Q6) What are the importan…
Q6) What are the important performance metrics to measure and monitor for your branded community? #MMchat
read more...Q6) What are the important performance metrics to measure and monitor for your branded community? #MMchat
read more...Q4) Great! So if those are the obstacles, what are the key success factors for building a branded community? #MMchat
read more...Q2) How can wikibranding be used to leverage the customer’s voice in your business? #MMchat
read more...And as tweetchats are meant to be interactive, do feel free to intersperse your ideas & opinions on our topic #MMchat
read more...So please join me in welcoming Mike Dover @doverd4s as our 76th #MarketerMonday Chat SPECIAL guest! Cheers! #MMchat
read more...Q7) Once a company has wikibranded & scaled a community tell us the many ways crowdsourcing now becomes best use of customer voice? #MMchat
read more...Q5) Mike, what skills are required of individual community leaders in order to be effective? #MMchat
read more...Q3) What are the obstacles to overcome within an enterprise with respect to building a wikibrand community? #MMchat
read more...Q1) So as our first topic tonight is wikibranding can you please start by telling us what wikibranding is? #MMchat
read more...To get things rolling & the conversation kickstarted I as always have a few questions for Mike Dover @doverd4s #MMchat