Q2) Whose initiative was …
Q2) Whose initiative was this – and why now? #MMchat
read more...Q1) Ritz-Carlton is a legendary brand that everyone has heard of, if not experienced. Why the need to market via new media? #MMchat
read more...To get things rolling & the conversation kickstarted I have a few questions for Allison Sitch @RitzCarlton #MMchat
read more...Previously she has been based in Hong Kong, Dubai and now for the last 5 years in Washington DC #MMchat
read more...Allison is a graduate of Suffolk College in England and has degree in Hospitality Management #MMchat
read more...And as tweetchats are meant to be interactive, do feel free to intersperse your ideas & opinions on our topic #MMchat
read more...So please join me in welcoming Allison Sitch @RitzCarlton as our 73rd #MarketerMonday Chat SPECIAL guest! Cheers! #MMchat
read more...Originally from England, Allison has been with @RitzCarlton for 12 Years #MMchat