And how are you able to t…
And how are you able to trust your employees to do the right thing every time, and how does it actually work? #MMchat
read more...And how are you able to trust your employees to do the right thing every time, and how does it actually work? #MMchat
read more...There must have been realization of potential risks associated with such open customer dialogue, can you share these with us? #MMchat
read more...OK for our first question John, where did the original idea for @Twelpforce come from? #MMchat
read more...Please join me in welcoming John Bernier @BernierJohn as our #MarketerMonday Chat SPECIAL guest this evening! #MMchat
read more...John is also a true believer that people can make all the difference in the world, #MMchat
read more...Have you run into many cases where people try and take advantage of BBY through complaining falsely on Social Media? #MMchat
read more...So with all those risks, how did you finally get comfortable with being uncomfortable? #MMchat
read more...RT @bernierjohn: and there was a team of people who brought it to life, including PR, Marketing, Legal, Customer Care..#mmchat
read more...Tweetchats are meant to be interactive, feel free to tweet ideas & opinions on Proactive Customer Service in a Social Media World #MMchat
read more...And that with the right support, they can make meaningful and impactful contributions that make a difference #MMchat