E-commerce is no longer enough ~ @JeffAshcroft https://t.co/iS1O2PqPSk https://t.co/vg8iFXeklE
E-commerce is no longer enough ~ @JeffAshcroft https://t.co/iS1O2PqPSk https://t.co/vg8iFXeklE
read more...E-commerce is no longer enough ~ @JeffAshcroft https://t.co/iS1O2PqPSk https://t.co/vg8iFXeklE
read more...The future always comes faster than we think. #retail #IoT @JeffAshcroft https://t.co/yAxB5GksOF https://t.co/6VwsPZrMaf
read more...Discover the eight layers of Matrix Retail to develop ‘the logistics of customer experience’. #CX #CustExp… https://t.co/3w71xit0V6
read more...The time is now for all Planning and Supply Chain executives of the world to arise! https://t.co/lKBeIC1EOO https://t.co/pgysSW22O0
read more...Redefining the Customer Experience with Artificial Intelligence #AI #cognitive #CX https://t.co/JsDz1gnVAY https://t.co/Xwv4xXOUf8
read more...Future of retail as an omni-channel Internet of Things ~ #NewWayToEngage #retail #IoT @JeffAshcroft… https://t.co/5RuJ5sE6OV
read more...‘Learn rules carefully so you can break them properly’ – Anonymous #ShadowIT https://t.co/PiI9BOVoTl https://t.co/9d6WPZcdMH
read more...‘Innovation without action is just an idea.’ ~ @JeffAshcroft #innovation
read more...Holiday project anyone? Control Sphero-BB8 by Voice through IBM Watson IoT Platform #NewWaytoEngage… https://t.co/pQbTGCzGgu
read more...Videos & Visions: Of E-Commerce Automation and Fulfillment #NewWaytoEngage @JeffAshcroft https://t.co/KTlCIzQuoD https://t.co/2iz7VSlwko