Measuring Influence in the Social Media World #MMchat with Joe Fernandez of Klout

It was GREAT to have @JoeFernandez the CEO of @Klout on #MMchat last night so all of you could ask questions about this standard for measuring influence on Social Media.

The level of interaction on the chat was excellent and we learned a number of new things about Klout and where it is going when @JoeFernandez took the stage on #MMchat for a tweetchat with you all about Measuring Influence in the Social Media World. Who better to talk about measuring influence than the man leading Klout the standard indicator for measuring online influence?

Please take some time to review and the transcript from last night’s #MMchat with @JoeFernandez.

Thanks to all of you #MMchat tweeps and others for joining us last night and sharing your thoughts and questions on such an important topic, for it truly is all of you who make #MarketerMonday Chat matter!

Remember #MMchat makes Mondays MARVELOUS!!


Jeff Ashcroft
