@BradBennett @ValaAfshar …
@BradBennett @ValaAfshar Hmmm… and who would be the best SPECIAL guest for this topic? Cheers! #MMchat
read more...@BradBennett @ValaAfshar Hmmm… and who would be the best SPECIAL guest for this topic? Cheers! #MMchat
read more...Tonight’s #MMchat stats: 349 tweets generated 2,302,268 impressions, reaching an audience of 266,198 followers! Cheers!
read more...And it’s ALL of you the #MMchat tweeps that make #MMchat the special time it is !!
read more...The transcript for tonight’s #MMchat will be posted shortly on @TheSocialCMO blog http://t.co/3Wlhg0ZW #MMchat
read more...Join us next week for 77th #MMchat ‘Frontline Employee Activation in Support of Global Brand Strategy’ with SPECIAL guest @MaggieLang Cheers
read more...Digital Leaders are Made, Not Born! @Socialnomics Author Erik Qualman @equalman joins us on #MMchat Jan 23rd! Cheers!
read more...‘The Power of Wikibranding and Crowdsourcing’ Transcript of tonight’s #MMchat with Mike Dover @doverd4s is NOW up! http://t.co/9QhrY3pY
read more...Last but not least, please remember #MMchat makes Mondays MARVELOUS!! Nite all!! Cheers!!
read more...Thanks everyone! Have a GREAT night and hope to see you all next week on #MMchat ! =)
read more...Follow @TheSocialCMO to stay updated on all things #MMchat including upcoming SPECIAL guests, transcripts and more! #MMchat