#FollowFriday the @IBM Cr…
#FollowFriday the @IBM Crew! Cheers! @dfraim @mstribling @michaeljazzi @digipat @MariaWinans @tamicann @amandaMcarl! #IBMSCGS
read more...#FollowFriday the @IBM Crew! Cheers! @dfraim @mstribling @michaeljazzi @digipat @MariaWinans @tamicann @amandaMcarl! #IBMSCGS
read more...‘Time for Enterprise Marketing Management’ Transcript of our #MMchat with @Jay_Henderson of #IBM! Cheers! http://t.co/KGVxI66f #IBMSCGS
read more...Congrats all! RT @JeffAshcroft: The #IBM #SmarterCommerce Award winners on stage with @IBM‘s @MariaWinans http://t.co/IFjU3xvQ #IBMSCGS“
read more...RT @chayman: #ibmscgs3 #ibmscgs award winners and maria winans http://t.co/uUq44UzB
read more...Social Media Capital: New paradigm for Value Creation, Learning & Leadership: Collective will to communicate & mobilize http://t.co/9548B4ba
read more...#FollowFriday more of #IBM Crew on Twitter! @chayman @MaMchannel @jay_henderson @tamicann @shellkillebrew @marcdietz @amandaMcarl! #IBMSCGS
read more...‘Facilitating Social Business Adoption in Large Organizations’ Next week’s 111th #MMchat is with @MarcyCohen of @Mastercard Cheers! #IBMSCGS
read more...RT @SMChimps: Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Mapped to Social Media Sites in Infographic http://t.co/jz82thPy
read more...RT @steven_forbes: Facebook’s Fake Likes; A Poisoned Chalice – http://t.co/cbxrMd1E #sm #social
read more...RT @shellkillebrew: Very clever!! RT @retailgeek: @trevornewell at shop.ca trackable social share links turn every customer into an affi …