Through some recent debate about which social tools are best and why, I have been listening and reflecting on how my own business has been impacted. It is one thing to spend your time researching and writing and another to spend your time helping 20+ clients win everyday in this 24/7 viral world we live in. The challenge is surfing through it all to find what works for you and your business. Time will limit what resources companies can dedicate to the social channels. I think some channels are better for certain businesses. Digital and social don’t mean a “one size fits all” strategy.
Month: August 2011
The Four Hats of The Social CMO Webinar

As with any new disruptive technology, social networking usage in enterprise business is still in its’ infancy with marketers in a preferred position to gain advantage. CMO’s can benefit from being first movers in introducing and adopting social networking technologies to become social leaders within their organizations.
Can QR codes go mainstream?
A Comscore report revealed that only 6% of smartphone users scan QR codes. That equates to approximately 14 million users in the United States.
Marketers and businesses are constantly trying to find new way to gain visibility with their audience.
All of this, in the hope of being the chosen one when there is a transaction.
Is Your Marketing Igniting Shopper Purchase …or Shopper Spam Filters?
Marketers used to be able to get away with intrusive advertising, placing online ads as pop-ups, highly distractive Flash animations, and a variety of other methods designed specifically to grab shoppers’ attention. However, consumers have changed and are no longer enticed by ads (or other marketing tactics) that interrupt them… it’s as though they now have a built-in attention spam filter that automatically blocks the ads from their awareness.
As shoppers are bombarded with information, they have become resistant to intrusive advertising. Advertising that is poorly-timed, irrelevant, and/or interrupts a current task quickly becomes an annoyance rather than an incentive to pay attention.
Why You Shouldn’t Rely on a Social Media Ringer
Let’s hire a ringer!
Or so goes the quick answer at many a business when they’re trying to figure out how to get their arms around social media. The temptation is to go out and scoop up someone with name recognition, with a prominent presence on the latest social networks, and put them in the driver’s seat for your social media strategy. That takes care of everything, right?
Not quite.
It’s awesome to hire talented, accomplished people. It’s even better to hire talented people that have skill sets and expertise that might not be prevalent in your company. But it’s very, very important to look at the long term play. Make sure your ringer is part of the picture, even an important one, but not the basket in which you’re plunking all of your eggs.
12 Most Important Ways to Build Brand Advocates
Successful social media marketing is all about relationships, with the highest ROR (Return on Relationship) coming from relationships with your Brand Advocates — those people who are so delighted by your product/service/brand that they can’t wait to tell their friends and their whole social networks about their experience. Here are 12 ways to build your Brand Advocates to increase your ROR:
1. Focus on the relationship first.
Consumers don’t fall in love with your brand and become Brand Advocates by being pushed into sales; they fall in love with your high quality product, excellent customer service, and a consistently enjoyable experience – all natural byproducts of strong relationships.
Let’s Look Inside the Mysterious Mind of the CMO
I recently had the opportunity to be the keynote speaker at the “Ignite Your Growth” Conference in Atlanta at the new HP Graphic Arts Experience Center. Knowing that the audience would consist of printing professionals interested in growing their businesses, I thought it would be interesting to discuss an individual they probably have on their prospect list – the CMO.
As a B2B marketing agency, CMOs are one of our targets as well, so we do our best to maintain a persona profile of the typical CMO. That is, we try to think like they think so we can create compelling content that will interest them.
14 Best Practices for Brands to Grow their Audiences in Social Media
As a consumer, you are blasted with the same request over and over, “Follow Us on Twitter, Like Us on Facebook” As a consumer however it is more than natural to ask why should I or what’s in it for me? These are questions of which a significant number of businesses cannot genuinely answer.
Businesses are realizing the importance of establishing a presence on Twitter and other vibrant social networks. In many ways, hosting a branded account is now common practice, a required extension to the push channels created through email, traditional marketing and web sites. What businesses are still learning however is that creating a channel, hosting a channel worth following, and building a loyal audience is a far greater challenge and overall investment than initially anticipated. At the same time, the realization that a shift from a push mentality to that of two-way interaction is nothing less than disruptive to the operation of business as usual.
Today a notable number of businesses are approaching branded social channels from a ready, fire, aim approach. This method conjures a façade of achievement when in fact, any progress, if at all recognized, is short term and shoddy at best. Many focus on numbers without first analyzing who they’re trying to reach and why and more importantly how engagement satisfies the needs of their customers. To build vibrant communities in social networks, businesses must develop a remarkable and diversified channel strategy that reinforces the brand and communicates tangible business value and exudes customer-centricity. Without a mature content and engagement strategy, a great unfollow and unlike movement is inevitable.
Five Themes for Succeeding in the “Validation Era”
One thing both consumers and marketers agree on is there is too much noise. What’s causing that noise are the 150 million users on Twitter, the over 700 million on Facebook and the millions across other networks of contribution. Last week Twitter reported they host 200 million tweets a day. Each is a person or company’s voice shouting for attention. Everyone wants to be heard, but our ears can only handle so much information.
Steve Rubel, social media thought leader and Executive Vice President for Edelman, referred to this shift in web dynamics as The Validation Era. The implications of this era apply to anyone trying to reach an audience: brands, retailers, broadcasters and publishers.
My Single Most Powerful Productivity Trick
You could circle the world at least dozen times just by stringing together all the words that have been written about productivity.
In particular, managing information overload in a social and new media era is a topic that never ceases to draw the masses. There isn’t a day that passes that I don’t see at least a post from someone lamenting how they simply can’t keep up anymore, or keep track of what they have to do, or how they’re getting buried in information but not finding anything valuable out there. It happens to the best of us.