‘Time for Enterprise Mark…
‘Time for Enterprise Marketing Management’ Transcript of our #MMchat with @Jay_Henderson of #IBM! Cheers! http://t.co/KGVxI66f #IBMSCGS
read more...‘Time for Enterprise Marketing Management’ Transcript of our #MMchat with @Jay_Henderson of #IBM! Cheers! http://t.co/KGVxI66f #IBMSCGS
read more...‘Facilitating Social Business Adoption in Large Organizations’ Next week’s 111th #MMchat is with @MarcyCohen of @Mastercard Cheers! #IBMSCGS
read more...Why Your CMO Needs to Bond with the Chief Supply Chain Officer (CSCO): @JeffAshcroft http://t.co/iGRJp9QK #IBMSCGS #MatrixCommerce
read more...‘Time for Enterprise Marketing Management’ Transcript of today’s #MMchat with @Jay_Henderson of #IBM http://t.co/KGVxI66f #IBMSCGS Cheers!
read more...Last but not least, please remember #MMchat makes Mondays (and sometimes Thursdays) MARVELOUS!! Afternoon all!! Cheers!! #IBMSCGS
read more...RT @alexCsfm: the amount of informative business tactics have really impressed me #ibmscgs
read more...Today’s #MMchat stats! 114 tweets generated 1,050,980 potential impressions, reaching an audience of 198,894 followers! Cheers! #IBMSCGS
read more...More #IBM stars to follow on Twitter! @dfraim @mstribling @michaeljazzi @digipat @MariaWinans @tamicann @amandaMcarl! #IBMSCGS
read more...Thanks for all the RTs @KathiKruse @ShellKillebrew @AmandaMCarl @TamiCann @DFraim Cheers!
read more...This afternoon’s #MMchat stats! 114 tweets generated 1,050,980 potential impressions, reaching an audience of 198,894 followers #IBMSCGS