Q2) Can you please share …
Q2) Can you please share with us what are some of the key elements of effective global social planning? #MMchat
read more...Q2) Can you please share with us what are some of the key elements of effective global social planning? #MMchat
read more...RT @ragythomas: @TheSocialCMO thanks happy to be here #mmchat
read more...To get things rolling & the conversation kickstarted I as always have a few questions for @RagyThomas #MMchat
read more...With degrees in finance and engineering, Ragy is a techie trapped in entrepreneurship #MMchat
read more...He also founded Kenscio, a digital marketing company that was the winner of the 2011 Red Herring top 100 Asia award. #MMchat
read more...RT @ragythomas: @Derek_Schroeder yes.. but social makes ‘all’ brands be about experiences… experiences drive conversations #MMchat
read more...Q1) OK let’s get this party started! So Ragy, why do brands need an integrated global social marketing strategy anyways? #MMchat
read more...And as tweetchats are meant to be interactive, do feel free to intersperse your ideas & opinions on our topic #MMchat
read more...So now please join me in welcoming @RagyThomas as our 99th #MarketerMonday Chat SPECIAL guest Cheers! #MMchat
read more...Prior to founding Sprinklr, Ragy was the President of Epsilon Interactive, one of world’s largest Email Marketing Companies #MMchat