Look back throughout history, and ask yourself where the big, meaningful changes in society come from most often. Is it the people who are invested, often for many years, in the status quo? The folks who are piling up profits thanks to the current system, whatever it is? Nope. So often, the biggest changes in society are lead by the young. When you see someone in a position of power say, “they’re just kids,” feel free to nod your head and laugh. These kids are going to change the world. They always do.
Ted Rubin
What #FollowThePath Means to Me… and Can Mean to You
Sometimes, your favorite concepts take on a life of their own, and #FollowThePath definitely qualifies for me. It’s an idea that encompasses much of what I believe is important in business and in life – so naturally it’s based on the ideas that have stuck with me most over the years. I look at it as a way to improve building relationships with customers and building a sustainable, long-term audience for what you have to offer. But it’s also an approach to self-improvement – a way to stay motivated, and a reminder to keep your head up when the going gets tough. Staying focused, no matter where, when, and for what reason.
What does it mean to you?
The easiest way to look at #FollowThePath may be to view it as an extension, or a combination, of some of my favorite ideas. Your path is unique to you and your business, but there are also many commonalities in the path that we all share. I can tell you all day long what it means to me, but that’s not as important as what you take away from it for yourself. Everyone follows a path, and only you know what yours looks like, or what you envision it to be. Perhaps #FollowThePath can be a mantra for you to keep your eye on the prize… Personal and Business.
That brings up another recent hashtag, #NoLetUp! It’s an important concept to me as well. I still remember hearing it from my friend Tony Luisi for the first time. The term #NoLetUp! is about life. It’s about business. It’s about health. It’s everything, really. The concept became real to me when I was battling in the courts to keep my daughters in my life, and I realized that winning the court battle is just the beginning – it’s an everyday effort to stay connected to your kids, especially for single parents. But for all parents, heck – they’re your kids! So there’s #NoLetUp! there. We’ve got to always be going, communicating, staying connected and loving them. It never ends. That’s true of all relationships you cherish with family, friends and business associates. If you want to keep those relationships, your efforts are never-ending.
#NoLetUp! is true of business as well. So many of us think that, “Wow, if I can just get this next gig, or the next client then I can relax.” But no, there’s #NoLetUp! there. If we want to be successful we have to embrace that. That doesn’t mean you can’t take a day or a weekend to recharge, but you can’t sit on your laurels – you’ve got to keep working it.
““Wow, if I can just get this next gig, or the next client then I can relax.” But no, there’s #NoLetUp! there.
To me it’s also about concentrating on human connection, even in this digital age when we’re connected 24/7 on a variety of social platforms that keep evolving. There’s #NoLetUp! when we wake up with our phones and are always checking in to see what communication is going on, what’s happening in the world – what’s happening in our day. You just can’t say, “Stop the world, I wanna get off!” It’s happening around us whether we’re involved or not, and if we slow down or stop, we lose something important.
How relationships fit in
We all need a healthy serving of Return on Relationship or #RonR, because you can’t #FollowThePath without being conscious of the people around you. That’s true whether you’re talking friends, family, employees, clients, consumers, or anyone else. Relationships are at the heart of the whole process. You can’t get anywhere meaningful without building them, and you can’t build meaningful relationships by sitting on the sidelines.
Building relationships takes engagement, and a genuine desire to connect. It might mean breaking out of the easy and the ordinary, by becoming a social influencer, or simply making the time for people who reach out to you, no matter how they choose to do it. It definitely means listening to the people who matter to you, then taking what you learn by listening and using it to strengthen the relationship(s).
Being genuine is key
The common denominator in all of these concepts is being true to yourself, and authentic with other people. Social is one place where #RonR really shines, because it’s so easy to fall into the trap of being just another business. Anyone can share information without ever making the effort to really connect. You won’t get any Return on Relationship there, and that’s not what #FollowThePath is about either. Being genuine and honest with yourself and others is a prerequisite – not an option.
I guess the biggest takeaway is that all of these concepts relate to each other and build on one another. If you take #RonR, then mix in a healthy helping of #NoLetUp!, you can start to see what #FollowThePath really means for me. For example, let’s apply it to retail. Think about how each of these concepts applies to the Path-to-Purchase. How can you build a better customer experience, and what can you do to create meaningful relationships with the people who matter most to your business? When things are going well, and you can see your hard work paying off, how do you stay motivated to tackle the next challenge?
One more ingredient
You can’t accomplish any of this without being willing to say “yes” and embrace the possibilities that come next.
Be open to considering new ideas and take an honest look at whether the old ones are still working. Whether you’re building your brand, improving yourself, being there for friends and family, or simply hoping to make the most of each day, being ready to take action is essential for #RonR and #NoLetUp! if you’re truly going to #FollowThePath.
Previously posted at TedRubin.com
My Not-So-Great Guild and Yelp Experience: You’ve GOT to be Kidding Me…
You would think, given everything that has transpired regarding restaurant reviews in digital media over the past decade, that restaurant managers/owners would take the hint that the customer’s experience at their restaurant IS their brand. However, I guess there are some hold-outs that simply don’t get it. Especially since Yelp seems more than willing to shield them if they play the old “Mafia protection game.”
Video Content for Social Media – How Crucial is it For Your Marketing in 2018?
With the addition of live streaming we now have the ability to share all video, AND “all content,” in so many more ways, via more apps, with story-telling and engagement at the core. I find that I need to use this ability more, but also see so many using it way too much. So… standing out in a positive way is not easy. I have decided to make use of video here and there, make it something special, and when I think it adds value, instead of bombarding people constantly. You need to see how you can tell stories, create narratives, build relationships, communicate with consumers, and create learning for your organization… but pay attention to your relationships and connection nodes, and be sure to evolve as you go, and don’t lose sight of what was working before and still does. If you are only focused on the Money… You risk completely overlooking the People.
Always remember what is crucial in marketing is achieving your goals without doing damage to your brand. Customer experience is what will grow and sustain your brand over the long-term. So… if video content for social media facilitates that, cost-effectively, then by all means it is important. If not… then it most certainly is not.
Your Brand/Business is what you do; your Reputation is what people Remember and Share.
#RetailRelevancy #FollowThePath… #NoLetUp!
Previously posted at TedRubin.com
Why You Should Never Let Your “Bubble” Burst
Whether you’ve got a handful of dedicated, vocal connections or a large, diverse group of followers, every single one of us has a “social bubble,” a finite group of people who connect with you and stay connected to engage in some way. The size of your bubble depends on how you approach social, what your goals are, and how willing you are to truly engage, but there’s no doubt that your bubble is one of your most important assets on social media.
How Simple Self-Awareness Affects Relationships
One of the secrets about just being nice is that it can be pretty easy when you make it a focus at the start of each day. There will always be people who test your limits, but you’ll also get a ton of positive feedback from people who appreciate common courtesy. But what about those moments “in the wild,” when you’re out doing your thing, focused on the task at hand, and maybe a bit tuned out to the world around you? In those moments, being aware of what’s going on around you (the act of self-awareness) can make a big difference in how your actions are perceived by others, and whether you make a positive or negative impression.
How Small Business Retailers Can Thrive in the New #RetailRelevancy World
It’s no secret that online retailers have had a major impact on the brick-and-mortar retail world, and this has mostly been bad news for the big, traditional retailers that do most of their business in-store. From a consumer standpoint, why go to the mall, a big-box retailer, or even a grocery store, when you can spend less time and money buying what you need online?
Traditional Retail Isn’t Really Dead… It’s Evolving
Remember the first time that traditional retail stores were supposed to disappear due to competition from online outlets? Amazon introduced the Kindle, a bunch of bookstores eventually closed, and plenty of pundits envisioned the same thing happening in a host of other retail niches. Take a walk through the downtown of any busy city, and you will quickly see that reports of the death of traditional retail were greatly exaggerated. It’s not just that traditional retail can still thrive, but that we have access to a more diverse, eclectic mix of small business than ever before!
Too Busy to Reply? Good Luck Maintaining Relationships!
How long does it take to acknowledge the existence of someone you know who has reached out to you directly with a question or comment? I get that people are busy, and that we all get plenty of spam online. I also get that high-level executives feel like their very valuable time (more valuable than yours, of course) should not, under any circumstances, be wasted. I even get that sometimes a note from a friend or acquaintance slips through the cracks even when you have the best intentions to respond.
Social and Communications Platforms are What You Make of Them
You will find no shortage of opinions when you visit your favorite social media platform, and you’ll also find no shortage of opinions about social and communications platforms in general. There is no arguing with the fact that at the most basic level, social and comms platforms can be very useful tools in both marketing and our everyday lives. Whether you see them as more than that ultimately depends much more on you than on the platforms themselves. It’s how you see them – and most importantly how you use them – that determines your experience.