Great that Ai Ching Goh o…
Great that Ai Ching Goh of @Piktochat is joining #MMchat even though it’s Tuesday morning at 8:30 am for her in Penang, Malaysia! Cheers!
read more...Great that Ai Ching Goh of @Piktochat is joining #MMchat even though it’s Tuesday morning at 8:30 am for her in Penang, Malaysia! Cheers!
read more...Q7) How tough has it been for you to create a new media startup as a young woman from Malaysia? #MMchat
read more...Q6) What are some considerations to take into account when creating a Do It Yourself infographic? #MMchat
read more...Hey all you #MMchat tweeps this week is @TheSocialCMO‘s 3rd Twitterversary! Cheers!
read more...Following you now Michelle! Cheers! RT @MBM_Marketing: Hey @TheSocialCMO #SHOUTOUT as per your request 🙂 #MMChat
read more...Q8) Do you think infographics are just a fad or are they here to stay for the long term? What do you see as future of infographics? #MMchat
read more...Tks! RT @happinesschick: oh wow! congrats @thesocialcmo! you rock providing such a valuable resource for learning & sharing..bravo! #mmchat
read more...Thanks Patricia! RT @brandcottage: Congrats! RT @thesocialcmo: Hey all you #MMchat tweeps this week is @TheSocialCMO‘s 3rd Twitterversary!
read more...Every Monday here on #MMchat is a celebration! RT @rewarder: @thesocialcmo Congrats! Any celebrations? #mmchat
read more...Q5) When it comes to D-I-Y infographics is there a problem with ‘OMG-all the themes look alike’ with infographic editors? #MMchat