Miller was SVP-Product + …
Miller was SVP-Product + Technology for Knight Ridder in San Jose, and a partner in three digital agencies in San Francisco #MMchat
read more...Miller was SVP-Product + Technology for Knight Ridder in San Jose, and a partner in three digital agencies in San Francisco #MMchat
read more...#MMchat topic: ‘Role of DNA in Future of Marketing’ Here are quick tweet Bios for Rohn, Paul & Scott! #MMchat
read more...For our 86th #MMChat I’m very pleased to welcome Rohn Jay Miller, Paul Saarinen & Scott Fahrenkrug as tonight’s SPECIAL guests! #MMchat
read more...To chat, simply use the hashtag #MMchat to be included in #MMchat transcript! You can also follow the chat at
read more...More than two years ago, @KentHuffman made the first #MarketerMonday shoutout & every Monday since then there have been 100s #MMchat
read more...Miller runs workshops + consults with executives on strategic planning, content strategy + social media planning #MMchat
read more...Rohn Jay Miller is Partner in Content & Social, a consulting + production firm in Minneapolis. He blogs @socialmediatoday #MMchat
read more...Their Twitter handles so you can add / follow them are @RohnJayMiller, Paul Saarinen @taulpaul & Scott Fahrenkrug @swineheart #MMchat
read more...So every Monday at 8:00pm est we will now have on a SPECIAL guest to discuss a topic relevant to all you Social CMOs out there! #MMchat
read more...We’re pleased to be part of #MarketerMonday mix with #MMchat allowing all of us to get to know these #MM greats & discuss cool topics!