RT @rwang0: Catch the lat…
RT @rwang0: Catch the latest #constellationrg newsletter http://t.co/RUbrek6G #crchat #workdayrising #iod11
read more...RT @rwang0: Catch the latest #constellationrg newsletter http://t.co/RUbrek6G #crchat #workdayrising #iod11
read more...RT @courtneysato: Vote for @dretzer for @ConstellationRG‘s SuperNova Awards here: http://t.co/GsQCpgZT #cloud #crchat
read more...RT @cmclatcher: Exactly, @rwang0 The world is moving fast. So much data out there. Move on if it ain’t working. #CRChat
read more...RT @rwang0: +1 RT @BarryWilderman: Very cool when it works – Remember world economist predicted 7 of the last 3 recessions #crchat
read more...RT @ConstellationRG: Q2. Give us a short summary of your SuperNova Award project. #CRchat
read more...RT @BarryWilderman: But, these models are elegant, and executives must sign up for the “game” of incremental improvement over time. #crchat
read more...RT @courtneysato: Vote for @cmclatcher for @ConstellationRG‘s SuperNova Awards here: http://t.co/CdQdzIaa #analytics #crchat
read more...RT @dretzer: #CRChat A6: Didn’t go with a product (e.g. CRM/ERP). Moved data center to cloud. Agility and opportunities from there. IT i …
read more...RT @rwang0: RT @ConstellationRG: Q5. What advice can you give to others looking to get exec buy-in for disruptive tech? #CRchat
read more...RT @ConstellationRG: Q3. Why would you consider your project disruptive? #CRchat