RT @DebWeinstein: Join @T…
RT @DebWeinstein: Join @TheSocialCMO NOW for #MMchat & Ride the Wave of #BigData *starring* Esteban Kolsky @ekolsky & the Monday night s …
read more...RT @DebWeinstein: Join @TheSocialCMO NOW for #MMchat & Ride the Wave of #BigData *starring* Esteban Kolsky @ekolsky & the Monday night s …
read more...Q3) So that’s BIG picture, can you break that down to some specific ways marketers can tap into and use #BigData effectively today? #MMchat
read more...Q1) OK Esteban @ekolsky Most of us have been hearing the #BigData buzz! So for the uninformed or misinformed just What is #BigData? #MMchat
read more...To get things rolling & the conversation kickstarted I as always have a few questions for Esteban Kolsky @ekolsky #MMchat
read more...He is a Cal Poly Pomona graduate in CIS and BizAdmin, a passionate geek and nerd, and wants-to-get-back-to-running-so-bad runner #MMChat
read more...Q4) Can you give us a good “Real World” example of each of the above ways of using #BigData you’ve seen? #MMchat
read more...RT @ValerieSimon: @ekolsky is talking #bigdata tonight- follow #MMChat (Live Now!) via @thesocialcmo
read more...Q2) We’ve heard of large data sets before but can you tell us what it is that makes #BigData different this time around? #MMchat
read more...And as tweetchats are meant to be interactive, do feel free to intersperse your ideas & opinions on our topic #MMchat
read more...So please join me in welcoming Esteban Kolsky @ekolsky as our 78th #MarketerMonday Chat SPECIAL guest! Cheers! #MMchat