Is it any surprise that Amazon Payments has become a success story? Well, sort of. Despite Amazon’s well-earned reputation for developing efficient eCommerce solutions, going toe-to-toe with PayPal is no small task. The truth is that both services work quite well, and each has carved out its own (very large) niche in addition to the places where the two overlap. I’ve been seeing Amazon Payments pop up quite often in my day-to-day life as a consumer lately, and simple, safe, efficient payment options are always en vogue from a business perspective.
Amazon Payments Is Making Its Presence Felt
One of the great things about having an Amazon account is that you can shop for just about anything, and do so very quickly. The huge collection of smaller retailers that make up the Amazon ecosystem ensures that you have access to such a wide selection, and Amazon Payments simplifies the process of managing such a complex web of transactions. Consumers get an easy way to pay, business owners get an easy way to get paid, and everybody wins.
But a service like Amazon Payments is only useful if both businesses and consumers buy in, which was no guarantee. PayPal found early success in part because it was joined at the hip with eBay, and grew from there. The Amazon we know today makes eBay feel quaint by comparison, and consumers (myself included) attach quite a bit of trust to the Amazon brand. So in an extremely competitive market, it’s no surprise that a giant like Amazon is the brand best positioned to challenge the established order.
Still, even the Amazon name only goes so far. It’s a great way to get people in the door, but the service must still offer value to keep them around. And it does. I was inspired to write this post after making a purchase directly from a company website that offers Amazon Payments and was struck by the “Pay with Amazon” button prominently featured in my shopping cart. Placing an order with an independent retailer was as easy and stress-free as buying a book in the Kindle app.
The Customer Service Concerns of Online Payments
I place enough orders through Amazon that I should probably own stock in a few shipping companies, at this point. Perhaps a drone manufacturer would be the better bet for the future. Either way, a Pay with Amazon button is right in my wheelhouse, so the more often I see it, the better.
As a consumer, my customer service desires from an online payment processor are pretty simple. I want security, reliability, convenience, and responsiveness. Just as importantly, I want a company that’s willing to admit mistakes, and address them appropriately, which is one of the reasons that I find Amazon so appealing. #JustBeHuman, even when you’re processing payments.
The convenience of Amazon Payments is already strong, but it’s also an area that’s ripe for potential growth. The “Pay with PayPal” button is ubiquitous in online retail, and the “Pay with Amazon” button is still catching up. That’s why I’m happy to see Amazon Payments making inroads on my day-to-day shopping, and to see retailers of all sizes more actively embracing the service.
This isn’t about crowning a “winner” between Amazon Payments and PayPal; there’s no need. Competition is a good thing, especially when it leads to fewer forms and more convenience when shopping online. #RetailRelevancy
Previously posted at TedRubin.com