@HowellMarketing Sounds like y…
@HowellMarketing Sounds like you two might be needing a chaperone for #MemphisInMay !! =)
read more...@HowellMarketing Sounds like you two might be needing a chaperone for #MemphisInMay !! =)
read more...@correlationist I am having a REAL problem following someone who calls themselves @BubblyTwitt with no explanation! =)
read more...Happy #MarketerMonday to the Crew! Amy @HowellMarketing Chris @b2bspecialist @treypennington Alex @social2b @AnneDGallaher @ericfletcher
read more...RT @ericfletcher As the sun sets on #MarketerMonday (in TX, anyway) check @correlationist @sueyoungmedia @NW_Mktg_Guy @jeffmello @simasays
read more...#MemphisInMay & #MarketerMonday RT @HowellMarketing @AnneDGallaher @ericfletcher @socialnetdaily @ckburgess @marketingbydm @bergerchris
read more...@correlationist Not until they put up a profile… it wouldn’t be right!! ; )
read more...Happy #MarketerMonday to the Crew! @TedRubin @DebWeinstein @VenessaMiemis @CherylMcKinnon #TheSocialCMO1 is coming! ; )
read more...Happy #MarketerMonday to the Crew! @JeffAshcroft @ambercadabra @kenthuffman @SamDecker Ryan @sauerscomm Glen @GlenGilmore
read more...@correlationist OK I need to get a profile on this @BubblyTwitt person… is there champagne involved?
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