Is grace a word we hear outside of worship? Its meanings include: elegance, politeness, generosity of spirit, or a pleasing quality. A topic of Pastor Jim’s sermon today, I began thinking on the way home from church about how I’ve seen grace in action outside the church.
- ABC’s Dancing with the Stars explained on Tuesday evening that what may have been perceived as the audience booing Sarah Palin (whose daughter Bristol is a contestant) the previous night, was actually the audience expressing its extreme displeasure with scores given by the judges on another performance. (Grace, as an expression of politeness)
- The effervescent Jennifer Delaye (JDK Catering; “cover girl” of the September issue of Business Woman and the August issue of Harrisburg Magazine) shared her perspective on innovation and shared slides showing examples of her fantastic event food and room decor design in my class on Tuesday. One of my students, Veronica, held her hand up in the middle of her presentation, and shared a high five with Jennifer, telling her, “You’ve got it going on!” (Grace, as a pleasing quality)
- One of my colleagues from Harrisburg Area Community College, Judy, was setting up our Artisan’s Marketplace in Gettysburg this week. One of the artists missed the gallery submission deadline; she offered (with my permission) to have the artist drop their work off at my home so I could transport it to Harrisburg the day following, so Judy could take it to Gettysburg to include it in the show. Judy was beaming ear-to-ear at her opening night on Friday, partly because she knew the experience wouldn’t have been as successful if this artist’s work hadn’t been there. (Grace, as generosity of spirit)
- I’m having the privilege of working with some terrific people I met in Memphis last May, thanks to folks like @HowellMarketing and @AnneDGallaher. One of the by-products of this meeting is the publication of a book on social media, with contributions from some of the people at this event. While I feel like I’m a relative newbie with this medium, @TheSocialCMO (who is coordinating all this talent) and fellow contributor @markwschaefer have been kind enough to allow to me contribute in some small way to this book. (Grace, as in elegance)

While still recognizing that grace is easier to bestow on a thankful recipient, couldn’t we all use just a little more grace beyond the pew?
Kathy Snavely
(This post was written by a grateful recipient of grace in its many forms.)