat! A fav. RT @TheSocialCMO: Last but not least, please remember that #MMchat makes Monday?s MARVELOUS!! Nite all!!
2:11 am ambercleveland: Agree :) Hi Prince RT @ActiveIngreds: @correlationist good to see you! its been a long time! #mmchat
2:11 am ActiveIngreds: @DanGordon monday marketing #mmchat
2:11 am heidicohen: @AnneDGallaher SPeed factor due 2 celebrity factor of @ChrisBrogan #mmchat
2:11 am TODouble: RT @chrisbrogan: When rallying troops, it's important to do these three things: 1.) tell a crisp story. 2.) Connect your community to it. 3.) ask. #Mmchat
2:11 am kristofcreative: @chrisbrogan #Mmchat transcript
2:11 am AboutOne: RT @chrisbrogan: My 1 plug to people into causes. is where @charityestrella and others help nonprofits grow. #Mmchat
2:11 am BillBoorman: @HRMargo does #Hirefriday need evangelists or real contributors? #MMChat
2:11 am chrisbrogan: @ourtownmagazine - hey, happy to see you on #MMChat. Thanks for that. : )
2:11 am kr8tr: @chrisyates11 Agreed. TIme without talent is a waste of time. #MMChat
2:11 am ActiveIngreds: @heidicohen good to see you again Heidi - input is always great. #mmchat
2:11 am Jordan_Keats: RT @chrisbrogan: My 1 plug to people into causes. is where @charityestrella and others help nonprofits grow. #Mmchat
2:11 am THO_R: RT @BillBoorman: Good causes are easy to support. the best strategy is to stop talking and start doing #mmchat
2:11 am DebWeinstein: Check out SelfishGiving for great info on CSR. Lots of resources » TY for GR8 Advice! @ChrisBrogan #Mmchat
2:11 am correlationist: Will have to jump out from #mmchat. Thanks everyone, and especially @chrisbrogan for his insights/info AND @theesocialcmo for moderating :))
2:11 am EmilyB_PHR: RT @HRMargo: Thanks to @chrisbrogan for all his help evangelizing #HireFriday on our Communities behalf #HirFriday #MMChat
2:11 am KatjaPresnal: @rubymarcom You will be able to find it @TheSocialCMO blog #mmchat even though it's not the same of course.
2:12 am TheAfter5Edge: "@chrisbrogan: Thanks to the non #mmchat people who had to endure a few hundred tweets from me. Sorry about that. #Mmchat" No worries :)
2:12 am heidicohen: @staceyresnikoff @billboorman NFPs need variety of elements-Support, $$$, volunteers, PR, accepting local environment #mmchat
2:12 am superdumb: @danperezfilms point taken. #mmchat
2:12 am cpechayco: I give up. What is #mmchat?
2:12 am CathyWebSavvyPR: RT @kristofcreative: @chrisbrogan #Mmchat transcript
2:12 am chrisbrogan: Heading home to kiss sleeping kids and hopefully an awake wife. Thanks for fun marketing for good talk tonight, friends. #mmchat
2:12 am JimmySW: Thanks all. Great chat @_amywarren @heidicohen @pheffernanvt @thehelpgroup @carlsorvino G'Night! #mmchat
2:12 am kristofcreative: #MMchat transcript. 1288 tweets from 330 contributors
2:12 am jtrayan: RT @KitchenTableMkt: Benefit of social media for causes is it's a way to connect with donor without spending donor dollars on mailing/gifts/etc. #mmchat
2:12 am KitchenTableMkt: @katjapresnal It was fun! If not a bit confusing... look forward to chatting outside of the super fast #mmchat.
2:12 am EmilyB_PHR: RT @BillBoorman: Good causes are easy to support. the best strategy is to stop talking and start doing #MMChat
2:12 am SocMediaTulsa: RT @chrisbrogan: Your goals in cause marketing: tell a good story, build an affinity bridge, make the ask, support the givers. #Mmchat
2:12 am HRMargo: Both #compassionatHR every voice makes a differenceRT @BillBoorman: @HRMargo does #Hirefriday need evangelists or real contributors? #MMChat
2:12 am AnneDGallaher: @danperezfilms That's what Alan Mulally said! Sometimes you need to make the ask and expect the best. #mmchat
2:13 am janleymd: RT @BillBoorman: Good causes are easy to support. the best strategy is to stop talking and start doing #MMChat
2:13 am jayfhicks: The #mmchat was awesome! tonight! Thanks everyone!
2:13 am bsak: @SMSJOE @catpoetry @MargieClayman @UWOrat @mikulaja Thank you for the convo! Excellent #mmchat!
2:13 am _amywarren: Same to you! Night @JimmySW Thanks all. Great chat @_amywarren @heidicohen @pheffernanvt @thehelpgroup @carlsorvino G'Night! #mmchat
2:13 am AboutOne: @chrisbrogan had also not heard of #Mmchat before now, but must look into it! Thanks again for sharing your insight!
2:13 am ActiveIngreds: @ekarff agreed - hard to make a blanket statement, but if we help the helpers it makes a huge diff #mmchat
2:13 am janleymd: RT @OurTownMagazine: Agree. RT @danperezfilms You don't need a stitch of "influence" to make a huge impact for a local charity...just a desire to help. #mmchat
2:13 am superdumb: RT @BillBoorman: Good causes are easy to support. the best strategy is to stop talking and start doing #MMChat
2:13 am Selsi_Ent: RT @TheSocialCMO: Following the chat this evening we will be submitting the transcript to the Guiness Book of World Records for largest tweetchat! #MMchat =)
2:13 am amcdocumentary: RT @goaliemom31: Would anyone like to help some Detroit area special needs kids play hockey? #Mmchat #MMDM
2:14 am staceyresnikoff: @heidicohen Of course, this is true. Online influence converting specifically to behavior is an interest of mine. #MMchat
2:14 am heidicohen: RT @ScottMonty: @AnneDGallaher @danperezfilms @chrisbrogan That's why ur social graph is imp 4 NFPs #mmchat
2:14 am CarlSorvino: Good night and TY! RT @JimmySW: Thanks all. Great chat @_amywarren @heidicohen @pheffernanvt @thehelpgroup @carlsorvino G'Night! #mmchat
2:14 am danperezfilms: May I share a cause close to my heart? CHARLEE Homes for Children: #mmchat
2:14 am DebWeinstein: To rally your troops do these three things: 1.) tell a crisp story. 2.) Connect your community to it. 3.) ask! @chrisbrogan #Mmchat #csr
2:14 am chrisyates11: Solid title RT @treypennington: @AnneDGallaher Love the title of one of Francis Schaeffer's essays, "There are no little people." #mmchat
2:14 am BrightEndeavors: RT @lizstrauss: Ask by showing how helping will benefit the giver. #mmchat
2:15 am cloudspark: thankful rt @kristofcreative @chrisbrogan #mmchat transcript
2:15 am WRyanKing: @heidicohen do "influencers" relate to clients enough when marketing their cause? #mmchat
2:15 am StellarFutures: RT @charityestrella: .@chrisbrogan true that :) build your community before you need them. #mmchat
2:15 am TheAfter5Edge: Thanks to @chrisbrogan for mentioning #Mmchat ! Now I'm here!
2:15 am ActiveIngreds: RT @DebWeinstein To rally troops do these three things: 1) tell a crisp story. 2) Connect your community to it. 3) ask! @chrisbrogan #mmchat
2:15 am monsevidela: Your goals in cause marketing: tell a good story, build an affinity bridge, make the ask, support the givers. #Mmchat (via @chrisbrogan)
2:15 am correlationist: @heidicohen true, but isn't there a common theme to most causes - something that all can relate to, so why is it so difficult? #mmchat
2:15 am danperezfilms: @scottmonty Having connections never hurts... #nobrainer #mmchat
2:15 am Voluntweetup: RT @chrisbrogan: Plugging people into causes. is where @charityestrella and others help nonprofits grow. #Mmchat
2:15 am halfcenturyman: #mmchat Thx for the great insight tonight! @BillBoorman @dfbova @ActiveIngreds @ConsultantRC @BigGirlBranding @genuinechris @MyGOMOM @TMODOM
2:15 am benjaminbach: RT @debweinstein: To rally troops: 1.) tell a crisp story. 2.) Connect your community to it. 3.) ask! @chrisbrogan #Mmchat #csr
2:15 am staceyresnikoff: @michaelcalienes If you put all the #MMChat tweets end to end, would reach from MA to FL...possibly back
2:16 am TheAfter5Edge: RT @chrisbrogan: Your goals in cause marketing: tell a good story, build an affinity bridge, make the ask, support the givers. #Mmchat
2:16 am ActiveIngreds: RT @chrisyates11 @treypennington @AnneDGallaher Love the title of one of Francis Schaeffers essays "There are no little people" #mmchat
2:16 am correlationist: @activeingreds You too Vandana :)) #mmchat
2:16 am Ginaschreck: RT @chrisbrogan #Mmchat transcript
2:16 am danperezfilms: @wryanking @heidicohen Define "influencer"... #mmchat
2:16 am candice_lane: #MMchat hope this counts towards that world record, great chat to follow while i was in class..thanks for insight!
2:16 am jcase59: RT @OurTownMagazine: Agree. RT @danperezfilms You don't need a stitch of "influence" to make a huge impact for a local charity...just a desire to help. #mmchat
2:16 am AnneDGallaher: @ScottMonty @danperezfilms @chrisbrogan It starts with connections--wonderful smart people who care deeply!! #mmchat
2:16 am TheAfter5Edge: RT @JimmySW: Thanks all. Great chat @_amywarren @heidicohen @pheffernanvt @thehelpgroup @carlsorvino G'Night! #mmchat
2:16 am janleymd: RT @heidicohen: @WRyanKing Cause marketing shouldn't overlook clients (people who need the service), press, public, govt, or board. #mmchat
2:16 am heidicohen: @WRyanKing Influencers relate 2 clients when they have a personal connection. Like Mary Tyler Moore & diabetes #mmchat
2:16 am StellarFutures: Good one! Thanks to @SMSJOE @margieclayman @TheSocialCMO @chrisbrogan @charityestrella @DebWeinstein @KyBedard #mmchat
2:16 am Selsi_Ent: RT @chrisbrogan: Your goals in cause marketing: tell a good story, build an affinity bridge, make the ask, support the givers. #Mmchat
2:17 am ldatta: Think of Purpose, People, Process and Place! The rest is easy. Well, not easy but you have a path #mmchat
2:17 am CoCreatr: Cause marketing example: alternative to scheduled airlines & #TSA gripe: book underused private jets. #mmchat
2:17 am superdumb: RT @lizstrauss: Ask by showing how helping will benefit the giver. #mmchat
2:17 am Ginaschreck: @BillBoorman @HRMargo I say you need BOTH evangelists AND real contributors- team approach #Hirefriday #MMChat
2:17 am KitchenTableMkt: Thank you for th #mmchat RTs @wileyccoyote @jtrayan @QuCard @gr8bad & @BigGirlBranding
2:17 am GldnAngl: RT @billboorman: Good causes are easy to support. the best strategy is to stop talking and start doing #MMChat
2:17 am KyBedard: @chrisbrogan Chris Thnx really insightful stuff from you!!! If you're on the Storrow- traffic aint bad!! #MMChat
2:17 am ActiveIngreds: i dont worry abt what everyone else is doing, I just do the best I can, one good deed at a time #mmchat
2:17 am staceyresnikoff: @TheSocialCMO @chrisbrogan Thanks for bringing this to us tonight. Thanks, all. #MMchat
2:17 am correlationist: Hey Amber :)) . @ambercleveland Agree :) Hi Prince RT @ActiveIngreds: @correlationist good to see you! its been a long time! #mmchat
2:18 am heidicohen: @danperezfilms @wryanking Influencer 4 NFP can be celebrity or someone w/ strong following who can get ppl 2 donate or volunteer #mmchat
2:18 am joewaters: RT @chrisbrogan: My 1 plug to people into causes. is where @charityestrella and others help causes grow. #Mmchat
2:18 am Selsi_Ent: RT @kristofcreative: #MMchat transcript. 1288 tweets from 330 contributors
2:18 am StellarFutures: RT @charityestrella: #mmchat folks - listen to everything @lizstrauss has to say. Every part of my orgs newest & biggest project is informed by her wisdom :)
2:18 am ActiveIngreds: setting a good example is being the best influencer dont you think? #mmchat
2:18 am DaraBell: RT @chrisbrogan: My 1 plug to people into causes. is where @charityestrella and others help nonprofits grow. #Mmchat
2:19 am mariejourney: RT @ginaschreck: @BillBoorman @HRMargo I say you need BOTH evangelists AND real contributors- team approach #Hirefriday #MMChat
2:19 am heidicohen: @staceyresnikoff Biggest problem w/online influence converting 2 an action is having Call-2-Action & trackable code #mmchat
2:19 am GoodBiz113: RT @chrisbrogan: The easier you make it to give, the better. Now, you want big corporations to give? Give THEM something for it. (1 of 2) #Mmchat
2:19 am danperezfilms: @annedgallaher Connections don't have to be wonderful or smart, they just need to be able to "connect" you... #mmchat
2:19 am GoodBiz113: RT @chrisbrogan: Hanes did a Buy One Get One with socks for homeless. Totally got money for Hanes and money FROM Hanes (2 of 2) #Mmchat
2:19 am ldatta: Oh, here is another thing that I do not understand (forgive me) about the quantity of tweets, as opposed to quality #mmchat
2:19 am correlationist: RT @charityestrella: .@chrisbrogan true that :) build your community before you need them. #mmchat
2:19 am Robelen: RT @chrisbrogan: My 1 plug to people into causes. is where @charityestrella and others help nonprofits grow. #Mmchat
2:19 am GoodBiz113: RT @chrisbrogan: Remember - givers give to answer something inside of themselves. The best askers are those who pull that from givers. #Mmchat
2:20 am TourismCurrents: RT @chrisbrogan: It's really important to realize - working w/"up & comers" gives you much more engagement than pushing larger names #Mmchat
2:20 am ActiveIngreds: would really like to build a mktg for a cause where it just so much fun to give! #mmchat
2:20 am 2GirlsNCupcake: RT @danperezfilms: May I share a cause close to my heart? CHARLEE Homes for Children: #mmchat
2:20 am dfbova: :) RT @halfcenturyman: #mmchat Thx4the great insight ! @BillBoorman @dfbova @ActiveIngreds @ConsultantRC @BigGirlBranding @genuinechris
2:20 am fredmcclimans: @heidicohen Heidi - Agree, but not all charities need $. Comment was re: time commitment - don't if you can't. cc @chrisbrogan #mmchat
2:20 am danperezfilms: @ginaschreck @BillBoorman @HRMargo Better said is you need to put the evangelists in front of the real contributors... #mmchat
2:20 am mariejourney: RT @chrisbrogan: Hanes did a Buy One Get One with socks for homeless. Totally got money for Hanes and money FROM Hanes (2 of 2) #Mmchat
2:20 am heidicohen: Thank You 4 gr8 chat RT @TheAfter5Edge: RT @JimmySW: @_amywarren @heidicohen @pheffernanvt @thehelpgroup @carlsorvino #mmchat
2:20 am tropicalimaging: RT @chrisbrogan: The more time you spend on feeding a network of warm contacts, the more that your network will help you later. #Mmchat
2:20 am OurTownMagazine: @chrisbrogan Hi. Great info. shared, and as always, insightful. #MMChat
2:20 am ConsultantRC: RT @activeingreds: setting a good example is being the best influencer dont you think? #mmchat I agree!
2:21 am ldatta: My 1 what you are passionate about. Paths and ways are to be explored, and persistence would guide #mmchat
2:21 am askmanny: RT @joewaters: RT @chrisbrogan: My 1 plug to people into causes. is where @charityestrella and others help causes grow. #Mmchat
2:21 am correlationist: Hey Bernd @CoCreatr - gr8 to see you here. I hope to randomly (or not so randomly) run into you on #junto one of these days :)) #mmchat
2:21 am RustiAnn: @ConsultantRC @KyBedard Whew! #usguys, that #MMchat was as big a fire hose as #blogchat.
2:21 am kristofcreative: If you're looking to follow some #MMchat peeps, ck out the contributors list
2:21 am AnneDGallaher: @danperezfilms Agree, but Connector @scottmonty is wonderful and smart; so is @chrisbrogan and @howellmarketing ; ) #mmchat
2:22 am AboutOne: RT @kristofcreative: If you're looking to follow some #MMchat peeps, ck out the contributors list
2:22 am Playboy_Mars: RT @thatwoman_is: Nice.RT @fredmcclimans: @danperezfilms You can't "Influence" somebody to help a charity, but you can educate/empower them. #mmchat
2:22 am AnneDGallaher: RT @joewaters: RT @chrisbrogan: My 1 plug to people into causes. is where @charityestrella and others help causes grow. #Mmchat
2:22 am Selsi_Ent: 2 great chats tonight!! #journchat #mmchat
2:22 am BrightEndeavors: RT @TheSocialCMO: The transcript for tonight?s #MMchat will be posted shortly on @TheSocialCMO blog #MMchat
2:22 am DebWeinstein: Yes! RT @AnneDGallaher: @ScottMonty @danperezfilms @chrisbrogan It starts with connections--wonderful smart people who care deeply!! #mmchat
2:22 am correlationist: Simple YET powerful RT @LDatta : Think of Purpose, People, Process and Place! The rest is easy. Well, not easy but you have a path #mmchat
2:23 am cgjohnson: RT @goaliemom31: Would anyone like to help some Detroit area special needs kids play hockey? #Mmchat #MMDM
2:23 am danperezfilms: @annedgallaher @ScottMonty @chrisbrogan but can they cook a bowl of chili like @HowellMarketing can? #mmchat
2:23 am LorieTumaCMU: RT @TourismCurrents: RT @chrisbrogan: It's really important to realize - working w/"up & comers" gives you much more engagement than pushing larger names #Mmchat
2:23 am staceyresnikoff: @heidicohen Yes, exactly. Which is why I think it's so interesting to me. Thanks for the #MMChat
2:23 am PatRobeck1ofHis: thanks for the great chat tonight everyone. Is there an easy way to follow folks in a chat? #MMChat
2:23 am TheSocialCMO: Working on official #MMchat transcript from this evening's festivities! In interim those unfamiliar w #MMchat details @
2:23 am BillBoorman: My post on social goodness #MMChat
2:23 am kevfly: #Mmchat This great org.for homeless youth & adults since 1976. Non-denominational Please follow @nightministry
2:24 am 1chefdiva: RT @chrisbrogan: RT @goaliemom31: Would anyone like to help some Detroit area special needs kids play hockey? #Mmchat #MMDM #Mmchat
2:24 am THO_R: RT @chrisbrogan: The more time you spend on feeding a network of warm contacts, the more that your network will help you later. #Mmchat
2:24 am mariejourney: RT @heidicohen: @staceyresnikoff Biggest problem w/online influence converting 2 action is having Call-2-Action & trackable code #mmchat
2:24 am ldatta: Thank you kindly! @correlationist @LDatta Simple YET powerful RT @LDatta : Think of Purpose, People, Process and Place! #mmchat
2:24 am AnneDGallaher: @correlationist How are you? It's been too long since we've connected. Hope you're doing great! #mmchat
2:24 am jojoconsult: RT @danperezfilms: May I share a cause close to my heart? CHARLEE Homes for Children: #mmchat
2:25 am HowellMarketing: WOOT! ?@danperezfilms: @annedgallaher @ScottMonty @chrisbrogan but can they cook a bowl of chili like @HowellMarketing can? #mmchat
2:25 am thatwoman_is: RT @TheSocialCMO: Working on official #MMchat transcript from this evening's festivities! In interim those unfamiliar w #MMchat details @
2:26 am ConsultantRC: RT @jojoconsult: RT @danperezfilms: May I share a cause close to my heart? CHARLEE Homes for Children: #mmchat
2:26 am DebWeinstein: Awesome #MMchat convo tonite w @StellarFutures @SMSJOE @margieclayman @AnneDGallaher @treypennington @scottmonty @charityestrella @KyBedard
2:26 am spedwybabs: @kristofcreative #mmchat ? what pray tell is this beast? <g> looks fascinating
2:26 am AnneDGallaher: @danperezfilms I think @howellmarketing wins that but @scottmonty has the best ties! #mmchat
2:26 am tweetreports: Tks #MMchat. Our search archive hit 11 Million tweets
2:27 am GoodBiz113: RT @chrisbrogan: Your goals in cause marketing: tell a good story, build an affinity bridge, make the ask, support the givers. #Mmchat
2:27 am correlationist: @AnneDGallaher Hey Anne! Always great to hear from you. Hope all is well :)) #mmchat
2:27 am Ginaschreck: AMAZINGLY RAPID FIRE TWEETING! RT @kristofcreative: #MMchat transcript. 1288 tweets from 330 contributors
2:27 am AnneDGallaher: RT @kristofcreative: If you're looking to follow some #MMchat peeps, ck out the contributors list
2:28 am ConsultantRC: @catpoetry how did you follow along the #mmchat! Have a great evening?
2:28 am AlphaBrandz: RT @chrisbrogan: When rallying troops, it's important to do these three things: 1.) tell a crisp story. 2.) Connect your community to it. 3.) ask. #Mmchat
2:29 am HowellMarketing: I'll cook this for y'all (pic) @DebWeinstein @annedgallaher @scottmonty @danperezfilms @chrisbrogan #mmchat
2:29 am GoodBiz113: RT @chrisbrogan: In Trust Agents, @julien and I said "give your ideas handles." We mean, "make your cause other people's cause." Feel me? #Mmchat
2:29 am kristofcreative: @spedwybabs #mmchat = Marketer Monday You can catch articles here
2:29 am ldatta: I come to this from a collaboration standpoint. I offer the 4 Ps framework (Purpose, People, Process and Place) #mmchat
2:29 am DebWeinstein: Remember - givers give to answer something inside themselves. The best askers are those who pull that from givers. @chrisbrogan #Mmchat #csr
2:30 am SMSJOE: Thanks for the mention & convo @casudi @stellarfutures @bsak @debweinstein @margieclayman #mmchat
2:30 am ConsultantRC: @catpoetry yes it did go by pretty fast. I Really enjoyed reading @ChrisBrogan's and everyone else interactions. #MMCHAT
2:30 am GoodBiz113: RT @chrisbrogan: When rallying troops, it's important to do these three things: 1.) tell a crisp story. 2.) Connect your community to it. 3.) ask. #Mmchat
2:30 am GoodBiz113: RT @chrisbrogan: For every @aplusk (and props to him for caring), he gets hundreds of asks. @ajleon is a MUCH better ask. @melissaleon too. #Mmchat
2:30 am WRyanKing: Thks 4connecting and conversations @YAOtieno @danperezfilms @heidicohen @chieflemonhead @Selsi_Ent @prosperitygal @KitchenTableMkt #mmchat
2:31 am kristofcreative: Tks for the RTs! @CathyWebSavvyPR @cloudspark @Selsi_Ent @AboutOne @spedwybabs @Ginaschreck #MMchat
2:31 am AnneDGallaher: @HowellMarketing We have worked up an appetite on #mmchat! Your chili pic looks gr8. @debweinstein @scottmonty @danperezfilms @chrisbrogan
2:31 am catpoetry: @karimacatherine did u make it tonight? It was busy #mmchat
2:31 am Ginaschreck: RT @DebWeinstein: To rally your troops do 3 things:1) tell a crisp story 2) Connect your community to it 3) ask! @chrisbrogan #Mmchat
2:31 am StellarFutures: RT @DebWeinstein: Remember - givers give to answer something inside themselves. The best askers are those who pull that from givers. @chrisbrogan #Mmchat #csr
2:32 am karimacatherine: @catpoetry : No, I was stuck in the kids' bedroom. I bet it was busy with @chrisbrogan there #mmchat - How was it?
2:33 am TrendsmapCanada: #thingsjoshramsaysays, #mmchat, #stars & 'boucher' are now trending in Canada
2:33 am SMSJOE: RT @rustiann: @ConsultantRC @KyBedard Whew! #usguys, that #MMchat was as big a fire hose as #blogchat. yep still whoozzy
2:33 am dcohen22: Seems simple enough. @michaelcalienes RT @chrisbrogan: Ask 4 time from those w/out $. Ask 4 $ from those (with no) time #mmchat
2:33 am ldatta: Asking the right questions is more powerful than offering solutions -- Strategic Mind Art (SMArt) #mmchat
2:34 am thinkmaya: RT @chrisbrogan: Remember - givers give to answer something inside of themselves. The best askers are those who pull that from givers. #Mmchat
2:35 am SMSJOE: @karimacatherine like a flash flood in the desert! ;-) #mmchat CC @catpoetry good stuff
2:35 am iangertler: Yes! RT @Ginaschreck @DebWeinstein To rally your troops do 3 things:1-tell crisp story 2-Connect community to it 3-ask! @chrisbrogan #Mmchat
2:35 am YoungLatinoNtwk: RT @danperezfilms: You don't need a stitch of "influence" to make a huge impact for a local charity...just a desire to help. #mmchat
2:35 am DebWeinstein: "You can't 'Influence' somebody to help a charity, but you can educate/empower them," @fredmcclimans #mmchat #csr #armtwistingworkstoo
2:35 am StellarFutures: RT @Ginaschreck: AMAZINGLY RAPID FIRE TWEETING! RT @kristofcreative: #MMchat transcript. 1288 tweets from 330 contributors
2:37 am SMSJOE: u2 RT @KyBedard: @SMSJOE Joe thanks. Enjoy your Turkey Day. U doing any of the cooking?<nope safer 4 all ;-) #mmchat
2:37 am danperezfilms: @annedgallaher @HowellMarketing @ScottMonty You can't eat a tie... #justsaying #mmchat
2:37 am correlationist: Thank you for the #mmchat convo @chrisbrogan @davidmcgraw @casudi @KatjaPresnal @wordsdonewrite @Selsi_Ent @heidicohen (1of 2)
2:37 am edenspodek: RT @DebWeinstein "You can't 'Influence' somebody to help a charity, but you can educate/empower them," @fredmcclimans #mmchat #csr
2:38 am cloudspark: @kristofcreative thanks for posting, missed #mmchat working on a deadline.
2:38 am mikulaja: @jacquichew Following you now via #mmchat. Nice to meet you!
2:38 am ASWFLTweetTeam: RT @missdestructo: Yes! RT @chrisbrogan: The more time you spend on feeding a network of warm contacts, the more that your network will help you later. #Mmchat
2:38 am HowellMarketing: Dan, I'm making you chili AND pie! ?@danperezfilms: @annedgallaher @HowellMarketing @ScottMonty You can't eat a tie... #justsaying #mmchat
2:39 am catpoetry: @karimacatherine: @SMSJOE's picture is a great one. It was rapidfire. You were missed! #mmchat
2:39 am ldatta: "Influencer" sounds so 1984.. How about someone collaborating with you, for a purpose near and dear? #mmchat
2:40 am correlationist: Thanks @danperezfilms @supernovia @sandyhubbard @bsak @ldatta @THO_R for #mmchat convo and RTs :))
2:40 am judi5110: RT @DebWeinstein: "You can't 'Influence' somebody to help a charity, but you can educate/empower them," @fredmcclimans #mmchat #csr #armtwistingworkstoo
2:41 am bernierjohn: RT @TheSocialCMO: Join next week for our 18th #MMchat when @BernierJohn Empowerment Ninja at Bestbuy?s Twelpforce checks in for some #MMchat madness
2:41 am RustiAnn: @SMSJOE After these chats with links I have so many tabs open for follow up-I'm impressed Chrome hasn't imploded #usguys #MMchat #blogchat
2:43 am StellarFutures: RT @DebWeinstein: Check out SelfishGiving for great info on CSR. Lots of resources » TY for GR8 Advice! @ChrisBrogan #Mmchat
2:43 am Selsi_Ent: @prosperitygal sounds good to me! Just let me know when. #mmchat
2:43 am judi5110: RT @chrisbrogan: When rallying troops, it's important to do these three things: 1.) tell a crisp story. 2.) Connect your community to it. 3.) ask. #Mmchat
2:43 am bernierjohn: Looking forward to the #MMchat madness next week...think about what you want to know about our employee engagement story, ok?
2:44 am MichaelASander: RT @TheSocialCMO: Join next week for our 18th #MMchat when @BernierJohn Empowerment Ninja at Bestbuy?s Twelpforce checks in for some #MMchat madness
2:44 am ekarff: @ActiveIngreds totally agreed! #MMchat
2:45 am catpoetry: @cloudspark you were missed. @chrisbrogan hosting & @ ed's tweet drove extra participation. great convos 2nite. #mmchat
2:46 am catpoetry: @cloudspark you were missed. @chrisbrogan hosting & @ed's tweet drove extra participation. great convos 2nite. #mmchat
2:47 am BSitko: RT @mariejourney: RT @heidicohen: @staceyresnikoff Biggest problem w/online influence converting 2 action is having Call-2-Action & trackable code #mmchat
2:47 am StellarFutures: RT @chrisbrogan: Another favorite site of mine: #Mmchat
2:47 am ScottMonty: @HowellMarketing @danperezfilms @annedgallaher Okay, wait. I left for a few minutes and now you're talking chili and pie?? #mmchat
2:47 am TheSocialCMO: WOW! Did you feel it? Something happened on #MMchat tonight! And we can all thank @ChrisBrogan for sharing his #CauseMarketing greatness!
2:50 am tokiwana: RT @chrisbrogan: Causes need money, time, passion, press, expertise, sustainable futures, and much more. #Mmchat
2:50 am TheSocialCMO: Transcript for tonight's #MMchat on The Role of Major Influencers in Cause Marketing will be posted shortly at
2:51 am creativebill: RT @chrisbrogan: Causes need money, time, passion, press, expertise, sustainable futures, and much more. #Mmchat
2:51 am dfbova: cnt leave them alone 4 a min. RT @ScottMonty: @HowellMarketing @danperezfilms @annedgallaher left 4 a min & U'r talking chili & pie #mmchat
2:52 am heidicohen: Check out=>Listening is the New Black4 @chirsbrogan's advice #mmchat
2:52 am AnneDGallaher: RT @chrisbrogan: Causes need money, time, passion, press, expertise, sustainable futures, and much more. #Mmchat
2:54 am AnneDGallaher: @dfbova So true Donna! @howellmarketing changed convo from #mmchat to chili and pie ; ) @scottmonty @danperezfilms @debweinstein
2:57 am sirona7: RT @TheSocialCMO: Transcript for tonight's #MMchat on The Role of Major Influencers in Cause Marketing will be posted shortly at
2:57 am AnneDGallaher: RT @TheSocialCMO: And all of us here in @TheSocialCMO Crew are also VERY pleased that Chris has agreed to write the Foreword for our upcoming book! #MMchat
2:57 am wallisphoto: @SocialMedia_NZ see @chrisbrogan on #mmchat to prove hashtags are genuinely useful!
2:57 am fcarroyo: RT @chrisbrogan: The more time you spend on feeding a network of warm contacts, the more that your network will help you later. #Mmchat
2:58 am DebWeinstein: This feast needs some Poutine! @AnneDGallaher @dfbova @howellmarketing @scottmonty @danperezfilms @chrisbrogan #MMchat #handsacrosstheborder
2:58 am OurTownMagazine: RT @heidicohen ~  Check out=>Listening is the New Black4 @chirsbrogan's advice #mmchat
3:00 am Poutine_Bot: RT @DebWeinstein This feast needs some Poutine! @AnneDGallaher @dfbova @howellmarketing @scottmonty @danperezfilms @chrisbrogan #MMchat #han
3:00 am AlphaBrandz: Social Media and the Cult of Personality Definitely puts things into perspective #MMchat #SocialMedia
3:01 am rajul_joshi: RT @chrisbrogan: Your goals in cause marketing: tell a good story, build an affinity bridge, make the ask, support the givers. #Mmchat
3:01 am DebWeinstein: SO PRoud! @TheSocialCMO Crew is VERY pleased that @chrisbrogan has agreed to write the Foreword for our upcoming book! #MMchat #comingsoon
3:02 am sandyhubbard: RT @chieflemonhead: RT @wryanking: @sandyhubbard I think you have to nurture your database - go beyond love - for engagement #MMChat
3:02 am sandyhubbard: RT @SMSJOE: @sandyhubbard and microfinance is 2 way it builds self esteem! #mmchat
3:02 am brandcottage: Here is an active list of the people on #MMchat tonight. @SMDirectory
3:02 am sandyhubbard: RT @KitchenTableMkt: @sandyhubbard Exactly. Quick and easy. And leaves people feeling like they've made a difference. #mmchat
3:02 am sandyhubbard: RT @chrisbrogan: @sandyhubbard - I totally agree. I forget who shared that story with me lately. I think it was @KeithFerrazzi , about a nephew. #Mmchat
3:04 am thatwoman_is: Permed my hair, watched DWTS, participated I'm #mmchat and checked out a few blogs, pics and resources. Yes, this is Monday night.
3:04 am sandyhubbard: RT @THO_R I'm doin' it! RT @sandyhubbard: Like it when young ppl decide where to work based on that company's giving practices #mmchat
3:05 am inowgb: TopTag(3hrs) 1:#Mmchat 2:#quote 3:#News 4:#ihatequotes 5:#ZodiacFacts 6:#TDL 7:#SocialMedia 8:#Photography 9:#Vanguard ..
3:05 am TheSocialCMO: WOW, this is definitely the largest #MMchat transcript to date, it might take a little bit longer than usual to prepare! =)
3:05 am socialmediascan: RT TopTag(3hrs) 1:#Mmchat 2:#quote 3:#News 4:#ihatequotes 5:#ZodiacFacts 6:#TDL 7:#SocialMedia 8:#Photography 9?
3:06 am dfbova: U C this @TheSocailCMO RT @inowgb:TopTag(3hrs)1:#Mmchat 2:#quote 3:#News 4:#ihatequotes 5:#ZodiacFacts 6:#TDL 7:#SocialMedia 8:#Photography
3:07 am sandyhubbard: Prince, you had great insights! RT @correlationist: Thanks @danperezfilms @supernovia @sandyhubbard @bsak @ldatta @THO_R for #mmchat convo
3:07 am SMSJOE: RT @mikulaja: @rustiann @SMSJOE Don't you love Chrome?<not really 2 many sites where it doesn't work #UsGuys #mmchat
3:08 am SMSJOE: true story->RT @smartel: I'd say stache AND klout RT @DaveMurr: #usguys #ringthebell #mmchat
3:10 am DebWeinstein: Hey @chuckmartin1 it was GR8 to catch up at #MMchat tonight, but you flew past me at record speed. Just caught your greeting now! =)
3:11 am ldatta: Thx kindly @sandyhubbard Prince, U had great insights! @correlationist @danperezfilms @supernovia @sandyhubbard @bsak @ldatta @THO_R #mmchat
3:11 am AaronMandelbaum: RT @heidicohen Check out=>Listening is the New Black4 @chirsbrogan's advice #mmchat
3:12 am Ingridium: When rallying troops, it's important to do 3 things: 1.) tell a crisp story. 2.) Connect your community to it. 3.) ask. #Mmchat #wpschat
3:13 am Ingridium: make your cause other people's cause #MMchat #wpschat
3:14 am Ingridium: @KatjaPresnal: Help others without asking anything back. When U need help they will be there without you asking for it. #Mmchat #wpschat
3:15 am sandyhubbard: Win-win! RT @KitchenTableMkt: @sandyhubbard Exactly. Quick and easy. And leaves people feeling like they've made a difference. #mmchat
3:15 am dfbova: What's more important during #journchat #mmchat engaging off topic or listening on topic?
3:16 am PeabodyMemphis: Hope you're taking care of your Duckmaster cane. RT @chrisbrogan: Hahaha. I have, in fact, been Duckmaster at the Peabody Memphis. #Mmchat
3:17 am sandyhubbard: Great point. I had not thought of that! RT @SMSJOE: @sandyhubbard @chrisbrogan And microfinance is 2-way; it builds self esteem! #mmchat
3:17 am TheSocialCMO: @HowellMarketing Well it would help if wthashtag didn't change all of the apostrophes into ? marks when you exported the transcript! #MMchat
3:18 am danperezfilms: @fredmcclimans @ntalukdar3 @fredmcclimans I thought it stood for "Mad Money" chat... #mmchat
3:20 am TheSocialCMO: While you're waiting for the NEW #MMchat transcript you may want to check out the previous 16! Posted at
3:20 am Ingridium: Cause efforts can barrage the social sphere with too many tweets-- people spamming a constituency, instead of the "ask." #Mmchat #wpschat
3:21 am sandyhubbard: Romance your database :) RT @chieflemonhead @wryanking: @sandyhubbard Have to nurture your database/go beyond love for engagement #MMchat
3:22 am karimacatherine: Whileou're waiting for NEW #MMchat transcript you may want to check out the previous 16! Posted at via @TheSocialCMO
3:22 am TheSocialCMO: @PeabodyMemphis Hey, how does one apply to be the Duckmaster at The Peabody Memphis? That cane is AWESOME! =) #MMchat
3:22 am Ingridium: Your goals in cause marketing: tell a good story, build an affinity bridge, make the ask, support the givers. #Mmchat #wpschat
3:23 am ryansauers: RT @karimacatherine: Whileou're waiting for NEW #MMchat transcript you may want to check out the previous 16! Posted at via @TheSocialCMO
3:23 am ryansauers: RT @TheSocialCMO: While you're waiting for the NEW #MMchat transcript you may want to check out the previous 16! Posted at
3:23 am sandyhubbard: Agree, and often time is of the essence! RT @Ginaschreck @sandyhubbard More people get involved > spread message FASTER/DEEPER #MMchat
3:24 am PeabodyMemphis: @TheSocialCMO know the right people and ask nicely. :) #MMchat
3:24 am ryansauers: RT @DebWeinstein: SO PRoud! @TheSocialCMO Crew is VERY pleased that @chrisbrogan has agreed to write the Foreword for our upcoming book! #MMchat #comingsoon
3:25 am sandyhubbard: @RustiAnn Curious to know what your takeaways were from #MMchat ...
3:25 am TheSocialCMO: @chrisbrogan Yes Chris! Do the important things! Thanks for joining us on #MMchat and have a Happy Thanksgiving! Cheers Jeff
3:25 am Ingridium: AnneDGallaher- when I do it, it's usually through a blog post, plus twitter. I've sometimes pushed FB causes (not as easy). #Mmchat #wpschat
3:26 am ryansauers: RT @TheSocialCMO: And all of us here in @TheSocialCMO Crew are also VERY pleased that Chris has agreed to write the Foreword for our upcoming book! #MMchat
3:27 am Ingridium: Donors give to answer something inside of themselves. The best askers are those who pull that from givers. #Mmchat #wpschat
3:27 am aaker: @prosperitygal Let us know how we can help @chrisbrogan @kabbenbock #Mmchat
3:28 am sandyhubbard: @LDatta I liked your process-oriented tips on #MMchat. Why reinvent the wheel? I think that way, too.
3:28 am Ingridium: The easier you make it to give, the better. Now, you want big corporations to give? Give THEM something for it. (1/2) #Mmchat #wpschat
3:29 am TheSocialCMO: @PeabodyMemphis Hahahaha that's the only way I know how to ask! Think we need our next meeting in #Memphis @HowellMarketing ! #MMchat
3:29 am EmbuKids: RT @chrisbrogan: RT @KatjaPresnal: Help others without asking anything back. When U need help they will be there without you asking for it. #Mmchat
3:30 am Ingridium: Hanes did a Buy One Get One with socks for homeless. Totally got money for Hanes and money FROM Hanes (2/2) #Mmchat #wpschat
3:30 am sandyhubbard: Good point, Lokesh, about how jargon intimidates or projects (desired or not) superiority > undermines efforts #MMchat RT @LDatta
3:30 am ldatta: Thanks! @sandyhubbard I liked your process-oriented tips on #MMchat. Why reinvent the wheel? I think that way, too.
3:30 am celinamac: RT @chrisbrogan: RT @goaliemom31: Would anyone like to help some Detroit area special needs kids play hockey? #Mmchat #MMDM #Mmchat
3:30 am Ingridium: Use . It's SO easy to give, easier to get copy/paste of the widget. Pow! #Mmchat #wpschat
3:32 am kimtracyprince: @chrisbrogan Thank you for using your megaphone to get more ppl interested in good works! #mmchat
3:32 am Ingridium: The more time you spend on feeding a network of warm contacts, the more that your network will help you later. #Mmchat #wpschat
3:32 am sandyhubbard: @LCaCera_PR I was impressed by how quick you were tonight. My timeline was laboriously slow. Must remember to close all programs b4 #MMchat
3:32 am Ingridium: RT @chrisbrogan: RT @goaliemom31: Would anyone like to help some Detroit area special needs kids play hockey? #Mmchat #MMDM #Mmchat
3:33 am Ingridium: RT @chrisbrogan: @goaliemom31 - you said special and detroit. Done. : ) #Mmchat
3:33 am aaker: Indeed, + I love what @orenjacob did with ReadySetBag, too. (I think it's .com) #Mmchat
3:34 am Ingridium: And I'm out. It was fun! Those last dozen Tweets were RT of Chris Brogan's comments in the #MMchat this eve'g. Check it out. #wpschat