.@MaggieFox leads Social …
.@MaggieFox leads Social Media Group as an independent social media agency with SAP, 3M, & Sleep Number as clients #MMchat
read more....@MaggieFox leads Social Media Group as an independent social media agency with SAP, 3M, & Sleep Number as clients #MMchat
read more....@MaggieFox is the founder & CEO of Social Media Group, est 2006 and one of the world’s most highly respected social media agencies. #MMChat
read more...For our 74th #MMChat I’m very pleased to welcome @MaggieFox as tonight’s SPECIAL guest! #MMchat
read more...To chat, simply use the hashtag #MMchat to be included in #MMchat transcript! You can also follow the chat at http://t.co/hxX3TGLe
read more...Marketing Legendary Icons in a New Media World: Last week’s #MMchat Transcript with Allison Sitch @RitzCarlton Cheers! http://t.co/WBiFxr9P
read more....@MaggieFox’s formal training is in TV broadcasting & became TV news producer before studying multimedia & comp science at McMaster #MMchat
read more...SocialMediaGroup under leader @maggiefox is agency that took Ford from zero social media capabilities to award-winning in 2010 #MMchat
read more...Our #MMchat topic tonight is: ‘Actionable Insights from a Social Media Pioneer ‘ & before we start, here’s a quick tweet Bio for @MaggieFox
read more...So every Monday at 8:00pm est we will now have on a SPECIAL guest to discuss a topic relevant to all you Social CMOs out there! #MMchat
read more...We’re pleased to be part of #MarketerMonday mix with #MMchat allowing all of us to get to know these #MM greats & discuss cool topics!