How B2B Influence Adds Value to Business Customers

Lee Odden and I have been friends for over a decade. He’s super smart, a pioneer in digital discovery and influencer, and a wonderful human being.

We recently worked together on the 2020 State of B2B Influencer Marketing Report. And, to celebrate its launch, we shared a moment together diving into the world of B2B influence.

I wanted to share it with you here…transcript and video below.

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Amplify possibility

“People like us do things like this.”

Social media understands this.

It also knows that people like points, likes and something that feels like popularity.

The social media companies optimized their algorithms for profit. And profit, they figured, would come from engagement. And engagement, they figured, would come from confounding our instincts and rewarding outrage.

Because outrage draws a crowd.

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