Differentiate or Die! ~Be diff…
Differentiate or Die! ~Be different, but not THAT different! @TheSocialCMO post from @treypennington http://bit.ly/5Tqj6q
read more...Differentiate or Die! ~Be different, but not THAT different! @TheSocialCMO post from @treypennington http://bit.ly/5Tqj6q
read more...Social Media Marketing Strategy Already Benefiting From Google Caffeine http://bit.ly/djzOZT #socialCMO
read more...Imagine Social Media With Good Content! realizing potential of SM not novelty, but future core of content distribution http://bit.ly/aEvLgx
read more...CHART OF THE DAY: Google Revenues Reach $1.34 Million Per Employee http://bit.ly/a33jTr #socialCMO
read more...New Campaign Metric: Social Chatter ~ gauge success of ads: whether they generate consumer buzz http://bit.ly/9cmNLK
read more...Tks Lesly! RT @LeslyCardec #FollowFriday these ® RockStars: @InterviewAngel @AmyPorterfield @BTarver @MeliMoore @MsCareerGirl @mikeschaffer
read more...Who Are We? The word is now out on the street! http://bit.ly/5itELJ Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much! #socialCMO
read more...RT @BrittHaaland “Web set to become one giant social network that publishes & spreads content as it becomes available” http://bit.ly/9E018y
read more...Social media is finally about the media ~ Twitter packaged as a form of media http://bit.ly/chpUkz #socialCMO
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