What are the foundational elem…
What are the foundational elements of story, Trey? #MMchat
read more...What are the foundational elements of story, Trey? #MMchat
read more...Trey, your bio lists “story prospector” as a defining attribute. What is a story prospector? #MMChat
read more...To get things rolling & the conversation started , I have a few questions for Trey on Storytelling & later we will have Q&A #MMchat
read more...Trey’s a contrarian: you’ll see he beats a different drum when it comes to the purpose of business: “It’s NOT about the MONEY!” #MMchat
read more...HubSpot ranks @treypennington in the top 0.01% of all tweeters & ranks his Facebook profile #11 He has 93K fllwrs & 5K “friends” #MMchat
read more...Join #MMchat now just follow the hashtag #MMchat for Story Prospector @TreyPennington and his insights on storytelling in marketing!!
read more...As always, tweetchats are meant to be interactive, so feel free to intersperse your ideas & opinions on Social Media Alignment #MMchat
read more...Please join me in welcoming @TreyPennington as our #MarketerMonday Chat SPECIAL guest for this evening! #MMchat
read more...Our #MMchat guest @treypennington started his own ad agency in 1988. Throughout the 1990s his sweet spot was direct mail. #MMchat