To get things rolling &am…
To get things rolling & the conversation kickstarted I as always have a few questions for Randy Corke @rcorke #MMchat
read more...To get things rolling & the conversation kickstarted I as always have a few questions for Randy Corke @rcorke #MMchat
read more...Randy was also VP Marketing for, which launched world’s first voice portal in March 2000 & acquired by AOL #MMchat
read more...Prior to joining Chaordix in 2008, Randy was President of RPM Communications an innovative mobile blogging/social media service #MMChat
read more...Randy @rcorke is VP of BusDev for @Chaordix, a leader in applying #crowdsourcing for innovation, market research & brand development #MMchat
read more...#MMchat topic: ‘Everything You Wanted to Know About Crowdsourcing But Were Afraid To Ask‘ Here’s a quick tweet Bio for Randy Corke @rcorke
read more...And as tweetchats are meant to be interactive, do feel free to intersperse your ideas & opinions on our topic #MMchat
read more...So please join me in welcoming Randy Corke @rcorke as our 79th #MarketerMonday Chat SPECIAL guest! Cheers! #MMchat
read more...Previously he was founding VP of Marketing for SoundBite Communications (IPO 2007), pioneers in interactive voice messaging #MMChat
read more...A serial entrepreneur who has helped lead numerous startups to success. Randy has spent last decade in social media & mobile worlds #MMchat
read more...Our guest Randy Corke @rcorke works with companies worldwide to conceptualize how #crowdsourcing can be applied for business benefit #MMchat