Tks! RT @Ken Banks Is #Bl…
Tks! RT @Ken Banks Is #Blogging Dead? by @TheSocialCMO ( via @KenBanks) #SM #SMM #BlogChat
read more...Tks! RT @Ken Banks Is #Blogging Dead? by @TheSocialCMO ( via @KenBanks) #SM #SMM #BlogChat
read more...Our tagline is “Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much” the Helen Keller Effect #BlogChat
read more...Both content and delivery are important. Also think sequencing and image selection/placement is a bit of an art. #BlogChat
read more...@MarketingProfs Hahaha he got all 800 names into that 12 gallon hat? =) #blogchat
read more...In 22 hours Make #MarketerMonday Memorable! #MMchat with the Magnificent @MarkWSchaefer The True Business Benefits of Twitter #blogchat
read more...@CASUDI Hahaha kind of like those spreading garden plants that u can take whole clumps off & plant them elsewhere to grow happily #BlogChat
read more...I had to split off a topic from one blog when a new topic grew so large it was swamping all the other content! Worked out GREAT! #BlogChat
read more...A number of my contributors don’t use images and often selecting the right one can take a good post and make it a GREAT post! =) #BlogChat
read more...I write for my own blogs for most part, but there are also many others who contribute to them. So feel like a DJ or collage artist #BlogChat
read more...People and The Power of Hashtags ~ @TheSocialCMO #blogchat