@NPsteve Well at least I …
@NPsteve Well at least I didn’t notice any spelling errors in the column! #DoEditorsEvenReadWhatIsSubmittedAnymore?
read more...@NPsteve Well at least I didn’t notice any spelling errors in the column! #DoEditorsEvenReadWhatIsSubmittedAnymore?
read more...Can’t believe how the #EMMYS screwed #Madmen out of the record! The show so deserved it… total BS! #GetAlifeMorons!
read more...RT @_skennedy: @VizquelOmar13 is now tied for 40th with Mel Ott on the all-time hits list. #legend #BlueJays
read more...RT @1marketingmaven: @TheSocialCMO @djgeoffe The social web is crawlable so effects SEO. Better together – like Reese’s PB cups,social a …
read more...RT @bernhardmx: @thesocialcmo @djgeoffe thanks for a great #MMchat. Learnt a lot in 1h. #shoutout
read more...RT @simonowens: 65% of Atlantic’s ad revenue is from online http://t.co/0ovaCOao
read more...RT @NPsteve: Look, I won’t lose respect for the Globe until a columnist uses editorial pages to sell their house–OH WAIT A SECOND http:/ …
read more...RT @jjauthor: Apparently, we’re supposed to be more outraged by what Romney does with his money than by what Obama does with ours.
read more...RT @deehoseo: SEO, Social and Content Marketing in Top Demand http://t.co/llQY8KWA
read more...RT @tweetreports: Retailers See ‘Big Data’ Benefiting Ecommerce, Marketing Strategy http://t.co/PJcqiVJR