Emerging Trends in Social Media: #MMchat with Glen Gilmore

Our thirteenth MarketerMonday Chat #MMchat was an overdue visit by our SPECIAL guest, Glen Gilmore. Glen, also known as The @Trendtracker, is an attorney, social media consultant & adjunct w/ Texas A&M’s @NERRTC

This is only the thirteenth #MMchat we’ve held and see #MMchat for more details on MarketerMonday Chat our previous SPECIAL guests, transcripts and our upcoming schedule.

Thanks again to @GlenGilmore as well as all of you AWESOME #MMchat tweeps who joined us and participated in this enlightening tweetchat on Emerging Trends in Social Media!

Check out the full transcript of the chat at http://bit.ly/GlenGilmore and please join us next week as @DannyBrown struts his stuff at November 1st at 8:00 pm EST when we’ll be talking about the Increasing Role of Content as Engagement and Marketing Tool ! See you all then!


Jeff Ashcroft
